Tag: black market
L’arrembaggio alle Borse da 10.000 dollari
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: $10,000 Handbags? Arrrr, Matey! del 29 giugno 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Con un articolo dal titolo “Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Handbags pubblicato sul New York Times,” Amy X. Wang parla della guerra persa dell’industria della moda contro le borse di lusso contraffatte indistinguibili dall’originale. Giusto qualche tempo…
$10,000 Handbags? Arrrrr, Matey!
In “Inside the Delirious Rise of ‘Superfake’ Handbags,” Amy X. Wang at the NYT reports on the fashion industry’s discomfiture over counterfeit luxury handbags that are indistinguishable from the real thing.   Not long ago, I found myself wandering through Paris with a fake Celine handbag slung over my shoulder. In France, a country that prides…
Bagaimana Kekuasaan Ganda dan Agorisme Menciptakan Masyarakat yang Bebas?
Oleh: Benjamin. Teks aslinya berjudul “How Would Dual Power and Agorism Create a Free Society?” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah. Penjelasan ini merupakan bagian dari seri FAQ Anarkisme Pasar C4SS “Kekuasaan ganda” dapat dijelaskan secara ringkas dalam frasa populer Wobbly, “membangun struktur baru masyarakat dalam cangkang yang lama.”  Para pendukung strategi kekuasaan ganda berbagi kepercayaan yang…
Akhiri Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan: Dekriminalisasi Kerja Seks
Oleh: James C. Wilson. Teks aslinya berjudul “End Violence Against Women: Decriminalize Sex Work” diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Minggu lalu adalah Hari Perempuan Internasional, hari yang didedikasikan untuk menghormati dan merayakan pencapaian ekonomi, budaya, sains, dan politik perempuan serta merayakan perempuan dalam kehidupan kita. Ini juga merupakan hari untuk memberi penekanan ekstra pada isu –…
Toward a Cooperative Agorism
I have a saying that goes something like: ‘I don’t trust anybody who thinks taxation is theft but profit isn’t.’ The former is a common sentiment among libertarians left and right, who argue, like Michael Huemer, that “[w]hen the government ‘taxes’ citizens, what this means is that the government demands money from each citizen, under…
Mutualismo do Mercado Negro e a Alma da Sociedade
De Jesse Baldwin. Artigo original: Black Market Mutualism and the Soul of Society de 8 de abril de 2018. Traduzido para o português por Iann Zorkot. Quando os anarquistas falam sobre ação contra-econômica, pensamos em trocar bens e serviços independentemente da jurisdição do estado. Nosso objetivo é pressionar os limites do estado regulatório. Não importa…
Frontiere Chiuse e Economia in Nero
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 15 maggio 2018 con il titolo Closed Borders and Black Market Economics. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nel 2012, il sedicenne José Antonio Elena Rodríguez fu ucciso a Nogales, in Messico, da un agente di confine che stava dall’altra parte del muro, in territorio statunitense. L’agente sparò stando una quindicina…
Closed Borders and Black Market Economics
In 2012, sixteen-year-old Jose Antonio Elena Rodríguez was murdered in Nogales, Mexico by a Border Patrol agent across the wall, on the U.S. side. The agent shot from behind the rusted iron slats, the existing border wall in Sonora, about 50 feet above the boy. The murderer claimed that the boy was “throwing rocks in…
Black Market Mutualism and the Soul of Society
When anarchists talk about counter-economic action, we envisage exchanging goods and services independent of state jurisdiction. Our purpose is to press the bounds of the regulatory state. It doesn’t matter if our efforts are illegal per se. Legality is not a moral prescription. A proper concern for institution building is uncommon in counter-economic philosophy. The…
How Would Dual Power and Agorism Create a Free Society?
“Dual power” can be nicely summed up by the popular Wobbly phrase of “building the structure of the new society within the shell of the old.” Proponents of a dual power strategy share a belief in developing, at the grassroots level, an “alternative social infrastructure” that piece-by-piece replaces our statist, capitalist, society. Simply put, this…
End Violence Against Women: Decriminalize Sex Work
Last Sunday was International Women’s Day, a day set aside to honor and celebrate the economic, cultural, scientific, and political achievements of women as well as celebrate the women in our lives. It is also a day to put extra emphasis on the issues that especially concern women. Two such issues are the related problems of…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons, Control, and Black Market Resistance
Palestinian prisoners incarcerated in Israeli jails are not allowed conjugal visits. They have no physical contact with loved ones, and all visits have a glass barrier between visitors and inmates. But prisoners and their wives are finding a route around this social control by smuggling sperm out of prison and using in vitro fertilization to…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory