Tag: politics
The Christmas Truce Of 1914
Today is the 99th anniversary of the Christmas Truce of 1914, a spontaneous soldiers’ truce that broke out on Christmas Eve all along the Western Front in France, lasting in places until the day after Christmas. French, British and German soldiers, intrigued by the sound of Christmas carols from the enemy trenches, first tentatively refrained…
Tirate Fuori i Droni!
Quando si parla di droni, l’atteggiamento della maggior parte dei futuristi libertari è il pessimismo. I droni sono generalmente visti in un più ampio scenario tecno-fascista, come l’egemonia USA (fatta di laser orbitanti e robot soldato telecomandati dall’ONU) immaginata dallo scrittore Ken Macleod nella sua serie Rivoluzione d’Autunno. La tentazione è comprensibile. Dopotutto i droni (combinati con operazioni…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 9
The annual digests continue. Let’s get moving on number 9! Stephen Masty has a quiz to decide whether you’re an imaginative conservative or not. Matthew Feeney discusses 5 hot foreign policy subjects of 2013. Gene Healy discusses the myth of isolationism surrounding a foreign policy of non-intervention. Laura Carlsen discusses the setbacks for women’s rights…
Die Trommeln des Krieges
In einer Ansprache, die die Luftangriffe auf Libyen durch die USA und ihrer Verbündeten zum Thema hat, sagte Präsident Obama, dass das Scheitern zu handeln „ein Verrat an uns selbst wäre“, dass ein Massaker in dem Land „das Gewissen der Welt beflecken“ würde. Jedes mal wenn die Elite der Außenpolitik des Imperiums anfängt davon zu…
The Pope Dabbles In Economics
Pope Francis wrote in his recent apostolic exhortation, “Just as the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’ sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say ‘thou shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality.” He’s right — but not in the way he intends. Before…
Artificial Scarcity and Artificial Abundance: A One-Two Punch
I write a lot about artificial scarcity as a source of rents for the propertied classes, and the role of the state in enforcing it. But the other side of the coin is the role of the state in rendering naturally scarce things artificially abundant to the privileged classes. We can see this in recent…
GOP Obstructionism vs Anarchism
“To be governed is to be watched over, inspected, spied on, directed, legislated at, regulated, docketed, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, assessed, weighed, censored, ordered about, by men who have neither the right, nor the knowledge, nor the virtue. … To be governed is to be at every operation, at every transaction, noted, registered, enrolled, taxed,…
Autorità: Se è un Bene, Perché Ci Fa Sentire Così Male?
In passato, ho dibattuto contro l’autorità sia in termini di principi che di conseguenze. Istituzioni come lo stato non hanno autorità legittima su di te perché nessuno possiede nessun altro, e tu non puoi delegare ad un’istituzione un’autorità che non hai, affinché la eserciti in tuo nome. A livello pratico, l’autorità conduce a irrazionalità e…
Libertarians and the 60s Counterculture
There were two radical, anti-authoritarian movements of the 1960s which developed in very different ways yet compliment each other in ways which remain unappreciated. One is the newly formed Libertarian movement headed by people like Murray Rothbard and Leonard Read, both experts in economics who spent much of their time at the blackboard or the…
Nicotine Nazism: It’s Not About Health, It’s About Money and Control
The late, great HL Mencken defined puritanism as “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere is having a good time.” I haven’t visited Michael Bloomberg’s New York City in more than a decade, but if I landed at LaGuardia tomorrow, I’d half expect to be greeted by officials right out of Tompkins Harrison Matteson’s painting “Trial…
Remembering Corporate Liberalism
The main plotline of the Star Wars prequel trilogy concerns an apparent conflict between the central government (the Senate) on the one hand and a coalition of mercantile interests (the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, etc.) on the other. As events unfold, however, it quickly becomes obvious to the audience (though much less quickly to the protagonists)…
“Dancing In The Ruins Of The Western World”: Miley Cyrus And Social Entropy
For a very long time, Miley Cyrus embodied everything I hated about contemporary pop music. Meticulously groomed as a picture-perfect Disney sponsored pop starlet she seemed indistinguishable from the legions of similar cookie-cutter manufactured singers who came before her except for being the daughter of one-hit wonder Billy Rae Cyrus, which added bizarreness and nepotism…
Inside Charlottesville Interviews Sheldon Richman
C4SS Senior Fellow and Chair Sheldon Richman “explores the critical distinction between capitalism and free markets; discusses corporation socialism, the challenges facing publicly funded schools, and much more.“
A Press As Deadly As The State
I am now prepared to state without reservation that the ongoing NSA/surveillance story ranks among the more momentous and nauseating charades perpetrated on a frighteningly gullible public. Any remaining doubt I had on this question — and, in truth, no substantial doubt remained in my own mind — has been obliterated by this story concerning the remarks…
John Kerry Returns To The Mekong Delta
United States Secretary of State John Kerry has been politicking through Southeast Asia the past few days. Kerry visited the Vietnam Mekong Delta, a place he knows well from his wartime adventures. US military interventionism in the region nominally passe, but there is another aspect of state violence still making headlines in the east: Environmental degradation. Kerry traveled…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 8
Review 8 time is here! Let’s get started. James Bovard discusses the glut of police shootings. Sheldon Richman explains why government is the problem. Pepe Escobar discusses Erik Prince’s new book. Binoy Kampark discusses the creeping fascism in Europe. Uri Avnery discusses land theft in the Jordan Valley. Patrick Cockburn discusses the complicity of Saudi…
Thought Crimes, School Shootings and the State
In our attempts to stop the monsters terrorizing our children, we have ourselves become monsters. We never notice when the transformation occurs. We don’t even fully realize it until years into our rampage. But one day, we wake up and look into the mirror, and the face peering back at us is unrecognizable. On Friday,…
The Doctrine Of Exceptionalism Extends Its Reach
Let’s briefly review several critical facts. If there is a single general theme to Glenn Greenwald’s career as a journalist, it is that he constantly confronts and challenges power and those who exercise power, primarily in the political sphere. Greenwald himself has often proclaimed this to be his major concern, and he repeated this conviction in…
Dissidence, And Dissidents, That Even Hollywood Can Love
The most revolutionary and significant aspect of the promise that WikiLeaks offered the world was its radical method of disseminating information. Beginning in very early childhood, all of us are taught to rely on authority figures for everything: for personal and professional advancement and fulfillment, for opportunities of all kinds, for survival itself. Most damningly,…
When Whistleblowing Is Obedience And Tribute To The State
Glenn Greenwald opens his latest column for The Guardian with this: “Like many people, I’ve spent years writing and speaking about the lethal power-subservient pathologies plaguing establishment journalism in the west.” He goes on to discuss an article by Chris Blackhurst, a career journalist who had been the editor of The Independent until a few months ago. Greenwald sets forth the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory