Tag: parenting
Bagaimana Jika Anakmu Trans?
Oleh: James C. Wilson. Teks aslinya berjudul “What if Your Child Was Trans?” Diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia oleh Iman Amirullah. Saya telah bertahun-tahun mengadvokasi hak-hak trans, termasuk hak-hak trans remaja dan orang tua mereka, dengan pendampingan dokter, untuk memilih jenis layanan kesehatan yang mereka butuhkan. Saya melihat kebebasan ini sebagai bentuk menyelamatkan kehidupan. Meskipun begitu,…
Что, если твой ребенок станет трансгендерным человеком?
James C. Wilson, What if Your Child Was Trans? June 8 2023. На протяжении многих лет я выступаю за права трансгендерных людей. В это входит право трансгендерной молодежи и их родителей, под руководством своих врачей, получать те медицинские услуги, которые они считают нужными.  Я считаю эту свободу жизненно необходимой. При этом я из довольно консервативной…
What if Your Child Was Trans?
I have for years been an advocate of trans rights. This includes the rights of trans youth and their parents, with the guidance of their doctors, to pursue whatever health care they see fit. I see this freedom as life-saving. That said, I am from a rather conservative background, in which many people I know…
A Solution? To Be Read by Police, Politicians, Mean Parents, Etc.
Like every other intelligent person, I find violence repulsive. Violence is effectively the definition of “how to do something if you’ve not an ounce of cleverness.” In nature, the symbiotic relationship constitutes the ideal: it generates a sustainable and ecologically sound means of enjoying the little bit of time any one of us has here…
The Weekly Libertarian And Chess Review 48
Lee Fang discusses the funders of pro-war punditry. Dan Sanchez discusses Tolkien, Plato, and the state. Kevin Carson discusses the controversy over Burger King. Darian Worden reviews a book about the Modern School movement. Shamus Cooke discusses Progressive Democrats going to war. Patrick Cockburn discusses fear of ISIS. Laurence M. Vance discusses the legalization of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory