Tag: state
How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Kevin Carson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Since intellectual property is not necessary to encourage innovation, this means that its main practical effect is to cause economic inefficiency by levying a monopoly charge on the use of existing…
So-Called “Criminals’ Rights” Protect the Rest of Us
After the Providence Journal printed Chad Nelson’s commentary on Boston’s violations of Fourth Amendment search-and-seizure protections (“Marathon Security Violates Constitution” April 20), reader Rick Hawksley responded in a letter to the editor that Nelson “seemed to be more concerned about drug dealers than with the health and welfare of his neighbors.” The sharp escalation of…
A Freed Society Would Not Be Problem-Free
In 1970 country singer Lynn Anderson had a hit recording of a Joe South song that opened with the line: I beg your pardon. I never promised you a rose garden. I often think of that song in connection with the libertarian philosophy. You may be asking: for heaven’s sake, why? Because it’s what I…
Just When I Managed to Stop Laughing…
Just when I’d managed to get control of my laughter over the “Obama is a Marxist” trope —  he held Red Study Circles where he read Quotations From Chairman Mao with Geithner, Rubin and Summers, presumably — David Harsanyi accuses Hillary Clinton of “class warfare” (“For Hillary Clinton, No War But the Class War,” Reason,…
Dovremmo Abbandonare la Parola “Capitalismo”
Lottare per la libertà significa opporsi all’uso della forza per frenare lo scambio pacifico e volontario. Questo però non significa che dobbiamo chiamare “capitalismo” un sistema basato sullo scambio pacifico e volontario. Certo ci sono persone che pensano che “capitalismo” significhi proprio questo. E io non sono in grado di dimostrare che si sbagliano, perché…
The Two Simplest Arguments for Open Borders on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jeff Ricketson‘s “The Two Simplest Arguments for Open Borders” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. “If someone in Spain and someone in Saudi Arabia want to meet in Bangladesh, preventing them by force from doing so simply because of their starting locations cannot be justified. The same two people, if living…
Complice della Cosca Bancaria Accusa il Suo Doppio
In un recente discorso davanti alla Mortgage Bankers Association, il senatore Ben Sasse, repubblicano del Nebraska di prima nomina, scherzando ha accusato la sua collega Elizabeth Warren di voler eliminare completamente il rischio dall’economia. Forse voleva dire che Warren vorrebbe mettere la gente comune al riparo da certi rischi, come il pagamento di un’ipoteca reso…
Obama Wades Further into Yemen
“The U.S. Navy … has dispatched the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt toward the waters off Yemen to join other American ships prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the rebels, U.S. officials said,” the Chicago Tribune reported on Monday. Thus does the Obama administration risk war with Iran while embracing the mischievous…
Che Minchia ci Facciamo in Yemen?
Il governo degli Stati Uniti parte alla carica contro un’altra guerra civile in Medio Oriente. Quando continui a chiederti “Impareranno mai?”, la risposta più probabile è che chi prende le decisioni non ha alcun incentivo a fare altrimenti. Quello che sembra un fallimento potrebbe essere invece il risultato voluto. I pantani hanno i loro lati…
Devletin Suça Ihtiyaci Var
Saturday Night Live ’ın Citizen Kane parodisinde Charles Foster Kane yavaş bir haber gününde diyorki, “Haber yoksa, biz yaparız”, ve insanları rastgele gazete ofislerinin camlarından atmaya başlıyor. Okuduğum zaman ilk aklıma gelen California’daki iki sivil polis –yağmacılığı başlatmaya çalışınca! — Oakland ve Berkeley’deki jurinin silahsız siyah erkekleri öldüren polisleri suçsuz bulma kararına karşı gelen yürüyüşteki protestocular tarafından kendilerini ele geçirttiklerinin raporu. Evet, doğru, yağmayı başlatmak için teşebbüs — yanlış okumadınız. Gösteriden…
The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand
Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand” Audio version, read by Mike Gogulski • Introduction to the Portuguese Version of Iron Fist • • Versione in italiano • • Версия на русском • << Back to the Market Anarchism FAQ page Introduction Manorialism, commonly, is recognized to have been founded by…
La “Proprietà Intellettuale” Uccide
Il sette aprile, il New York Times (Bernice Dahn, “Yes, We Were Warned About Ebola”) ha fatto questa rivelazione: l’epidemia di Ebola in Liberia era stata adeguatamente annunciata, ma nessuno era giunto alla giusta conclusione e nessuno aveva agito di conseguenza perché le informazioni necessarie erano nascoste in un articolo a pagamento pubblicato da una…
The Fulcrum of the Present Crisis
The Fulcrum of the Present Crisis: Some Thoughts on Revolutionary Strategy Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 19 (Winter 2015) [PDF] The Cult of Mass, Lionization of Protest Culture & Other Industrial Age Holdovers Protest Culture. The so-called “cargo cults” of New Guinea, Micronesia and Melanesia evolved in response to the influx of American manufactured…
Libero Mercato Come Lotta di Classe
Un articolo recente a proposito delle elezioni britanniche citava una lettera che ammoniva gli elettori sostenendo che un governo laburista avrebbe danneggiato la ripresa economica del paese. Avallata dai leader delle maggiori industrie britanniche e inviata al quotidiano The Telegraph, la lettera sosteneva che l’elezione di un governo conservatore avrebbe mandato questo segnale al resto…
A Shill for the Banksters Falls Prey to Mirror-Imaging
In a recent speech to the Mortgage Bankers Association, Sen. Ben Sasse — a freshman Republican from Nebraska — jokingly accused his colleague Elizabeth Warren of wanting to remove all risk from the economy. Presumably he means that Warren wants to insulate ordinary people from risks like mortgages with unsustainable payments relative to their unexpectedly…
Il Problema Conoscitivo delle Prerogative
Nel suo saggio classico, “The Use of Knowledge in Society” (L’Uso della Conoscenza nella Società, es), F. A. Hayek parla del concetto di conoscenza distribuita. Ogni individuo ha una conoscenza unica che deriva dalle sue esperienze e dalle sue preferenze, conoscenza a cui altri, per quanto informati, non possono accedere. Scrive Hayek: Dire che la…
What the Hell are We Doing in Yemen?
The U.S. government has charged into another civil war in the Middle East. When you find yourself repeatedly asking, “Will they ever learn?” the answer may be that the decision-makers have no incentive to do things differently. What looks like failure may be the intended outcome. Quagmires have their benefits — to the ruling elite…
A Market Anarchist Critique of Marx’s Views on the State
“That government is best which governs not at all…” –Henry David Thoreau In this essay, I will contend that the role of the state is to prevent competition to its “monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory”. In order to substantiate this argument, I will first compare Marx’s definition of…
The Boston Marathon Two Years Later — A Policeman’s Delight
With the second anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing upon us, NPR is running a series called “The Road Ahead”. In its daily segments, NPR examines how everyday lives have been affected by the horrific events two years ago. One unfortunate but seemingly inevitable part of that road entails law enforcement’s stepped-up abuses of its…
Toxic Waste and Inequality Are Good for You on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Toxic Waste and Inequality Are Good for You” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. After making the arguments above, Pagels slips and reveals the real source of his primary concern: “Most income inequality reports focus only on the most negative interpretation of the data, creating a narrative that the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory