Tag: exploitation
Goodman: Eric Hill foi atacado pela polícia não por ser suspeito de cometer violência agressora, mas por ser suspeito de recusar-se a cometer violência agressora.
Goodman: Eric Hill was attacked by police not because he was suspected of committing aggressive violence, but because he was suspected of refusing to commit aggressive violence.
Embora os direitistas gostem de apresentar a questão como dizendo respeito a impedimento de o estado redistribuir a riqueza para baixo, a real questão diz respeito a conter a redistribuição da riqueza para cima pelo estado.
“And now they’ve sold off all the splints, and contracted out the tourniquets, And if we jump through hoops, then we might just survive.”
Kevin Carson: A questão é, como chegaremos lá partindo de onde estamos hoje?
Kevin Carson: In their equation of progress and productivity with the sheer quantitative mass of capital invested, are stuck in the paleotechnic age.
M. George van der Meer: “Anarchists must continue to put a strain on the notion of exploitation, to test it, to explain it, experimenting and reviewing.”
“Contract Feudalism”: A Response to Paul Marks was originally published in the 2008 issue of Economic Notes No. 105 by the Libertarian Alliance, written by Kevin Carson.
Carson: Em tal economia, os trabalhadores associados poderiam contratar capital em vez do contrário, e o estado natural do livre mercado poderia ser a produção cooperativa sob controle dos produtores.
Numa comunidade humana saudável, os empregos nem são necessários nem desejáveis.
A Economia de Produção de Desperdício
Gary Chartier: An authentically leftist position, I suggest, is marked by opposition to subordination,exclusion, and deprivation.
If there are no capitalists pocketing the productivity gains for themselves, then the gains must go somewhere else.
Gary Chartier: Libertarians rightly reject statist redistribution as a variety of slavery. But they have every reason to embrace solidaristic, transactional, and rectificational redistribution.
Claire Wolfe: We Need Jobs Like We Need Cancer
Alan Furth analiza algunos de los puntos ciegos más importantes del libertarismo vulgar en Argentina y su visión de la historia reciente del país.
Alan Furth on several of the most important blindspots of the vulgar-libertarian view of Argentina and its recent history.
Carson: In such an economy, associated labor might hire capital instead of the other way around, and the natural state of the free market be cooperative production under the control of the producers.
Carson: Da Colina de São Jorge a Wukang a … ?
David D’Amato analiza los eventos recientes en Costa de Marfil.