Tag: capitalism
Walter Block novamente Defendendo o Indefensável (Parte I)
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I, publicado em 26 de junho de 2024. Traduzido para o português por Ruan L. Em certo sentido, Walter Block está bem inserido na tradição das polêmicas do libertarianismo de direita/anarco-capitalismo, na medida em que o mesmo esconde as relações de…
Walter Block: Once Again Defending the Undefendable — Part I
In one sense, Walter Block is very much in the tradition of right-libertarian and anarcho-capitalist polemics, insofar as he hides power relationships and coercive institutions behind a facade of “free exchange” and “voluntary contract.” In another, however, he is much worse. Anarcho-capitalists, traditionally, have focused on convincing the average person that a stateless regime centered…
Il Capitalismo è Sempre più Vicino a Cesare che a Dio
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale pubblicato il 25 aprile 2024 con il titolo Capitalism Is Still Closer to Ceasar Than to God. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Su The Freeman, Cody Cook si chiede: “Gesù Cristo aveva simpatie per gli affari?” Comincia citando alcuni passi dei vangeli che condannano chiaramente la ricchezza e nota…
Io, la Matita, una Rilettura
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: I Pencil, Revisited, pubblicato l’undici luglio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Scarica qui la versione stampabile in formato pdf. Introduzione Non credo che esista testo libertario controverso più diffuso, più noto, o più amato, di I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read. Comparso per la prima…
Capitalism Is Still Closer to Caesar Than to God
At The Freeman, Cody Cook asks “Was Jesus a Friend to Big Business?” He begins by quoting several of the many prima facie condemnations of the wealthy in the Gospels, and notes their troubling implications for the sort of libertarianism (pro-wealthy, pro-business, and pro-big business) both he and The Freeman represent. With such strong statements…
Kecil itu Mengagumkan!
Oleh: Max More. Teks aslinya berjudul “Small is Awesome.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Artikel ini ditulis oleh Max More dan diterbitkan di The Freeman pada 1 Februari 1999. Max More adalah presiden dari Extropy Institute yang berbasis di Marina Del Rey, California. Korporasi raksasa tidak akan mendominasi perekonomian Korporasi besar mengontrol…
Tre Falsi Argomenti con un Colpo Solo
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: John Tamny Hits the Trifecta of False Talking Points, del 24 gennaio 2024. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. John Tamny è vice presidente di FreedomWorks e direttore del Center for Economic Freedom, sempre di FreedomWorks. Scrivendo su Real Clear Markets, Tamny è riuscito a centrare tre argomenti falsi con un solo…
The Long Library, Episode 2: “Corporations versus the Market; or, Whip Conflation Now”
“Corporations versus the Market; or, Whip Conflation Now” was the lead essay of Cato Unbound’s 2008 discussion “When Corporations Hate Markets” and later included in C4SS’s “Markets Not Capitalism.” The essay is one-half political economy, sketching out the basic ideas behind freed-market anti-capitalism, and one-half political psychology, exploring the various pitfalls leading virtually everyone, from…
The Rentier Economy, Vulture Capital, and Enshittification
  The Rentier Economy, Vulture Capital, and Enshittification   There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of…
Il Pensiero di Ivan Illich: Una Critica Libertaria
Originale: Kevin Carson, The Thought of Ivan Illich: A Libertarian Analysis. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna Versione stampabile pdf Nota del traduttore Per le citazioni tratte dai libri di Ivan Illich mi sono basato, per quanto mi è stato possibile, sulle edizioni in italiano. In alcuni casi, soprattutto quando le citazioni sono molto brevi, non…
Might Doesn’t Determine Right…
…but It Did Determine Our Regime of Property “You fools! If you took might, freedom would come of itself.”- Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own On December 12th, 2023 the AFL-CIO Facebook page posted a meme that stated “Elon Musk doesn’t create cars, Jeff Bezos doesn’t deliver Amazon packages, Howard Shultz doesn’t make Starbucks…
Intellectual Property: A Libertarian Critique — 2nd Edition (2009, 2023)
    Intellectual Property: A Libertarian Critique 2nd Edition (2009, 2023)   Preface to Second Revised Edition (2023) In the fourteen years since the original version of this paper was published, my political and economic views have undergone ideological shifts of the sort that might be expected of anyone who has remained intellectually engaged over…
John Tamny Hits the Trifecta of False Talking Points
At Real Clear Markets, John Tamny — FreedomWorks Vice President and Director of the FreedomWorks Center for Economic Freedom — manages to fit an impressive number of fallacious talking points into one column. FreedomWorks, as you might know, is the outfit founded by Dick Armey — the crook extraordinaire who (along with fellow dumpster fires…
Apakah Pasar Bebas akan Menciptakan Kapitalisme Korporasi?
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Banyak anarkis dan sosialis berpendapat bahwa bahkan jika pasar secara teoritis dapat bersifat non-kapitalis, dan ekonomi pasar non-kapitalis dapat diciptakan, dinamika dari pasar akan menghasilkan kelahiran kembali kapitalisme. Argumentasi yang digunakan oleh kaum anarkis dan sosialis non-pasar adalah bahwa,…
Y, sin embargo, utilizas esas malvadas plataformas tecnológicas. ¡Curioso!
De Kevin Carson. Artículo original: And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious! del 16 de septiembre de 2020. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. Es común que los libertarios de derecha ataquen, con cierta justificación, la estupidez de quienes equiparan oponerse a una ley o agencia gubernamental con oponerse a algún valor…
Neoliberalisme, Koperasi, dan Pabrik Sosial
Oleh : Eric F. Teks aslinya berjudul Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Dikutip dari  “Patience and Time: Timebanking and Self-Organizing Networks of Eldercare in Greater Portland, ME” Memahami masalah di sekitar perawatan mengharuskan kita untuk melihat kembali dan lebih nasional daripada hanya Maine. Banyak dari para lanjut usia…
Neoliberalismo, Produzione Condivisa e Fabbriche Sociali
Di Eric F. Originale pubblicato il 19 luglio 2023 con il titolo Neoliberalism, Co-Production, and the Social Factory. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Estratto da: “Patience and Time: Timebanking and Self-Organizing Networks of Eldercare in Greater Portland, ME” Per capire i problemi che ci circondano dobbiamo dare uno sguardo al passato, considerando l’insieme più che il…
“A Terra Afundará”: A Natureza Lovecraftiana da Elevação do Nível dos Oceanos
De Eric F. Artígo original: ‘The Land Shall Sink’: The Lovecraftian Nature of Sea Level Rise, 11 de abril de 2019. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Em 1917, H.P. Lovecraft escreveu as seguintes linhas eu sua história curta “Dagon”: Sonho com o dia em que [coisas inomináveis] poderão ascender por sobre os vagalhões para…
Article original: Moloch, par Kevin Carson Traduction française par Leuk Table des matière: • Première partie – Les origines de la production Sloaniste de masse. • Deuxième partie – Les Impératifs Institutionnels du Sloanisme. • Conclusion. Versions imprimables: • Version imprimable A4 • Version imprimable livret
Moloch (III)
Moloch, Conclusion, par Kevin Carson. Article original: Moloch – Mass-Production Industry as a Statist Construct. Traduction française par Leuk. III – Conclusion Ainsi l’unique potentiel de l’énergie électrique, pour de nombreuses décennies, fut détourné dans un cul-de-sac de production en série. C’est seulement avec le déclin du système Sloaniste, qui commença avec la stagnation économique…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory