Tag: welfare state
La fatal arrogancia de Hayek
Ensayo escrito por Kevin Carson. Título original: Hayek’s Fatal Conceit Versión en español realizada por Kathiana Thomas • Versión pdf A4 • • Versión pdf compaginado • Oskar Lange es recordado por haber dicho, durante los debates acerca del argumento del cálculo económico de Ludwing von Mises, que se debería erigir una estatua de Mises…
Hayek’s Fatal Conceit
Traducción al español: La fatal arrogancia de Hayek View or download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s C4SS Study: Hayek’s Fatal Conceit Oskar Lange famously said, against the background of the debates over Ludwig von Mises’ economic calculation argument, that a statue of Mises should be erected in the planning ministry of a future socialist…
Demistificare il Miniarchismo di Sinistra
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 3 giugno 2020 con il titolo Demystifying Left Minarchism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quando si parla di libertarismo di destra, molti che gravitano in quell’area elencano le varie fazioni del movimento libertario. Le più note, semplificando, si riducono ad anarchismo e miniarchismo. Tra gli anarchici troviamo l’anarchismo giusnaturalista…
Demystifying Left Minarchism
When talking about right libertarianism, many associated with those circles are quick to point out the varying factions of the libertarian movement. The simplest and most well known division is that between the anarchists and minarchists. On the anarchist side, you have your natural rights ancaps, consequentialist ancaps, agorists, individualist anarchists, free market anarchists, geo-anarchists,…
Dalla Parte del Piccolo
Sul dibattito tra prezzi gonfiati e saccheggio Di Alex McHugh. Originale: In Defense of Small Business: On the Price Gouging/Looting Debate, 27 marzo 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Mentre il mondo reagisce alla pandemia di Covid-19 (o coronavirus), nascono molte opportunità di evidenziare la prospettiva anarchista. Il mutuo soccorso, nel tentativo disperato di minimizzare l’impatto…
In Defense of Small Business: On the Price Gouging/Looting Debate
As the world responds to the COVID-19 (or coronavirus) pandemic, we’re seeing many opportunities to highlight the anarchist perspective. Right now, mutual aid is the shining star of the last-ditch efforts to minimize the impact on the global north.  From communities passing the hat for those who are out of work, to neighbors dropping off…
Shutdown for Now—How to Shut It Down for Good!
The United States government recently shut down for the longest stretch in history: the government spent one-month in deadlock between its Democratic-majority Congress and Republican President Donald Trump over a budget resolution. President Trump proposed a deal temporarily reinstating protections for people who immigrated to the United States without documentation while minors in exchange for…
Reddito di Base, Libertà e Giustizia
Come un reddito di base universale potrebbe creare libertà economica e giustizia sociale [Di Vishal Wilde. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 20 aprile 2017 con il titolo A UBI Can Create Economic Freedom and Social Justice. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Vista la richiesta sempre più forte di un reddito di base…
A UBI Can Create Economic Freedom And Social Justice
Given increasingly prominent calls for a Universal Basic Income (UBI), it is worth considering the extent to which such proposals accord with the principles of freedom and justice. UBI divides opinions and elicits controversy from across the political spectrum because it seems to be both idealistic and fatally flawed.
Reddito di Base Come Sistema di Controllo
[Di Chris Shaw. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 15 marzo 2017 con il titolo Basic Income as a System of Control. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] “Il reddito di base, sia a nord che a sud, varia secondo come lo inquadriamo. È una sorta di elemosina dei ricchi, o un diritto per…
Basic Income as a System of Control
“Basic income – in both the north and the south – all depends on how we frame it. Will it be cast as a form of charity by the rich? Or will it be cast as a right for all?”[1] The above remark encapsulates the promise and the potential perils of a universal basic income (UBI): a…
Dal Mutuo Soccorso Solidale allo Stato Sociale
Recensione di: David Beito, From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967, University of North Carolina Press, 2000. Per gran parte del diciannovesimo e ventesimo secolo milioni di americani furono membri di organizzazioni di mutuo soccorso note come società benefiche, o di solidarietà. Queste società, organizzate democraticamente, fornivano ai loro…
From Fraternal Mutual Aid to Welfare State
A Review of David Beito’s From Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967, (University of North Carolina Press-2000) Through much of the 19th and 20th centuries millions of Americans were members of mutual aid organizations known as fraternal societies. These democratically organized groups provided their members with an assortment of…
Karl Hess: Presidential Speechwriter Turned Homesteader
Karl Hess: Presidential Speechwriter Turned Homesteader Interview by Anson Mount (Mother Earth News) (Originally published in Mother Earth News, January/February, 1976 issue) Introduction It was so easy back then — during the 1950’s and early 60’s — to be a Right Thinking Citizen of the United States. Easy because we all knew who wore the…
The Sowell of Man Under Capitalism
Once again — this time using the Baltimore uprising as a pretext — Thomas Sowell has pulled out the template for his favorite column dismissing what he calls “the ‘legacy of slavery’ argument” and blaming black poverty on the Great Society (“The Inconvenient Truth About Ghetto Communities’ Social Breakdown,” National Review, May 5). As is…
The Poverty of the Welfare State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “The Poverty of the Welfare State [PDF]” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Joe Peacott, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. As the government, at various levels, attempts to cut back on welfare and other entitlement payments to poor people and/or require people to work in exchange for their welfare…
Libertarian versus Welfare-State Property Rights
Last week I set out Auburn University philosopher Roderick Long’s argument that libertarianism can’t be reasonably dismissed as strange. (A modest objective, to be sure.) After all, Long writes, mainstream libertarianism holds that each individual has a right not to be aggressed against, aggression being defined descriptively (not normatively) as the initiation of physical force….
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory