Tag: Decentralization
Bagian Sembilan: Struktur Baru Otonomi Zapatista
Oleh: Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés. Teks aslinya berjudul, Part Nine: The New Structure of Zapatista Autonomy diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. Diposkan ulang dari Schools for Chiapas. Versi asli dalam bahasa Spanyol tersedia di Enlace Zapatista. Saudara-saudari dan compañer@s: Saya akan mencoba menjelaskan kepada kalian bagaimana kami mengatur ulang otonomi, yaitu struktur baru otonomi Zapatista. Saya akan menjelaskannya…
“Red Mutualism” Series at Mutualism Co-Op
If there are two contemporary anarchist theorists whose work occupies and influences my thought the most, they are Kevin Carson and Wayne Price. Carson has spent a huge segment of his career not just reconstructing a mutualist political economy as an alternative to the anarchist default to the economics of Karl Marx but also making…
As Crypto Não vão nos Salvar do Ambiente de Trabalho Capitalista
Por Eric F. Artígo original: Crypto Will Not Save Us From the Capitalist Workplace, 7 de marzo de 2022. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Como já admiti antes, “eu não sou particularmente entendido das tecnologias. Eu torço por tecnologias de código aberto, peer-to-peer, descentralizada, apropriada, etc; mas exceto por isso, entendo tanto do assunto…
Part Nine: The New Structure of Zapatista Autonomy
Brothers and sisters and compañer@s: I am going to try to explain to you how we reorganize autonomy, that is, the new structure of Zapatista autonomy.  I will explain more later with more detail.  Or maybe I won’t explain any more, because the practice is what matters.  Of course, you can also come to the…
Anarko Kapitalisme vs. Anarkisme Pasar
Oleh: Kelly Vee. Teks aslinya berjudul “Anarcho-Capitalism vs. Market Anarchism.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Penjelasan ini merupakan bagian dari seri FAQ Anarkisme Pasar C4SS Apa perbedaan antara “anarkisme pasar” dan “anarko kapitalisme”? Perbedaan antara anarkisme pasar dan anarko kapitalisme cenderung debatable dan bersifat semantik. Anarko kapitalis memilih untuk menggunakan istilah “kapitalisme” karena mereka percaya istilah…
Kripto Paralar Bizleri Kapitalist İş Yaşamından Kurtaramayacak
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Eric Fleischmann tarafından kaleme alınmış ve 7 Mart 2022 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe’ ye çevrilmiştir. Daha önce de söyledim ve yine tekrar ediyorum ki “teknolojiye öyle özel bir merakım yok. Açık kaynaklı, uçtan uca, merkezi olmayan, amaca münasip vb. teknolojilerin amigoluğunu yaparım doğru ama bunları çıkardığınızda bir zoomer’dan daha…
Permettere la Sperimentazione Sociale dev’essere una Priorità della Sinistra
Di Gary Chartier. Originale: Making Room for Social Experimentation Should Be a Priority for the Left, dell’undici maggio 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Chi a sinistra contesta l’autoritarismo delle politiche sanitarie potrebbe spostarsi verso l’estremismo. Speriamo. Chi contesta la mano politica pesante sulla pandemia giustamente evidenzia una serie di questioni. La chiusura delle scuole rischia…
Making Room for Social Experimentation Should Be a Priority for the Left
Commentators criticizing authoritarian health policies from the mainstream left could turn more radical. I hope they do. Leftist critics of heavy-handed political responses to the Covid-19 pandemic have rightly noted multiple concerns. School closures risk decades-long damage to the most vulnerable students. Business closures harmed workers and employers even as they enjoyed substantial support from…
Le Criptovalute non Salvano dal Lavoro Capitalista
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Crypto Will not Save Us from the Capitalist Workplace del 7 marzo 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ho già detto altrove, e lo ripeto, che “non sono particolarmente amante della tecnologia. Sono sì un fan delle tecnologie open source, paritarie, decentrate, appropriate e così via, ma per il resto ne so…
Los Cripto no nos salvarán del Sistema Capitalista de Trabajo
De Eric Fleischmann. Artículo original: Crypto Will Not Save Us From the Capitalist Workplace, publicado el 7 de marzo 2022. Traducido al español por Kesabel Babe. He admitido antes y admitiré nuevamente que “no soy particularmente un experto en tecnología. Soy un animador de la tecnología open-source, peer-to-peer, descentralizada, apropiada, etc., pero, por lo demás,…
Crypto Will Not Save Us From the Capitalist Workplace
I’ve admitted before and will admit again that “I am not particularly tech-savvy. I am a cheerleader for open-source, peer-to-peer, decentralized, appropriate, etc. technology, but, otherwise, I am only about as knowledgeable about this stuff as your average zoomer.” However, I have observed that with the rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain there has emerged a line…
«Desplataformar» a Parler tendrá consecuencias para las que debemos prepararnos inmediatamente
Escrito por Tech Learning Collective. Título original: Deplatforming Parler will have consequences for which we must immediately prepare, de 26 de enero 2021. Traducido en español por Kathiana Thomas. Dos días después del fallido golpe fascista de la extrema derecha estadounidense del 6 de enero de 2021 que dejó cinco muertos en Washington, DC, Twitter…
Deplatforming Parler will have consequences for which we must immediately prepare
Two days after the American far right’s failed fascist coup on January 6th, 2021 that left five people dead in Washington, DC, Twitter (finally) permanently banned the would-be dictator responsible for inciting the mob from their platform. Shortly thereafter, the social media network most closely affiliated with the racist reactionaries, Parler, was kicked off its…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Aurora Apolito and William Gillis, Part II
This episode is Part II of a two-part interview with Aurora Apolito and William Gillis, two of the lead contributors to our summer symposium on Decentralization and Economic Coordination. Listen to Part I here, or on Spotify, iTunes, and Stitcher. Aurora Apolito is a mathematician and theoretical physicist. She studied physics in Italy and mathematics in Chicago, and…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Aurora Apolito and William Gillis, Part I
This episode is Part I of a two-part interview with Aurora Apolito and William Gillis, two of the lead contributors to our summer symposium on Decentralization and Economic Coordination. Listen to Part II here.  Aurora Apolito is a mathematician and theoretical physicist. She studied physics in Italy and mathematics in Chicago, and later worked for various scientific institutions…
Relitigating Decentralization: Response to M Black
I must confess no small horror on reading M Black’s contribution to this Mutual Exchange. A self-professed anarchist, defending centralization? I would normally let such arguments fall on their face alone, but if we are to platform them in this exchange I feel a moral obligation to reiterate basic reality. My response will be divided…
Modern Money Theory: Using Authoritarians’ Tools Against Them
For a few years now, Modern Money Theory, or MMT, has been the hottest buzzword in economics. The insights of MMT regarding our nation’s spending debate have been simultaneously misunderstood, disregarded, and celebrated. In this essay I will explain the central argument of MMT. I will explore why its conclusions are dangerous in the wrong…
Complexity As a Fundamental Diseconomy of Scale
I want to begin by praising Apolito’s piece. It both tackles the strongest argument against anarchism, the problem of achieving coordination at scale, and models the problem using insights from the cluster of fields that lie at the base of complex systems. Whatever my disagreements with them over markets, this is a welcome addition to…
L’anarchismo Elude il Calcolo Economico?
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale: Does Anarchism Skirt the Calculation Problem? pubblicato il 13 luglio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Qualcuno si sorprenderà, ma a differenza di molti anarchici del mercato liberato di C4SS, non sono un anarchico di mercato per via della questione del calcolo economico. Credo ovviamente che la questione del calcolo economico…
Centrifugal Tendencies in Information & Wealth
I’m a big fan of Aurora and hope that her contribution to this symposium helps encourage more anarchists to engage fearlessly with the mathematical dynamics of an anarchist society. But I must admit my disappointment, I was hoping her contribution would seriously engage with the arguments for markets and either present a novel alternative or…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory