Tag: democracy
In this episode of Mutual Exchange Radio, host Zachary Woodman interviews libertarian commentator Shikha Dalmia. Shikha is a former policy analyst for the Reason Foundation and has contributed to publications including Bloomberg View, the Washington Examiner, Reason magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. In this interview, we discuss two timely issues in American politics: immigration and populism. Starting with a philosophical discussion of what our…
Interview of Dr. Chris Hables Gray by Hank Pellissier Should California, Scotland, Catalonia, Hawaii, Kurdistan and other regions secede for independence? Should today’s 193 nations divide into 1,600? “Yes (sort of),” says Chris Hables Gray, a “pragmatic anarchist feminist revolutionary” who works as a lecturer of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz….
I must confess no small horror on reading M Black’s contribution to this Mutual Exchange. A self-professed anarchist, defending centralization? I would normally let such arguments fall on their face alone, but if we are to platform them in this exchange I feel a moral obligation to reiterate basic reality. My response will be divided…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale pubblicato il 28 luglio 2020 con il titolo An Anti-Statist Beginner’s Guide to (Taxation, Public Budgets, and) Participatory Budgeting. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In materia di tassazione e conseguente finanza pubblica (anche se la prima non è l’unica fonte della seconda), l’atteggiamento più drastico e evidente, diffuso tra i centristi e…
Emmi Bevensee’s article “Social-Anarchism and Parallel Economic Computation” is an excellent and important introduction to the challenges that complexity poses for economic planning. I think Emmi’s conclusion—that we need to sketch what the limits of planning are and pursue alternative mechanisms beyond this point—is a good one, as is pointing out that problems arise when…
The most blunt and obvious anti-statist position regarding taxation and consequently public budgets (although the former is not the sole source of the latter) is their reduction or complete abolition, and this is often how it is treated amongst centrist and right-wing libertarians. For example, Murray Rothbard writes that the principled approach should be “to…
Di Spooky. Originale pubblicato il 28 giugno 2020 con il titolo Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti-Statism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. È difficile far passare proposte estreme. Le reazioni sono per certi versi scontate quando, invece di limitarsi a riforme e a “soluzioni condivise”, si propone una diversa organizzazione della società. Alcuni, forse troppi, hanno cercato di…
Introduction: Towards a Combined Anarchist and Communist Approach to the Question of Central Economic Planning This essay deals with the question of central economic planning, or minimum viable economic planning (MVEP) from both anarchist and communist perspectives. The central operative terms will be collectivization, or the process of pooling resources to be shared at the…
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Radical positions are always a hard sell. To some extent, this is an inherent aspect of advocating any alternative system of social organization, instead of just proposing reform and “bipartisan solutions.” Some, perhaps too many, have attempted to dull…
I have a personal rule — I think you should never review a book that you strongly disagree with or strongly agree with. If you entirely agree, then a “review” would be nothing more than an echo. But if you strongly disagree there’s also little point to writing a review, the disagreements cannot be isolated…
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS. locking talk on haute cuisine means of squeeze sequester session in lessons descended from heaven epiphany sitting in the plastic order territory through ‘tis trough business degree sipping tea content so forgetting hints at difference in clinch hitters mystic sits hocking sunflower language pangs in…
Democracy1, a sluggish and painful example of attempted cooperation, is often a heap of flaming garbage. Obviously, the “democracy” of the Zapatistas or Rojava are far different than that of the US, but self-styled democracies also elected Bolsonaro, Trump, and Hitler. Aside from things like democracy’s potential for corruption and inherent efficiency throttles, it forces…
Let me begin by saying that I’m glad this book exists. Phillips and Rozworski are upfront about their book not containing any radical new insights into questions of economic planning, but instead they compile arguments made by others in a highly readable format, something that those on the left who argue for economic planning have…
Original : William Gillis. The Case Against Voting. Traduit par Pierre Dufour. Nous avons survécu à une nouvelle période électorale ainsi qu’aux leçons inévitables des socialistes libertaires comme Chomsky à propos de l’abstention des anarchistes. Je vais être clair : les résultats des élections sont importants. À moins de miser sur la tendance accélérationiste, élire un…
Di Nathan Goodman. Originale pubblicato il 15 marzo 2016 con il titolo How Politics Empowers Remorseless Killers. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In una recente intervista, il consigliere della Casa Bianca Ben Rhodes afferma che Barack Obama “non ha mai avuto ripensamenti riguardo i droni.” Il fatto però è che gli attacchi con i droni autorizzati…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’undici maggio 2018 con il titolo Review: Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals, by Derek Wall. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Recensione di: Derek Wall, Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals: Cooperative Alternatives Beyond Markets and States, London, Pluto Press, 2017. Qualche tempo fa ho conosciuto su Twitter Derek Wall, ammiratore come me…
Derek Wall. Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals: Cooperative Alternatives Beyond Markets and States (London: Pluto Press, 2017). I’ve known Derek Wall for some time as a friend on Twitter, a fellow admirer of Elinor Ostrom, an Ostrom scholar, and an official in the Green Party of England and Wales. This is not my first introduction…
Di Conner Martínez. Originale pubblicato l’undici aprile 2018 con il titolo The Need for International Radical Solidarity with Rojava. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. All’estremo nord della Siria, la regione di fatto autonoma conosciuta come Rojava indica la strada di un possibile futuro della democrazia radicale e dell’autonomia economica in Medio Oriente. La regione si basa…
On the northern edge of Syria, the de facto autonomous region known as Rojava has set the example for the future of radical democracy and economic autonomy in the Middle East. The region is structured by a secular model of democratic confederalism put into place by its constitution in 2014, a constitution that makes law…
Shawn Wilbur argues that “anarchy” and “democracy” are completely distinct principles—philosophically. Philosophically, there is “no middle ground.” However, in actual living, there is “the likelihood that we might continue to have recourse to practices that we think of as ‘democratic.’