Tag: war
Em suma, a instituição militar, do mesmo modo que a grande corporação, é uma instituição gigantesca, burocrática, irracional e autoritária
To understand the drone war, read the victims’ stories.
D’Amato: Libyans ought to oppose not any particular political ideology or regime, but the state itself.
Apple rejects drone app
Essas balas progressistas ferem tão menos, não ferem?
Американское восприятие «самозащиты» и «агрессии» также искажено, как у нацистской Германии.
It’s a textbook case of blowback.
On this latest anniversary I want to talk about how the state breeds war – both in the sense of provoking attacks like 9/11, and in the sense of generating its own misguided responses, like the Iraq war.
David S. D’Amato y la verdadera lección del 9/11.
Carson: If we break it down and translate it a bit at a time, we can actually distill some sense from it.
David D’Amato habla sobre el rol de la guerra en el fortalecimiento del sistema de control del estado.
Thomas L. Knapp responde a lo último de William Lind en el American Conservative.
David D’Amato analiza el alarmismo oportunista de aquellos que promueven la histeria respecto a Irán.
Thomas L. Knapp no tiene miedo del hombre del saco nuclear.
Kevin Carson analiza las victorias y derrotas más recientes relacionadas con la propiedad intelectual en la lucha de la clase productiva
Knapp: So why don’t we treat it like one?
Carson v. the Hegemon
Darian Worden: Evidence of the danger posed by Barack Obama and the US government continues to pile up.
Carson: “Mommy, he hit me back!”
Tom Knapp: Newt Gingrich, Motherf—-r of Invention.