Tag: intelligence
Desmantelamento da Rede de Espionagem da NSA: Que Cara Teria o “Império da Lei”
“Conversa aberta, pública, com conhecimento de causa, acerca de escuta/grampo,” escreve Philip Bump em The Atlantic Wire, “tem sido meta declarada pelo presidente desde pouco depois de terem começado os vazamentos de Edward Snowden” (“Não é Considerado Excesso Obama Falar acerca da NSA em Segredo,” 9 de agosto). Numa sociedade governada pelo “império da lei” como retratada por…
Breaking the NSA Spy Ring: “What Rule of Law” Would Look Like
“An open, public, informed conversation on surveillance,” writes Philip Bump in The Atlantic Wire, “has been the president’s stated goal since shortly after the Edward Snowden leaks began” (“It Doesn’t Count as Outreach When Obama Talks About the NSA in Secret,” August 9). In a society governed by “rule of law” as portrayed by our,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory