Tag: War on Drugs
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 94
Medea Benjamin discusses 10 steps to wean the U.S. off militarism. Ron Jacobs discusses the footprint of the U.S. military in Africa. Sam Husseini discusses U.S. government violence from Hiroshima to Iraq. Uri Avnery discusses the divide and conquer strategy of Netanyahu. George Selgin discusses how the Federal Reserve is joining the War on Drugs….
The Absurdity of Criminalizing Drug Use
Statists put forth some fairly ridiculous arguments regarding why the state must exist in the first place, from regulating simple business transactions to policing what we do in our personal lives. Out of all the regulations state-supporters say are “necessary,” the criminalization of drug use is the most detestable. People partake in many sordid vices,…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 79
David Sirota discusses the parade of phony GOP “libertarians”. Charles Burris on why Ayn Rand got Robin Hood wrong. Eric Margolis discusses a WW1 Churchill crime. Steven Horowitz discusses how capitalism contributed to feminism and gay marriage. Justin Raimondo discusses the Saudi state as our enemy. Doug Bandow discusses why America should say no to…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 77
Binoy Kampmark discusses the atrocities of the Shia militias. Anand Gopal discusses the creation of an Afghan Blackwater. Laurence M. Vance discusses limiting the government’s carbon footprint. David S. D’Amato discusses decentralism and libertarianism. Kevin Schwartz discusses hyping a proxy war in Yemen. Laurence M. Vance discusses the drug war litmus test. Glenn Greenwald discusses…
Rhode Island’s Pot Prohibitionists
With marijuana legalization efforts finding success in scattered parts of the United States, Rhode Island stands as a potential trailblazer. A new attempt at legalization put forth by its state legislature looms as a modest victory in 2015 for proponents of liberty and sane drug policy. Modest, because unfortunately the state would still maintain a…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 64
Ron Jacobs discusses free speech in Manhattan. Dave Lindorff discusses the Philly cop chief and a newspaper. Carl Finamore discusses making black lives matter in 2015. Dr. Binoy Kampmark discusses China in the Balkans. Bruce Fein discusses abolishing the CIA. FEE features selections from Max Weber discussing the inherently violent character of the state. Jeffrey…
Surprise: The Drug War isn’t about Drugs on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Surprise: The Drug War isn’t about Drugs” read by Dylan Delikta and edited by Nick Ford. Perhaps the biggest joke is that the War on Drugs is fought to reduce drug use. No doubt many people involved in the domestic enforcement side of the Drug War actually believe this, but the left…
Sorpresa: La Guerra alla Droga non Riguarda le Droghe
La mattina del sei novembre l’Fbi ha annunciato la chiusura del sito Silk Road 2.0 e l’arresto del suo presunto gestore, Blake Benthall. In questo modo, l’Fbi ha dimostrato una volta di più che la guerra alla droga non ha niente a che vedere con quello che sostengono i suoi propagandisti. Se la criminalizzazione della…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 57
Laurence M. Vance discusses why he could never be elected to office. Noam Chomsky discusses how the U.S. is the world’s leading terrorist state. Ivan Eland discusses whether Obama is the worst president in American history. John Glaser discusses a book on government led humanitarian action. Justin Raimondo discusses electoral politics and foreign policy. Ted…
Belem: The Siege, the Drug War and the Police State
The night of November 4th in Belem, capital of Brazil’s Para state, was terrorizing. After the death of Corporal Figueiredo, from the Tactical Ops (Rotam) of the Military Police of the State of Para, at 7:30 PM, there was a violent retaliation, killing nine people, according to the official numbers, six of whom were undoubtedly executed….
Surprise: The Drug War Isn’t About Drugs
On the morning of November 6 the US Federal Bureau of Investigation trumpeted its takedown of the Silk Road 2.0 website and the arrest of  alleged operator Blake Benthall. In so doing the FBI demonstrated, once again, that the War on Drugs has nothing to do with anything its propagandists claim it’s about. If drug criminalization is a…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 53
Kathy Kelly discusses ISIS and the war in Iraq. Douglas Macgregor discusses U.S. military intervention. Franklin Lamb discusses Syrian migrants and their plight. William Blum discusses the Berlin Wall. Sheldon Richman discusses torture and Obama. Lucy Steigerwald discusses the War on Drugs abroad. Richard M. Ebeling discusses Ludwig Von Mises and the business cycle. David…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 47
David S. D’ Amato discusses the political economy of Benjamin Tucker. Tom Engelhardt discusses how America made ISIS. Peter Harling discusses how ISIS is back in business. Jacob Sullum discusses pot related prisoners of the War on Drugs. Ronald Bailey discusses whether immigrants are more likely to commit crime or not. Kevin Carson discusses Reason…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 43
George H. Smith’s series on social laws is now on its third part. Patrick Cockburn discusses the end of Iraq. Cesar Chelala discusses war crimes in Iraq and Syria. John Marciano discusses Obama’s response to the torture scandal. Doug Bandow discusses the recent U.S. military action in Iraq. Jay Stephenson discusses how network television presents…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 41
Kevin Carson discusses why distrust in government is a good thing. Kevin Carson discusses how the makers and takers aren’t who you think. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses the War on Drugs, intervention, and immigrant children. Patrick Cockburn discusses the Saudi complicity in the rise of ISIS. Gina Luttrell discusses bootleggers, baptists, and birth control. Justin…
Weed Legalization as Privatization, Disempowerment on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “Weed Legalization as Privatization, Disempowerment” read and edited by Nick Ford. Marijuana’s legalization seems much more like neoliberal privatization of markets than true liberation of them. While I do not question the decency of these first major marijuana retailers, there are legitimate concerns. Those most victimized by the state’s rabid oppression…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 30
David Stockman discusses how the Vietnam War led to the war in Afghanistan and other wars today. Justin Raimondo discusses the troubling return of nationalism. Jayel Aheram discusses how Malala Yousafzai is being used as a puppet for imperialism. Philip Giraldi discusses torture, the Senate, and the CIA. Conor Friedersdorf discusses how No Place to…
Miley Cyrus et la culture libertarienne rénégate
L’artiste la plus célébrée et controversée de l’année est, sans aucun doute, Miley Cyrus. Miley a rapidement et parfaitement transformé son image enfantine des années 2000 à la rebelle corporate. Miley a captivé les audiences avec ce que beaucoup considèrent comme un comportement choquant qui embrasse l’hédonisme et en se moquant des valeurs puritaines. Alors…
Una Madre Contro una Balia Oltraggiosa
Cosa faresti se tua figlia avesse un male incurabile? Una figlia destinata a passare il resto della sua vita tra crisi frequenti, che non possono essere alleviate da nessuna delle medicine disponibili nel tuo paese? O, peggio, le medicine esistono e si possono comprare all’estero, ma il tuo paese ti proibisce di farlo e ti…
A Mother vs. an Abusive Nanny
What would you do if your daughter had an incurable disease? A daughter destined to spend the rest of her life having frequent seizures, uncontrollable by any medicine available in your country? Or, worse: whose only medicine could be acquired abroad, but your country forbids it and labels you a criminal if you do that?…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory