Tag: surveillance
Di Locusts and Wild Honey. Originale pubblicato l’otto gennaio 2023 con il titolo Living with Surveillance. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Grafica di Eric Fleischmann Tante chiacchiere qua e là tra i presunti antisociali che stanno nel cuore dell’impero: anarchici, gotici, cristiano-progressisti, disegnatori di tatuaggi, contadini utopici, studenti rivoluzionari. Vogliamo l’“anonimato” digitale o no? Ovvero, detto…
Lots of chatter here and there amongst supposedly anti-social residents of the imperial core; anarchists, goths, progressive Christians, tattoo artists, idealistic farmers, student revolutionaries. Do we want digital “anonymity” or not? Or, less dramatically, should we have Instagram? Should we have Facebook? Should we participate in the Matrix so readily? “Anonymity” is in quotes because…
De James C. Wilson. Fuente: Book Review: Things That Can & Cannot Be Said. Traducido por Diego Avila. Cusack, John Roy y Arundhati Roy. Things That Can & Cannot Be Said. (Penguin Books, 2016). Con toda la atención dada el mes pasado a la liberación de Chelsea Manning, sentencia la cual fue únicamente conmutada por…
Whether you’re at a protest, engaging in direct action of questionable legality, or just trying to avoid detection in everyday life by police, fascists, or surveillance systems such as facial recognition technology, there are numerous reasons for anarchists to be concerned with maintaining anonymity, and the way one dresses can be one of the most…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify, and SoundCloud. Today we are joined by Kelly Wright. Kelly has written for the Center on topics ranging from the history of anarchist thought, transgender liberation, and police militarization. Kelly also served as Chelsea Manning’s Campaign Manager for her run for U.S….
With all the attention given to last month’s release of Chelsea Manning, whose sentence was only commuted by the Obama administration after it became politically convenient, we must not overlook the fact that the Obama administration also had the opportunity to pardon another famous whistle-blower.
The Obama Administration finally responded this week to a two-year-old petition on Whitehouse.gov requesting the pardon of Edward Snowden. 170,000 signatures and a wave of anti-NSA public sentiment later, the White House formally refused the pardon alleging unspecified damage Snowden’s leaks inflicted on American national security. The White House response made no mention of any public…
Sen. Rand Paul accomplished something worthwhile when, almost single-handedly, he saw to it that Section 215 of the Patriot Act expired. For that he deserves our heartfelt thanks. But where does the expiration now leave us opponents of indiscriminate government spying on innocent people ? Not in such a great place. Shortly after 215 disappeared,…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nathan Goodman‘s “Don’t Reform the Surveillance State, Route Around It” read Christopher King and edited by Nick Ford. Moreover, the state tends to secure its own interests and those of concentrated special interest groups first and foremost. Bills that pose a substantial threat to the NSA, their telecom company collaborators or profiteers…
Pepe Escobar discusses why Obama is bombing ISIS. Alex Kane discusses 11 facts about police militarization. Philip Giraldi discusses the GOP. John Maxwell Hamilton discusses how WW1 led to modern propaganda and surveillance. Charles Davis discusses how America helped make the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria. Joshua Cook discusses blowback in Iraq. Ted Snider…
Convicted in 1994 of sexually assaulting a young boy, John Henry Skillern of Texas once again finds himself incarcerated and awaiting trial, this time for possession and production of child pornography. Skillern’s arrest comes courtesy of Google. Few, I expect, will shed tears for Skillern with respect to his alleged sexual predations. Nonetheless his case once more…
Last Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed something called “the USA Freedom Act.” The bill was intended by its authors to end the National Security Agency’s broad and privacy-shredding bulk data collection program, but the final version that passed is so weak that bulk data collection will still be permitted. Trevor Timm at the…
Man mano che apprendiamo altri dettagli sullo spionaggio governativo, appare sempre più sconsiderato affidare la nostra sicurezza a terze parti. Lo stato vuole informazioni sicure sui suoi soggetti. Fin dal primo censimento in Egitto 5.000 anni fa, gli stati hanno sempre cercato di ottenere informazioni personali sui propri cittadini, soprattutto le tirannie, dove informatori e…
What do you call a “withdrawal” that doesn’t end drone strikes? A faux one. The term withdrawal implies an exit from the area. If U.S. drones will continue to kill people in Afghanistan, the military presence is not truly over. We should be worried about the continued and apparently indefinite use of imperial violence by…
À medida que ficamos sabendo de cada vez mais detalhes acerca da espionagem do governo, parece cada vez mais temerário confiar nossa segurança a terceiros empresariais. O estado requer que a informação acerca de seus súditos seja útil para os resultados desejados. Desde o primeiro censo no Egito, há mais de 5.000 anos, os estados…
As we learn more and more details regarding government spying, it seems more and more foolhardy to trust our security to third party businesses. The state requires information on its subjects to be effective. From the first census in Egypt more than 5000 years ago, states have sought personal information on their citizens, especially in…
“Conversa aberta, pública, com conhecimento de causa, acerca de escuta/grampo,” escreve Philip Bump em The Atlantic Wire, “tem sido meta declarada pelo presidente desde pouco depois de terem começado os vazamentos de Edward Snowden” (“Não é Considerado Excesso Obama Falar acerca da NSA em Segredo,” 9 de agosto). Numa sociedade governada pelo “império da lei” como retratada por…
“An open, public, informed conversation on surveillance,” writes Philip Bump in The Atlantic Wire, “has been the president’s stated goal since shortly after the Edward Snowden leaks began” (“It Doesn’t Count as Outreach When Obama Talks About the NSA in Secret,” August 9). In a society governed by “rule of law” as portrayed by our,…
The collective responses to the dramatic revelations of NSA mass surveillance feel like the well-worn plot of a classic movie. The story reminds me of the government’s admission a few years back that Iraq did not, after all, have weapons of mass destruction. By the time it was admitted, everybody had already figured out the emperor…
What is Tor? How does it work? And why should you use it? With the ever expanding surveillance systems being employed in the United States and around the world, the ability to use the internet anonymously is becoming increasingly important, especially for activists, or anyone who is not okay with your Search Engine provider, ISP…