Tag: Italy
De Stirner a Mussolini
Por William Gillis. Artigo original: From Stirner to Mussolini, de 28 de março 2022. Traduzido para o português por Nico. aviso de conteúdo: adiante haverá uma breve menção a violência sexual. Resenha: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism Em 1910 Luigi Fabbri e Arnaldo Borghi sequestraram uma mulher anarquista que envergonhou um amigo de ambos,…
De Stirner a Mussolini
De William Gillis. Título original: From Stirner to Mussolini, del 28 de marzo de 2022. Traducción al español por Vince Cerberus. Reseña: Los orígenes anarquista-individualistas del fascismo italiano En 1910, Luigi Fabbri y Armando Borghi secuestraron a una mujer anarquista que había avergonzado a su amigo por haberse divorciado de él. Juntos, la obligaron a…
From Stirner to Mussolini
Review: The Anarchist-Individualist Origins of Italian Fascism In 1910 Luigi Fabbri and Armando Borghi abducted an anarchist woman who had shamed their friend by divorcing him. Together, they forced her into a gynecological exam so the doctor could publicly pronounce her deformed and incapable of sex. All three were prominent leaders in the Italian anarchist…
Scuola dell’Obbligo Prigione per Bimbi Innocenti
[Di Enrico Sanna. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 4 ottobre 2016 con il titolo Compulsory Education is Jail for Innocents Kids. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Recentemente, il Guardian ha pubblicato un triste articolo su una bambina di una scuola elementare pubblica di Milano. All’ora di pranzo, il preside della scuola ha…
Compulsory Education is Jail for Innocent Kids
Recently, the Guardian reported a grim story about a pupil in an elementary public school in the city of Milan, Italy. At lunchtime, the school principal took the pupil from the cafeteria and forced her to eat her lunch in the classroom, alone and away from her mates. Why? Because she had been caught red-handed. She…
The Short Happy Life of Free Broadcasting in Italy
A common assumption among many people, included many of those who describe themselves as libertarians, is that we live in a free market world. That the market is free and dominated by freely exchanging actors seems a given. Every “market failure” is commonly seen as a market flaw that needs be corrected by the action…
La Lezione di Amanda Knox su Privilegi e Giustizia
Anche se forse senza rendersene conto, Amanda Knox, la cittadina americana condannata per omicidio dalle autorità italiane, ha fornito un esempio istruttivo sul significato del privilegio. Nel 2009 la Knox fu accusata di aver ucciso Meredith Kercher, una studentessa britannica con cui condivideva l’alloggio durante gli studi all’estero. Nel 2011, prima dell’assoluzione in seguito ad…
What Amanda Knox Teaches Us About Privilege And Systems of Justice
Although she may not realize it, Amanda Knox, the American citizen recently convicted of murder by the Italian government, has provided a teachable moment to illustrate what privilege is. In 2009, Knox was charged with murdering Meredith Kercher, a British student she roomed with while studying abroad. After being acquitted following an appeal in 2011,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory