Tag: border militarization
Longtime C4SS Fellow, activist, and economist Nathan Goodman was recently interviewed by Aaron Ross Powell on (Re)Imagining Liberty about the feedback loop between militarization at the border and militarization abroad, the role of social capital in public policy, and how good social science can help correct for the errors of the political process. Check out…
In our final episode for the year, Alex McHugh interviews a return guest to the show Nathan Goodman. We focus on Nathan’s recent paper, published with Chris Coyne, “U.S. Border Militarization and Foreign Policy: A Symbiotic Relationship.” Nathan is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Economics at New York University, affiliated with the Program…
GMU Economics PhD candidate, and former Lysander Spooner Scholar at the Center for a Stateless Society, Nathan Goodman, joins historian Dr. Anthony Comegna at the The Institute for Humane Studies’ podcast, Ideas in Progress, to discuss “[…] some of the events of this past year, the rise in militarization of the police, the protests in…
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 15 maggio 2018 con il titolo Closed Borders and Black Market Economics. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nel 2012, il sedicenne José Antonio Elena Rodríguez fu ucciso a Nogales, in Messico, da un agente di confine che stava dall’altra parte del muro, in territorio statunitense. L’agente sparò stando una quindicina…
In 2012, sixteen-year-old Jose Antonio Elena Rodríguez was murdered in Nogales, Mexico by a Border Patrol agent across the wall, on the U.S. side. The agent shot from behind the rusted iron slats, the existing border wall in Sonora, about 50 feet above the boy. The murderer claimed that the boy was “throwing rocks in…