Tag: state
Self-Help Against The State
A war has been raging in Mexico for almost ten years now. The nexus of American drug laws and Americans’ drug use has spawned outlaw cartels who, like the Prohibition-era Mob, use violence to enforce their control of the drug trade. In 2006, the situation was exacerbated when the government of then-president Felipe Calderon launched…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 13
Wendy McElroy reviews a historical work on the surveillance state. Jonathan Cook discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sheldon Richman discusses how intellectual property creates corporate concentration. Jim Lobe discusses the fall of Fallujah. Stephen Kinzer discusses the potential detente with Iran. Thaddeus Russell discusses The Other America. Kevin Carson reviews AFFEERCE: A Business Plan to Save…
La Privatizzazione della Diplomazia, alla Maniera di Dennis Rodman
Il verdetto è stato emesso: Tutti i popoli civili devono odiare Dennis Rodman. Politici da John McCain a John Kerry e opinionisti da Bill O’Reilly a Chris Matthews sono offesi dal fatto che un americano visiti il terzo polo dell’Asse del Male. All’inizio di questa settimana Rodman, assieme a sei suoi ex compagni di gioco…
Liberty And Equality Are Intertwined
John Stossel recently penned a piece titled Equality vs Liberty. In it, he argues that wealth inequality is not a serious issue. This post is the beginning of a lengthier response to him. It will be expanded into an opinion editorial. Quotations from Stossel will be used in both pieces. Stossel remarks: It’s true that…
Privacy 2014: La Favola dell’Accaparratore
In questi ultimi anni gli accaparratori – persone che collezionano mucchi di oggetti fino ad esserne sopraffatti – sono diventati l’argomento forte dei notiziari e della “televisione della realtà”. Secondo un’opinione condivisa da molti gli accaparratori sono persone malate di mente, persone comunque socialmente deviate e bisognose di “aiuto”, o persone che devono essere fermate nella…
On The Worship Of Authority
On Monday, January 13, two Fullerton, California police officers charged with the beating death of Kelly Thomas were acquitted, and the prosecutor announced his decision not to press charges against a third officer involved. Millions who had been following the story met the verdict with incredulity: How could anyone who watched that horrific video of…
Using Agorist Class Theory
Konkin offered a scenario [PDF], using agorist class theory, to illustrate the difference between a limited-government libertarian and an agorist: “Consider the individual standing at the corner of the street. He can see two sides of the building behind him as he prepares to cross the street. He is hailed and turns around to see an acquaintance from the…
The Cynicism And Futility Of Imprisonment
A new report from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service claims that 46 percent of Sweden’s inmates are mentally ill, that 70 percent have severe drug problems and that these problems mostly have their origins in early life. As elsewhere, Sweden’s prison population is made up of the most disenfranchised, poorest and most vulnerable elements…
On Anarchy
I – What Is Anarchy. The statesman, intent on schemes to compromise principles and tide over clamorous demands for justice, says it is disorder and spoliation. New taxes are then levied to defend the state, to repress incendiary talk, and protect privileged prerogatives. Or false and surface issues are prepared to distract attention, to embroil citizens in partisan quarrels,…
Capitalismo: uma palavra boa para uma coisa ruim
O editor do The Freeman, Sheldon Richman, discursando na George Mason University, levantou a questão sobre o que os libertários convencionais querem dizer quando chamam um país de “capitalista”. O que qualifica um país como “capitalista”? Muitos países com índices relativamente baixos de liberdade econômica (incluindo aqueles classificados como “majoritariamente não-livre”) são normalmente considerados “capitalistas”, e referenciados…
Without Government, Who Will Block The Roads?
One question that libertarians and anarchists never stop hearing is “without government, who will build the roads?” Given Bridge-Gate — an intentionally manufactured traffic jam on New Jersey’s George Washington Bridge — one might ask “without government, who will block the roads?” The scandal emerged after four grueling days of inexplicably awful traffic turned out…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 12
Review 12 is here! Martin Morse Wooster reviews, Rome’s Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato, Ceaser’s Mortal Enemy. Sheldon Richman discusses the ceding of the war power to Israel. Sheldon Richman discusses how morality and practicality coincide in making the case for liberty. Jim Miles reviews, Goliath – Life and loathing in Greater…
Weed Legalization As Privatization, Disempowerment
The beginning of this year saw the first fully-fledged legal weed markets open in America in nearly a century. Lines formed, similar those for a midnight movie premiere. Giddy stoners stood in shops in amazement at the ease, variety and quality of the shopping experience. Of course, this is not the introduction of a free market…
Legitimation Crisis
In the latest news story about collusive government-industry pipeline deals, Alaska Governor Sean Parnell announced a “partnership” between the Alaskan government, TransCanada, Exxon Mobil, BP and ConocoPhillips to build a pipeline “attractive to North Slope oil and gas companies.” Such pipeline projects, all involving massive government subsidies including the use of eminent domain to condemn…
Svensk polis, rasism och motstånd
Sverige porträtteras ofta i internationell media som en pluralismens, toleransens och framstegets högborg. Den här bilden står dock i stark konstrast mot marginaliserade människors upplevda verkligheter i Sverige, då den svenska staten blir allt mer desperat och våldsam. 2012 orsakade avslöjandena om inre gränskontroller i Stockholms kollektivtrafikssystem ilska, skräck och ursinne. I den här omfattande…
An Open Letter To The Peace Movement: Reply To A Friend’s Criticisms Continued
In my last blog post; I discussed some criticisms of Roderick T. Long’s, An Open Letter to the Peace Movement, by a non-anarchist or non-libertarian friend. This post continues that discussion. It contains responses to a part of my friend’s response not previously dealt with. The earlier comments will be given a second look in…
Privatizing Diplomacy, Dennis Rodman Style
The verdict is in: All civilized people must hate Dennis Rodman. Politicians from John McCain to John Kerry and pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Chris Matthews are outraged that an American would visit the third member of the Axis of Evil. Earlier this week Rodman, along with six fellow former NBA players, arrived in Pyongyang,…
La Privacidad en 2014: La Fábula del Acaparador
Desde hace unos años, los «acaparadores» – personas que acumulan montones y montones de cosas, hasta que éstas se apoderan de ellos – se han convertido en un tema muy popular en las noticias y en los reality shows. El consenso convencional parece ser que los «acaparadores» son enfermos mentales, o al menos socialmente anormales,…
Capitalism, Free Enterprise and Progress: Partners or Adversaries?
Foundation The Industrial Revolution is typically regarded as a story of capitalism, free enterprise, and progress in technology and living standards. This paper attempts to disentangle the threads of capitalism, free enterprise, and progress, in the context of the Industrial Revolution, with a focus on Britain and the United States. It aims to bring some historical perspectives into…
An Open Letter To The Peace Movement: Reply To A Friend’s Criticisms
A recent emailing of Roderick Long’s, “An Open Letter to the Peace Movement,” precipitated some criticisms from a non-libertarian and non-anarchist friend. This post will be a response to those criticisms. The author’s name will be withheld. If he so chooses, he can reveal himself in the comments section. The original text of the piece…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory