Tag: class war
The Individualist and the Communist on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
In The End Nobody Wins
Morgenstern: And, like it or not, more and more people are becoming nobodies.
How to Reach the Left – Roderick T. Long
Presented at the Mises Circle in Chicago: “Strategies for Changing Minds Toward Liberty,” 9 April 2011.
Cue the Permanent Campaign
Knapp: Barring the increasingly usual “hanging chad” dramas, the 2012 elections are over. Heave a sigh of relief, take stock of any likely minor changes, and get on with our lives, right? Wrong.
Um Pouco de Imagem Invertida de Jeffrey Sachs
As pessoas tiveram sua revolução roubada de sob elas por Sachs e os de sua laia.
Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: Agency and Knowledge Problems Under Authority
Carson: Hierarchical institutions are machines for telling naked Emperors how great their clothes look, and those at the top of such hierarchies live in almost entirely imaginary worlds.
Emancipem-se da Escravidão Mental
Kevin Carson explica por que o extremismo de “extrema esquerda” não é reprovável.
Teachers Leave Those Kids Alone
And within five months, they had hacked Android.
War, Children: It’s Just a Welfare Check Away
Knapp: You can have politics or you can have peace, but you can’t have both.
The Wobblies and Free Market Labor Struggle
Carson: Rather than negotiating on the bosses’ terms under the Wagner rules, we should be using network resistance and asymmetric warfare techniques to make the bosses beg us for a contract.
The masses have become lazy, fat and stupid
Joe Bageant: The empire needs only about 20-25% of its population at the very most to administrate and perpetuate itself — What happens to the rest?
Sons of a Laboring God
Joe Bageant: Getting Down and Dumb at Burt’s Tavern
Capangas da Classe Criminosa Organizada
A anarquia não é falta de lei, e sim ausência de estado.
Contract Feudalism
Carson: In such an economy, associated labor might hire capital instead of the other way around, and the natural state of the free market be cooperative production under the control of the producers.
On Breaking Your Legs and Giving You Crutches: Responses to a Liberal
Carson: The common thread running through the left-libertarian response is that most of the evils currently remedied by the state result from state intervention in the first place.
Proletarian Blues
There’s no reason whatever for libertarians to surrender the concept of social justice to the statist left.
El Imperio de la Putrefacción Creciente
Kevin Carson habla de la lección a aprender de la desilusión de los progresistas con Obama.
China: ¿República Popular o Elitista?
David D’Amato reflexiona sobre la justicia social en China y en el mundo.
Guerra Entimemética: Ou, Abrir os Olhos para a Desinformação
Carson: Não é, obviamente, o que a classe dominante quer. É, porém, exatamente o que queremos.
An Open Letter to Barry Goldwater
“We should encourage the flower of liberty whether its petals be red, white and blue, or red and black.” -Karl Hess
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory