Tag: united states
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Anthony Gregory. O artigo a seguir foi escrito por Anthony Gregory e publicado por O Estandarte Libertário, 18 de abril de 2013. Há algo com abril. De Columbine à Virginia Tech, de Oklahoma City a Boston, meado a fim de abril ocasiona alguns dos mais execráveis massacres em…
Obama says some Americans are paranoid, fretting about an imagined tyranny lurking behind the corner. Progressives cheer as he mocks his lowly subjects. Yet some among them embrace one of the most despotic state powers imaginable: the draft. The draft is military slavery. It cannot be justified on any basis. Ever. It is wrong in…
In a speech last month about proposed gun control legislation, President Obama decried opponents’ attempts to encourage “suspicion about government.” “The government’s us,” he responded. “These officials are elected by you. They are constrained as I am constrained, by a system that our founders put in place.” But if government were “us,” why would we…
C4SS Technology Coordinator and Stateless Ex-American, Mike Gogulski, was recently interviewed for an RT segment covering former US Citizens that have renounced their citizenship for tax reason or, in the case of Mike, moral reasons. http://youtu.be/-R4aodLwB54 “RT segment from April 15, 2013 in “honor” of US income tax day. Features noted figures Jet Li and Eduardo Saverin, who recently…
Os governos francês, britântico e israelense, todos eles, acusaram o regime da Síria de usar armas químicas em sua luta em andamento com rebeldes apoiados pelo estrangeiro. O Secretário-Geral das Nações Unidas Ban Ki-Moon está urgindo Assad para que permita inspetores das Nações Unidas no país para confirmar ou refutar as alegações. E o presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack…
The French, British and Israeli governments have all accused Syria’s regime of using chemical weapons in its ongoing struggle with foreign-backed rebels. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is urging Assad to allow UN inspectors into the country to verify or disprove the claims. And US president Barack Obama, while carefully avoiding a direct accusation, has…
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “I Should Know – I’m the Sheriff“, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The real reason killing people extrajudicially with drones is (in the words of Obama’s CIA pick John Brennan) “legal, ethical and wise” is that constitutional restraints on executive power are qualified by the clause…
Hummels: It is no secret that there is a vanguard of sorts in policing which celebrates the fascist tendencies of the occupation.
Matonis: Bitcoin is not a governmental instrument of legal tender that requires regulatory legitimacy and coercion by law in order to gain acceptance.
Carson: O que exatamente “libertação” significa para Rumsfeld – Rummy, Bush – Dummy e Cheney – Scummy pode ser visto a partir do programa que Paul Bremer implementou como chefe da Autoridade Provisória da Coalizção (CPA) no Iraque.
Gregory: Twenty years ago, Waco showed Americans the truth about law enforcement, the U.S. government, and the state itself.
Richman: This is not paranoia. It’s a recognition of the dynamics of demagogic politics.
Greenwald: Whatever sadness you feel for yesterday’s victims, the same level of sadness is warranted for the innocent people whose lives are ended by American bombs.
Knapp: Lockdowns are no longer just a prison thing. They’re a school thing, an area, neighborhood, city thing. Google News reports more than 50,000 uses of the word “lockdown” in the news media in the last 30 days.
Carson: El gobierno de EE.UU. es un estado. Y mentir deliberada y desvergonzadamente cuando sirve a sus intereses es lo que los hacen los estados. No permitas que mueran millones de personas por una mentira.
Hummels: If Schmidt was at all aware of the state’s capacity for mass killing and organized violence, he might become less wary of the local yokels.
Knapp: Is Bitcoin the end of political government? No, but it’s part of the beginning of the end of political government.
Carson: O governo dos Estados Unidos é um estado. E mentir — deliberadamente, cinicamente — onde mentir sirva a seus interesses é o que os estados fazem. Não permita que milhões de pessoas morram por causa de uma mentira.
Greenwald: “In light of this evidence, any journalists that continue to rely on US government statements about its killing program are revealing themselves to be eager propagandists…”
Carson: The U.S. government is a state. And lying — deliberately, shamelessly — whenever it serves their interests is what states do. Don’t let millions die for a lie.