Tag: Obama
Contradições Letais: Privilégios de Patente versus “Salvar Vidas”
Embora os políticos prometam repetidamente proteger a saúde pública, de há muito eles usam poder coercitivo para aumentar os custos médicos, sacrificando a saúde pública em benefício de lucros privados.
Deadly Contradictions: Patent Privilege vs. “Saving Lives”
Nathan Goodman: While politicians repeatedly promise to protect public health, they have long used coercive power to raise medical costs, sacrificing public health for private profits.
I Should Know — I’m the Sheriff
Carson: As anarchist Rudolf Rocker pointed out, civil liberties aren’t granted by governments; where governments recognize them, they do so because the people forced them to.
“Anti-war” Liberals: No More Excuses
Trevor Hultner: “Congressional control” is exactly the opposite of what we want. The military drone program, among other things, needs to be completely dismantled, not “regulated.”
A License to Kill
David D’Amato: If you weren’t already terrified by the power that the Obama White House has arrogated to itself and future administrations, this memo ought to do the trick.
Statism and the Illusion of Choice
Sebastian A.B.: Voters place their hope in God-Kings called Presidents, expecting sociopaths to lift them out of servitude. An introductory buckshot critique of the most holy word, “democracy,” or Hans-Herman Hoppe’s “god that failed.”
“Controle de Armas Para o Bem das Crianças?” Sinto Muito, Não É.
No mundo de Barack Obama, eventos como o massacre de Newtown são preço pequeno a pagar pela inconteste capacidade de fazer por atacado o que Adam Lanza fez no varejo.
Review: Dirty Wars
Nathan Goodman reviews the new film from Richard Rowley and Jeremy Scahill.
“Gun Control for the Children?” Sorry, No Sale.
Knapp: In Barack Obama’s world, events like the Newtown massacre are a small price to pay for the uncontested ability to do wholesale what Adam Lanza did retail.
Si los “Progresistas” No Existieran, las Corporaciones Tendrían que Inventarlos
Kevin Carson: “La función central del estado es suprimir la competencia, crear sistemas artificiales de propiedad, y permitir que las clases económicas regentes extraigan rentas”.
Se os “Progressistas” Não Existissem, as Grandes Empresas Teriam de Inventá-los
Kevin Carson: Sua função central é suprimir competição, criar propriedade artificial, e permitir que as classes dominantes econômicas extraiam rentismo.
If “Progressives” Didn’t Exist, Big Business Would Have to Invent Them
Kevin Carson: “The central function of the state is to suppress competition, create artificial property, and enable economic ruling classes to extract rents.”
Dear Conservative America
It’s best that you forget both conservatism and elections altogether. Your core values are best advanced by converting to and promoting anarchism, thereby situating yourself as a part of the radical left.
Zombie Occupy Vs. The Vampire State
Ad hoc groups of activists and volunteers seem to work better than the government or NGOs, but why?
Y… ¿Qué vas a Hacer Cuando la Celebración Haya Terminado?
Kevin Carson: Disfruten plenamente este momento. Sáquenselo del sistema.
State Violence Limited Only by Capacity
The best weapon is one you never have to fire? The state prefers the one that you only have to fire once – then again. Then some more.
Martins on Gitmo Military Commissions: “The Will of Our People!”
To hear a government official come right out and admit they’re creating a shadow legal system is incredible – and terrifying.
The Electoral Suspension of Disbelief
There exists in the country now – and there has existed for some time – an appreciable readiness to, if you will, suspend disbelief when it comes to the claims of politicians.
Obama, Let’s Try This Again
Easing the Transition to an Alternative Economy
Уважаемым сторонникам Обамы: послание от анархиста
Теперь, когда Обама благополучно сел на второй срок, мне есть о чём с вами поговорить.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory