Tag: war
Gaza’s Youth Manifesto for Change!
We want to be free, we want to live, we want peace.
Y… ¿Qué vas a Hacer Cuando la Celebración Haya Terminado?
Kevin Carson: Disfruten plenamente este momento. Sáquenselo del sistema.
State Violence Limited Only by Capacity
The best weapon is one you never have to fire? The state prefers the one that you only have to fire once – then again. Then some more.
Martins on Gitmo Military Commissions: “The Will of Our People!”
To hear a government official come right out and admit they’re creating a shadow legal system is incredible – and terrifying.
Уважаемым сторонникам Обамы: послание от анархиста
Теперь, когда Обама благополучно сел на второй срок, мне есть о чём с вами поговорить.
So, What Are You Doing After the Victory Celebration?
Kevin Carson: By all means, enjoy yourselves. Get it out of your system.
Caros Partidários de Obama: carta de um anarquista
Agora que Obama obteve segundo mandato, vocês e eu precisamos ter uma conversa.
Kära Obama-Supporters: Ett brev från en anarkist
Grattis. Kandidaten ni föredrog vann en andra mandatperiod som president.
Queridos partidarios de Obama: carta de un anarquista
Ahora que Obama ha obtenido un segundo mandato, tú y yo necesitamos tener una conversación.
Dear Obama Supporters: a letter from an anarchist
Now that Obama has got himself a second term, you and I need to have a chat.
The Ugly Truth Behind Daylight Saving Time
Cody Dunn: It was not until the next world war where daylight savings made its comeback.
How Star Wars Should Have Ended: Reflections on Taste, The Expanded Universe & Radical Politics
The most potent and successful component of Star Wars was the taste of reality that suffused its fantastical nature.
War, Children: It’s Just a Welfare Check Away
Knapp: You can have politics or you can have peace, but you can’t have both.
The Foreign Policy Debate: Coke or Pepsi?
Kevin Carson: However the 2012 race comes out the foreign policy will be the same, “We come in peace — shoot to kill, shoot to kill…”
Come Home, America
Bill Kauffman: Liberals need another George McGovern—and perhaps conservatives do too.
O Estado: Terrorismo Institucionalizado
Todos os estados são, do mesmo modo que a Al Qaeda é, fundamentalmente criminosos.
O Estado é uma Epidemia
Knapp: Então por que não o tratamos como tal?
Bradley Manning: Soldado Que Realmente “Defendeu Nossa Liberdade”
Se há soldado em algum lugar do mundo que já lutou e sofreu por minha liberdade, é o soldado de primeira classe Bradley Manning.
The Elements of Empire
D’Amato: The free competition that market anarchists advocate for is entirely opposed to that system.
Reflexões a Partir da Pista de Aterrissagem Dois
Não acredito que o estado vá tornar-se menos totalitário em sua intenção ou em sua política, mas sua capacidade de preensão se debilitará mais depressa do que o estender-se de seu alcance.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory