Tag: Bitcoin
Bloomberg reports that “Wall Street’s biggest trade group has proposed a government-industry cyber war council,” led by a “senior White House official” and composed of representatives from the finance industry and no fewer than eight US federal agencies. The aforementioned “trade group,” the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, has already brought in former National…
“Visions of a Techno-Leviathan: The Politics of the Bitcoin Blockchain” was written by Brett Scott and published with E-International Relations. We are honored to have Brett Scott‘s permission to feature his article on C4SS. Feel free to connect with Scott through twitter: @Suitpossum and check out his blog: The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money In Kim Stanley…
Como alguns devem saber, o projeto Dark Wallet foi liberado para o público no dia 1º de maio de 2014. A Dark Wallet é desenvolvida pelo UnSystem, uma organização que inclui, entre outros participantes notórios, Cody Wilson, famoso por desenvolver a primeira arma impressa em 3D no mundo, a Liberator. A Dark Wallet está em…
As some of you may be aware, the Dark Wallet project was released to the public May 1st, 2014. Dark Wallet is developed by UnSystem, an organisation that includes among other great minds, Cody Wilson. Wilson is (in)famous for developing the worlds first 3d printed gun, The Liberator. Dark Wallet is in its alpha stage of…
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “Magical Thinking and Authority” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Anyone who works within a corporate or government hierarchy, and has to do their job despite constant interference and irrationality from higher-ups, will recognize the truth of this phrase from Dilbert: “Bossworld, where the laws of time, space and mathematics…
C4SS Media presents Christiaan Elderhorst‘s “Bitcoin Must Self-Regulate — The State Can Only Destroy” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “Currently there is no system by which Bitcoin marketplaces can be held accountable. Resorting to government legal systems might indeed be the only way by which Mt.Gox customers can receive the restitution they deserve. What…
Há pouco mais de uma semana, a organização anarquista de auxílio mútuo Fr33 Aid, que fornece serviços médicos e educacionais com o apoio de voluntários, teve seus bitcoins roubados de sua carteira virtual, localizada no Blockchain.info. Apoximadamente 23 bitcoins foram levadas, o equivalente a mais ou menos US$ 14.500. Um valor considerável. O roubo ocorreu apesar…
C4SS Media presents Thomas L. Knapp‘s “Future Of Bitcoin “In Doubt?” I Doubt It.” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The only entities and organizations with anything to fear from Bitcoin and its offspring are governments (which rely on the ability to tax) and the political class (including pseudo-”private” parasites who make their livings sucking…
Just over a week ago, Fr33 Aid, an anarchist mutual aid organisation that is centred around supporting volunteers who provide medical and educational services, had it’s Bitcoins stolen from it’s online wallet located at Blockchain.info. Approximately 23 bitcoins were taken, with a value of about 14,500 USD. No small sum. This theft occurred despite reasonable…
A raíz de la quiebra de Mt. Gox, el portal de intercambio de Bitcoin, más de cuatrocientos de sus clientes han expresado interés en presentar una demanda colectiva contra la casa matriz y su presidente ejecutivo, Mark Karpeles. Mt. Gox era la mayor plataforma de intercambio de Bitcoin del mundo. Aunque el funcionamiento de Bitcoin…
Recently US Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) attracted attention by calling for an all-out ban on Bitcoin, which he claims is not only “unstable and disruptive to our economy” but encourages “illicit activity.” If Manchin thinks any such law can actually be enforced, he’s delusional. His delusion illustrates a much broader phenomenon: The tendency of those…
Bitcoin has had a rough couple of weeks. With the closure and bankruptcy of MtGox and the closure-from-hacking of at least one smaller “bank,” the value of Bitcoin has fluctuated wildly. Predictably, this instability have caused some media outlets to make the exaggerated and premature announcement of the cryptocurrency’s death. But while most in the…
Com a falência do banco de Bitcoin Mt. Gox, mais de 400 de seus clientes expressaram interesse em entrar com um processo coletivo contra a empresa-mãe e seu dono, Mark Karpeles. A Mt. Gox era o maior mercado de Bitcoins do mundo e, embora o funcionamento da criptomoeda ainda seja incompreensível para várias pessoas, seu…
In the wake of Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox’s bankruptcy filing, more than four hundred of its customers have expressed interest in filing a class action lawsuit against the parent company and its chief, Mark Karpeles. Mt. Gox was the cryptocurrency’s largest marketplace. Although Bitcoin’s functioning is still incomprehensible to many its value is real. Mt.Gox’s…
Un articolo sincero sul collasso di Mt. Gox, il mercato dei cambi di Bitcoin, suonerebbe più o meno così: “Ehi! Il mercato dei cambi più importante di Bitcoin è scomparso nel nulla… e invece di collassare, i Bitcoin ancora si vendono a 500 dollari! Una moneta robusta, con grandi capacità di ripresa! Un successo! Grande!…
Uma cobertura jornalística mais razoável do colapso do Mt.Gox, um dos maiores mercados de Bitcoin, seria mais ou menos assim: “Uau! Um dos maiores mercados de Bitcoin da internet acaba de desaparecer e, em vez de entrar em colapso, o Bitcoin ainda é comercializado por cerca de US$ 500! Que moeda robusta e resistente! Que…
Sane news coverage of Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox‘s collapse would look something like this: “Wow! The Internet’s largest Bitcoin exchange just vanished into thin air … and instead of collapsing, Bitcoin is still trading at about $500! What a robust, resilient currency! What a success story! Wow! Wow!” Sanity in news coverage? Well, not so much….
Transfer of Power Arguably the most powerful person in the United States (even rivaling the POTUS), Ben S. Bernanke, has left the Federal Reserve. Since 2006 he has sought to make the economy his marionette. Fed policies, under his direction, worked to manage a collapsed housing market, busted mortgage industry and the 2008 global financial crisis –…
Bueno, estamos a punto de dejar atrás otro año, así que es hora de anunciar mis dos nominaciones para “La Persona más Influyente del año 2013”. El sobre, por favor… ¡Tenemos un empate! El premio va para… Edward Snowden y Satoshi Nakamoto. A Edward Snowden, porque que en 2013 sus revelaciones de las travesuras malévolas…
“Building Creative Commons: The Five Pillars of Open Source Finance” was written by Brett Scott and published on his blog The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance: Hacking the Future of Money. We are honored to have Brett Scott‘s permission to feature his article on C4SS. Feel free to connect with Scott through twitter: @Suitpossum. AHOY, THERE BE A CLOSED…