Tag: war
I Don’t Love America Either, Rudy
In his ongoing quest to remain relevant, Rudy Giuliani recently accused president Barack Obama of not loving America. In the ensuing outrage, Giuliani quickly backpedaled, clarifying that he doesn’t doubt Obama’s love of country, but instead believes Obama’s policies are wrongheaded, representative of someone who doesn’t know what’s in America’s best interests, as set forth in the Rudy…
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Idols
If you’re outside the liberty movement social media universe, you might not have known that The Happening was absolutely happening last weekend. What was The Happening, you ask as I admire your ignorance of the affair? Well, the International Students For Liberty Conference (ISFLC) was kicking off with movement darlings Ron Paul and Andrew Napolitano….
A Modest Proposal: Mandatory Military Service for Congress
If it seems like only months ago that America’s warmongers were claiming there would be no need for US boots on the ground in the fight against the Islamic State (IS), that’s because it was. When the politicians initially decided to promote IS to the position of threat du jour, they promised that threat could be eliminated without sacrifice of American…
Three Tales of the DRM Curtain
These three short stories all come from the same Cory Doctorow collection, Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present (New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2007). Free download here. The three are all set against a background of what I call the “DRM Curtain,” a transnational corporate Empire based on artificial scarcities enforced through a maximalist version “intellectual…
Selective Hearing in the War on Terror
Watching Fox News’s recent coverage of the Islamic State’s Twitter-hack left me shaking my head in disbelief, as usual. The latest act alleged to have been carried out by IS is the group’s takeover of several Twitter accounts belonging to the wives of US military servicemen. Among the threatening tweets issued by IS through the hacked…
El “American Sniper” no era un héroe ni nada por el estilo
A pesar de lo que algunos piensan, héroe no es sinónimo de competente asesino a sueldo contratado por el gobierno. Si American Sniper, la exitosísima película de Clint Eastwood, provoca una franca conversación pública sobre la guerra y el heroísmo, el gran director habrá prestado un servicio muy necesario al país y el mundo. Esto…
“Homeland Security”: Please, Br’er Conservatives, Don’t Throw Us Into the Briar Patch!
“Hardline House GOP conservatives aren’t worried about a looming Department of Homeland Security shutdown,” reports Cristina Marcos at The Hill. They’d rather let DHS’s funding lapse than give up a provision in its new appropriation reversing president Barack Obama’s recent executive orders on immigration. Is it just me, or does this sound more like the promise of ice…
The Islamic State: Obama Doth Protest Too Much
“The so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL),” writes US president Barack Obama in his letter to Congress of February 11, “poses a threat to the people and stability of Iraq, Syria, and the broader Middle East, and to U.S. national security.” Therefore, Obama requests that Congress pass an “Authorization for the Use of…
The Poison Called Nationalism
“Forward, the Light Brigade!” Was there a man dismay’d? Not tho’ the soldier knew Someone had blunder’d: Theirs not to make reply, Theirs not to reason why, Theirs but to do and die: Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” Alfred, Lord Tennyson The reason for the…
Brian Williams Shouldn’t Have Been Valorized to Begin With
For the last twelve years, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams has publicly recounted the story of a harrowing 2003 helicopter flight in Iraq. Covering the war on the first day of the American invasion, Williams traveled with the US Army’s 159th Aviation Regiment. According to Williams, an Iraqi RPG struck his helicopter, forcing it to make a dangerous emergency landing. Williams…
“Terrore” Come Retorica Vittimistica
Tutto questo parlare di terrorismo serve soltanto a mascherare l’impulso alla guerra con una retorica vittimistica. Vedete, la Francia non è “in guerra”, ma sta solo rispondendo ad attacchi “terroristici”. Quei vili, miserabili banditi non sono guerrieri o soldati, ma pazzi, cani sciolti del terrore. Senza questo ragionamento, l’assalto agli uffici di Charlie Hebdo del…
The FBI is Great at Disrupting (Its Own) “Terror Plots”
On January 14 the US Department of Justice announced that the Joint Terrorism Task Force had disrupted the latest “domestic terrorism plot” — this time by “a Cincinnati-area man … to attack the U.S. Capital and kill government officials.” House Speaker  John Boehner immediately cited the disrupted plot as evidence that Congress should think carefully before refusing…
“Terror” as Victim Rhetoric
The entire purpose of the language of terrorism is to cloak the sentiments of war in a victim rhetoric. You see, France isn’t “at war,” they’re merely responding to “terror” attacks. Those wretched, vile gunmen are not warriors or soldiers, they’re madmen, lone wolf terrorists. The attack on Charlie Hebdo‘s office on January 7 might otherwise be…
The Open Society and its Worst Enemies
Last week’s bloody events in Paris demonstrate yet again that a noninterventionist foreign policy, far from being a luxury, is an urgent necessity — literally a matter of life and death. A government that repeatedly wages wars of aggression — the most extreme form of extremism — endangers the society it ostensibly protects by gratuitously making enemies, some…
Questioning Murray Rothbard on the Civil War and Just War
Murray Rothbard once opined that there were only two “just wars” in all of American history. The wars in question were the American Revolutionary War and the secessionist war of the Confederate States during the American Civil War. Murray’s reasoning for including, at least, the war of the Confederacy is dubious. To quote his take…
“Civilized” War is Permanent War on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Christiaan Elderhorst‘s ““Civilized” War is Permanent War” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. A number of ideas have been put forward to mediate the amount of innocent victims. Technology philosopher Christine Boshuijzen cites technologically impaired military officials as a reason for civilian deaths. Doctoral student Dieuwertje Kuijpers calls for more democratic…
Howl for the New Year
Another year is over. The New Year holiday is a natural time of reflection. When the ball drops and fireworks pop in the early January sky 2014 will be gone. A whole new year of human history will begin. A whole new year to continue our beautiful struggle. If there is one fact our collective history…
Surprise: The Drug War isn’t about Drugs on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Surprise: The Drug War isn’t about Drugs” read by Dylan Delikta and edited by Nick Ford. Perhaps the biggest joke is that the War on Drugs is fought to reduce drug use. No doubt many people involved in the domestic enforcement side of the Drug War actually believe this, but the left…
Climate Action: Stand on the Ashes of Power on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Grant A. Mincy‘s “Climate Action: Stand on the Ashes of Power” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. The US Department of Defense is the nation’s single largest consumer of fossil fuels. From arms production to the grand machines of war, the military emits more greenhouse gas than any other state institution….
A Christmas Truce Story
A new finding of bloodshed in WWI’s “Christmas truce” on the cusp of its hundredth anniversary strengthens, rather than undermines, its example for peace. The UK’s Telegraph reports (“Christmas truce of 1914 was broken when German snipers killed two British soldiers,” December 22) the incident, pieced together from historical records. On the front lines in…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory