Tag: data
Mutual Exchange Radio: John Cavanaugh on Data Privacy & The Digital Divide
This episode of MER features Alex McHugh interviewing John Cavanaugh of the digital-privacy organization, The Plunk Foundation. The Plunk Foundation promotes digital data privacy through education, advocacy, and policy recommendations, and by developing privacy tools and tech. Our conversation ranges from the deeper discussion on consent and privacy as related to self-ownership, to the more…
Imaginando un ciberfuturo optimista
Tech Learning Collective. Artículo original: Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future de 5 de enero de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. Violeta ha sido coautora de este artículo. Dominar la mayoría de las cosas que hace el ser humano requiere toda una vida de práctica. La carpintería, la jardinería y la pintura son algunos de…
Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this and this episode of The Enragés] Mastering most things humans do requires lifetimes of practice. Woodworking, gardening, and painting are just a few crafts whose histories stretch back thousands of years. But modern telecommunication, the act of communicating nearly instantaneously with someone from afar,…
Eisenhower Preterido
As indústrias de internet nos Estados Unidos podem ter acabado de inadvertidamente ter recebido bilhete azul pelo complexo industrial militar. Agora compete à Europa oferecer alternativa para o estado abelhudo. Quase todos os principais gigantes da indústria de internet estão sediados nos Estados Unidos. Os motivos são históricos e econômicos. A tradição de forte empreendedorismo…
Passing Over Eisenhower
The Internet industries of America may just have inadvertently had their hats handed to them by the military industrial complex. Now it’s up to Europe to provide an alternative to the surveillance state. Almost all of the major Internet industry giants are based in the United States. The reasons for this are historical and economical. The tradition of strong…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory