Basta con i Favoritismi dello Stato al Biotech
In una intervista a microfoni spenti rilasciata al conduttore di Real time Bill Maher, il divulgatore scientifico e conduttore televisivo Bill Nye ha spiegato come ha cambiato idea sui cibi geneticamente modificati. Nye, che in passato si è occupato dell’impatto ambientale di specie transgeniche, ora dice: “Ho visitato la Monsanto, dove ho trascorso molto tempo…
End Government Favors for Big Biotech
In a backstage interview at Real Time with Bill Maher, science educator and entertainer Bill Nye expressed a change of mind on genetically engineered food. Formerly concerned about the environmental impacts of transgenic species Nye now says: “I went to Monsanto and I spent a lot of time with the scientists there, and I have…
The State Can’t Sink Our Battleship on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Nick Ford‘s “The State Can’t Sink Our Battleship” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. For every site the government tries to take down, another five spring up. And no one in government is going to admit that what they’re doing is futile. They simply don’t have incentives to act rationally. They’re…
El Estado no puede hundir nuestra flota
Gizmodo informa que la policía sueca allanó a The Pirate Bay el 9 de diciembre, apoderándose de sus servidores y clausurando su sitio web. Mis primeras reacciones fueron de irritación e incluso ira. Pero ahora solo siento ganas de reír. El estado es una organización obsoleta y se vuelve cada más irrelevante en la medida…
The State Can’t Sink Our Battleship
Gizmodo reports that Swedish police raided the Pirate Bay, seizing its servers and shutting down its web site on December 9. My first reactions were irritation and even anger. But now I just feel like laughing. The state is an obsolete organization and becomes more and more so as it continuously tries to enforce the unenforceable. At first glance, this…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory