Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu
[Di Sheldon Richman. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 23 settembre 2016 con il titolo US Rewards Israel’s Bad Behavior. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Benjamin Netanyahu è stato forse il più anti-palestinese tra i primi ministri israeliani in una lunga serie di farabutti che si sono dedicati a cacciare i poveri palestinesi…
Benjamin Netanyahu has been perhaps the most anti-Palestinian Israeli prime minister of a large rogue’s gallery dedicated to driving the aggrieved Palestinians out of the land they and their ancestors have lived in and worked for millennia. This oppression — which has included ethnic cleansing, savage war on the people of the Gaza Strip, routine brutality and humiliation,…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Chad Nelson‘s “Time to End the ‘Special Relationship’” read by Joey Clark and edited by Nick Ford. “So while more discussion and new information are normally welcomed before war is waged, Netanyahu’s antics gave us neither. His Congressional hosts will use his address to bolster their calls for the continued American war state,…
On March 23rd a Wall Street Journal piece appeared, alleging that an Obama administration official accused Israeli intelligence of spying on close door nuclear talks between the US and Iran and leaking the details to congress. The claim was denied by both Israel and top ranking US Legislators. This comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin…
Beklendiği gibi, Başbakan Benjamin Netanyahu’nun Washington DC’deki Kongrede verdiği konuşmaya verilen tepkiler Israil’de ve Amerika’da parti içerisinde bölünmelere neden oldu. Netanyahu’nun savaş propagandasına yatkın olanlar Iran’la nükleer anlaşmaya karşı reddedilemez, ikna edici öneri duydular. Netanyahu’nun “kurt bağaran oğlan” rutinine tanıdık olanlar ikna edilmediler. Konuşma sonrasında,Netanyahu’nun İsrail’de beklenen seçim numaraları değişmedi, ve Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde, Washington’ın partizan muhafazakarlar ve basınlar “liderlik gıpta” iddea ettiler (Elisabeth Hasselbeck, R-Fox…
The Benjamin Netanyahu on display in the days before and after Tuesday’s Israeli election is the same one who has been in power all these years. Right along, he was there for all to see, so no one should have been surprised by his performance. I seriously doubt that anyone really is surprised. Americans who…
Come c’era da aspettarsi, la reazione al discorso al Congresso del primo ministro Benjamin Netanyahu si sono divise secondo linee di partito, sia in Israele che negli Stati Uniti. Quelli che condividono la sete di guerra di Netanyahu ci hanno visto un argomento convincente, indiscutibile per opporsi a qualunque accordo sul nucleare con l’Iran. Quelli…
As expected, reaction to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Washington DC Congressional address broke pretty much along party lines, both in Israel and the United States. Those already susceptible to Netanyahu’s war fever heard a compelling, irrefutable case against any nuclear deal with Iran. Those familiar with Netanyahu’s “boy who cried wolf” routine weren’t persuaded. In Israel, Netanyahu’s expected election numbers…