Tag: copyright
Não acredite naquela de que os funcionários do estado “trabalham para nós.” Dê uma olhada onde eles trabalharam antes de entrar no “serviço público” e veja para onde eles irão depois disso. Adivinhe só: Eles estão trabalhando lá, também, já agora.
For every copy of ALL Distro’s “No Copyright” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
For every copy of ALL Distro’s “The Question of Copyright” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Carson: Don’t fall for the line that state functionaries “work for us.” Take a look at where they worked before they entered “public service” and watch where they go back to afterward. Guess what? They’re working there right now, too.
This machine kills intellectual monopolists.
Assim, as pessoas que acossaram Aaron Swartz levando-o à morte fizeram isso nem sequer na esperança realista de vitória em sua rota de retirada, a infligir mais uma humilhação ao país violado.
Carson: La gente que acosó a Aaron Swartz hasta su muerte lo hizo no con una esperanza realista de victoria, si no debido al mismo impulso vengativo que lleva a un invasor derrotado a infligir una indignidad más al país violado en su retirada.
On Victory To Save Open Internet, Fight Online Censors
Carson: The people who hounded Aaron Swartz to his death did so, not even in the realistic hope of victory, but out of the same vindictive impulse that drives a defeated invader to inflict one more indignity on the violated country on its way out.
Intellectual property rights have a tainted past. Originally, both patents and copyrights were grants of monopoly privilege pure and simple.
We naderen een overwinning in de vijfduizendjaar durende oorlog tussen de natuurlijke overvloed en de kunstmatige schaarste.
Carson: Whatever corporate copyright lockdown Disney puts the franchise under couldn’t possibly exceed George Lucas’s worst. The Disney acquisition actually offers to breathe new life into the Star Wars universe.
Kevin Carson: The corporate state and its system of information control has already lost. It’s just to stupid to realize it.
Carson: We’re approaching victory in the five-thousand-year war between natural abundance and artificial scarcity.
Thomas L. Knapp asevera que la industria de la computación demuestra que el estado retarda el progreso.
Si esto es comunismo, entonces llevémoslo hasta sus últimas consecuencias.
Kevin Carson analiza las victorias y derrotas más recientes relacionadas con la propiedad intelectual en la lucha de la clase productiva
Thomas L. Knapp asserts that the computer industry demonstrates that government retards progress.
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson on the recent wins and losses on the IP front in the struggle of the productive class.
Kevin Carson: “I declare myself the enemy of Gates, the MPAA and RIAA, and a friend of Adam Smith. If this be communism, then make the most of it.”