Tag: economic exploitation
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Growth Machines: Arkansas Edition” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. Gov. Asa Hutchinson stated his “expectations… for the state of Arkansas to be creative in [coming up with] additional revenue streams for developing our highway infrastructure.” Given his aversion to funding highways by raising the fuel…
Harvey Molotch coined the term “growth machines” for the coalitions of real estate and other businesses that control local governments and use them as a vehicles to promote the interests of chambers of commerce — and particularly those of the real estate developers. The collusion between business and state and local government is more, not…
Right after the economic crisis the country went through over ten years ago, which reached its climax in 2001, Argentina bounced back and entered a period of relative prosperity due to favorable foreign trade conditions. Nevertheless, the situation of the average Argentine worker remains the same as it has been for hundreds of years: their…
Göran Hugo Olssons nya dokumentär Concerning Violence undersöker kolonialism I Afrika, med massvis med material från svenska nyhetsarkiv, och genom att knyta ihop filmen med Frantz Fanons bok Jordens fördömda från 1961. Utdrag från boken läses up av Lauryn Hill, vars berättande förmedlar Fanons idéer på ett fängslande sätt. Jag såg nyligen filmen på Sundance…
Goran Hugo Olsson’s new documentary Concerning Violence examines colonialism in Africa, drawing upon a wealth of archival Swedish news footage and tying the film together with text from Frantz Fanon’s 1961 book The Wretched of the Earth. Excerpts from Fanon are read by Lauryn Hill, whose narration compellingly communicates Fanon’s ideas. I saw the film recently at the…