Tag: Stateless Embassies
Emancipate Yourselves from Mental Slavery
Kevin Carson explains why “far-left” extremism is no vice.
Bad Consciousness or Bad Structure?
Kevin Carson explains why getting our heads in a good place isn’t enough.
Reflections From Airstrip Two
Kevin Carson says the night of totalitarianism is darkest before the dawn.
The State: Institutionalized Terrorism
David S. D’Amato on the real lesson of 9/11.
Move Over, Lawrence O’Donnell
Although right-wingers like to present the issue as one of preventing the state from redistributing wealth downward, the real issue is one of stopping the state from redistributing wealth upward.
Another Stupid Remark from Mitt — But Who’s Counting?
Kevin Carson: He claims to distrust government. But he’s either stupid or a liar.
Jesus Christ, Pirate
After feeding a crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, Jesus Christ of Nazareth was recently served with formal legal notice…
Kevin Carson – Rejoinder to Gregory
Kevin Carson: I’ve quoted — many times — Stephen Biko’s dictum that the most powerful weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.
Anthony Gregory — Contra Kevin Carson on the Humanity of Corporations and Government Teachers
Anthony Gregory: Not in a million years would I have expected to agree with Mitt Romney and disagree with Kevin Carson.
Half a League, Half a League, Half a League Onward
Tom Knapp on new developments in the information war.
Corporations Are People? So Was Hitler
Kevin Carson on Soylent Gree … er, corporations.
Some Mirror-Imaging from Jeffrey Sachs
The people had their revolution stolen out from under them by Sachs and his ilk.
High-Tech Swadeshi
Kevin Carson on the futility of political action in comparison to productive direct action.
Myth of the “Power Vacuum”
David S. D’Amato points to Afghanistan and explains that positions of arbitrary political power ought to be abolished rather than filled.
Egyptians Should Beware Political Unity
David S. D’Amato checks in on the results, so far, of the Arab Spring.
China: The People’s Republic or the Elite’s Republic?
David D’Amato on social justice in China and everywhere.
Empire of the Rising Scum
Kevin Carson on the lesson to be drawn from progressive disillusionment with Obama.
Our Corporate Military
Kevin Carson dissects Nicholas Kristoff’s argument for the US military as a socialist utopia.
“Public Service”? I’m Taking My Business Elsewhere
Kevin Carson puts Steven Cohen in his place.
Political versus Apolitical Strategies
Anna Morgenstern examines options outside the reformist realm.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory