Tag: Restorative justice
De Cayce Jamil. Artigo original: What is Justice? Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Se você escutar a um protesto, provavelmente ouvirá frases relacionadas à obtenção de justiça, tais como sem justiça, não há paz. Entretanto, o que se entende pelo termo justiça não está claro. Alguns presumem que o termo significa que reparações diretas…
Di Cayce Jamil. Originale: What is Justice? del 22 gennaio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ad una manifestazione di protesta sentiamo spesso proclami che si rifanno alla giustizia, come ad esempio “non c’è pace senza giustizia”. Cosa s’intende per “giustizia” però non è specificato. Per alcuni significa che lo stato deve risarcire direttamente chi ha…
De Cayce Jamil. Original: What is Justice?, del 22 enero 2021. Traducción española por Diego Avila. Si escuchas una protesta, lo más probable es que escuches frases relacionadas con la realización de la justicia, como “sin justicia, no hay paz”. Sin embargo, no se define lo que se quiere decir con el término ‘justicia’. Algunos asumen que…
If you listen to a protest, you will more than likely hear phrases related to realizing justice, like “no justice, no peace.” However, what is meant by the term ‘justice’ isn’t defined. Some assume the term means direct reparations from the state should be made to an aggrieved group. Others assume it warrants some form…
De Jason Lee Byas. Original: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. III: For Actual Justice, 30 de novembro 2020. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Nas últimas duas partes desta série, eu defendi que a prática punitiva e a instituição do Direito Penal são inerentemente injustas. Como alternativa, propus que nós as substituíssemos por…
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. III: For Actual Justice, pubblicato il 30 novembre 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente sul blog Students for Liberty il 30 gennaio 2015. Nei due precedenti articoli della serie, ho spiegato come la pratica punitiva e la giustizia penale siano inerentemente ingiuste. In…
In the previous couple of posts of this series, I argued that the practice of punishment and the institution of criminal law are inherently unjust. As an alternative, I proposed that we replaced them with a purely civil system, with no law but tort law. All cases would then be cases of dispute resolution, where…
Di Tim Hopkins. Originale pubblicato il 4 agosto 2019 con il titolo Drugs, Harm Reduction and Restorative Justice. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Di recente nella città di Brantford, nell’Ontario, la polizia ha intensificato le azioni antidroga, apparentemente in risposta ad un’ondata record di overdosi dovute a droga tagliata con fentanyl. Il sindaco Kevin Davis, dopo…
In Brantford, Ontario, the police recently escalated their drug sweeps, ostensibly in response to a record number of overdoses in the community from drugs laced with fentanyl. Mayor Kevin Davis, who is on record as supporting a proposal for a supervised injection site, showed his cognitive disconnect by also speaking glowingly of the raids. But…
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato il 26 ottobre 2017 con il titolo When “Restorative Justice” Means Restoring Peace, Not Justice. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se c’è un punto in cui sono in disaccordo profondo con la sinistra è il fatto che opti sistematicamente per la stabilità, o per l’unità collettiva contro la libera associazione individuale….
If there’s one deep and profound disagreement with the left I have it’s a systematic privileging of collective stability or unity over individual free association. It’s a sad fact that leftist activists often hunger for community far more than they hunger for freedom. And one consequence of this is a persistent inability to deal with…
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 18 settembre 2017 con il titolo Restorative Justice and Sexual Violence Accountability. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Noi anarchici siamo fortemente contrari al sistema carcerario e alle logiche punitive dello stato. Per questo cerchiamo alternative, puntiamo ad un processo di accertamento della colpa che metta al centro comunità e vittima,…
Anarchists take a hard stand against the prison system and carceral, punitive, and statist punishments schemas. As a result, we seek alternatives and tend to veer towards community and survivor-led accountability processes with a generally restorative and transformative intention. Restorative justice (RJ) is an approach towards dealing with harm done that focuses on repairing the…
In the UK the “Lord Chancellor” and Secretary of State for Justice Michael Gove wants to be remembered for his efforts to reform prisons. Writing in The Telegraph, Gove says “The emphasis of our penal system must be on more effective rehabilitation, because our current approach is costing us all dear. At present, nearly half…
On April 4, 2015 in North Charlton, North Carolina a black man named Walter Scott was shot by a white police officer named Michael Slager. Slager alleged that he pulled over Scott for a traffic violation, Scott resisted arrest and took his taser. At this point Slager decided to take action; he shot at Scott…
Holman Prison in Alabama is home to death row and many there have little to lose should something go wrong. Given the degrading conditions of prisons and their lack of security for prisoners, it should come as no surprise that riots took place on March 11th and 14th. The first riot happened when a prison…
(Content Warning: Brief mentions of rape) The Legal Aid Society is a private, not-for-profit legal service in New York whose motto is, “No New Yorker should be denied access to justice because of poverty.” In keeping with this philosophy, Legal Aid Society announced in late February that they’d brought a class action lawsuit against the New…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jeff Ricketson‘s “Justice is for Victims” read by Dylan Delikta and edited by Nick Ford. Given how easy it is recognize in both paradigms that justice is about victims, why do people so often think justice is about punishing the criminal? Often, when protesters call for justice in the name of a victim, they…
The recent events surrounding Michael Brown’s death raise the topic of justice in modern society to a new place in public consciousness. Many have called for justice for Brown, and almost always this consists of calling for the indictment, prosecution, and punishment of Darren Wilson, the policeman who shot Brown. Would this be true justice for Michael…
Do we want cops and politicians to go to prison? Is that a demand that individualist anarchists, radical libertarians, and other enemies of the state should get behind? Intuitively, it seems like we should. We’re instinctively outraged that cops can outright murder people and almost never get locked up for it. We’re understandably incensed that politicians…