Tag: anarchy
Dissolvete le Frontiere
Il sedici marzo è una data importante per tutti quelli che cercano pace e armonia tra gli uomini: la Giornata delle Frontiere Aperte. Il sito openborders.info, fondato da Vipul Naik, è al suo terzo anno di vita (è nato il sedici marzo 2012). Mira ad aprire la conversazione su immigrazione e libertà di movimento oltre…
Dissolving Borders
March 16 marks an important date for those who cherish peace and harmony between human beings: Open Borders Day. The website openborders.info, founded by Vipul Naik, is in its third year of existence (it began March 16, 2012). It aims at opening up the conversation around immigration and freedom of movement across political borders. Its…
L’individualismo si Scontra con la Cooperazione? Per Niente!
Oggi un individualista in politica rischia di farsi una nomea. Non c’è da sorprendersi. Dopotutto la politica è dominata da politici eletti, e la politica elettorale va essenzialmente contro l’individuo. In un libero mercato o in un’associazione volontaria di qualsiasi genere, le persone in disaccordo sarebbero libere di andare da qualche altra parte. Le elezioni…
All Power to the Imagination
Various. Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader (AK Press/Dark Star 2002) The people involved with Dark Star Collective sought to provide an introductory anthology to the ideas of anarcha-feminism after numerous visitors to their bookstand wondered if they had anything on the subject. Anarcha-feminism is the radical synthesis of feminism and anarchism, or the idea that destroying…
Radicalism as Revolution: A Call for a Fractal Libertarianism on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jeff Ricketson‘s “Radicalism as Revolution: A Call for a Fractal Libertarianism” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Ruper, in all fairness, does say he appreciates libertarians’ intense self-analysis. He seems to just want libertarians to redirect their energies toward spreading broadly libertarian ideas, rather than converting members of the libertarian movement…
Against All Nations and Borders on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Charles Johnson‘s “Against All Nations and Borders” read by Ryan Calhoun and edited by Nick Ford. A recent post at the “Libertarian Realist” blog (actually, they are neither) claims to take issue with Sheldon Richman’s defense of free immigration. The post is an example of astonishing sophistry, beginning with a long attack on Sheldon’s…
Free Market Reforms and the Reduction of Statism
Objectivist scholar Chris Sciabarra, in his brilliant book Total Freedom, called for a “dialectical libertarianism.” By dialectical analysis, Sciabarra means to “grasp the nature of a part by viewing it systemically — that is, as an extension of the system within which it is embedded.” Individual parts receive their character from the whole of which…
Ideologies and Idols
With all the hub-bub surrounding the International Students for Liberty Conference, Ron Paul, and “second-wave libertarianism,” I am reminded of a passage in Simone de Beauvoir’s Ethics of Ambiguity about the “sub-man.” This is quite reflective of any of us who deal with ideologies, but those who specifically follow libertarianism and or anarchism may want…
Jeff Riggenbach Reads: History of an Idea on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Roderick Long‘s “History of an Idea” read by Jeff Riggenbach and edited by Nick Ford. So long as the confusion between free markets and plutocracy persists – so long as libertarians allow their laudable attraction to free markets to fool them into defending plutocracy, and so long as those on the left allow their…
Devletsizlik: Kötü Bir Şey Gibi Zannediyorlar
Geçen Kasım, Birleşmiş Milletler Yüksek İltica Komisyonu (UNHCR) “devletsizlik sorununu” bitirmek için 10 yıllık programı başlattı. Aralıkta, UNHCR Devletsizlikte Bölgesel Koruma Kıdemli Memuru, Emmanuelle Mitte, gazetecilere (Batı Afrikada ve dünya çapında) programı desteklemeleri için temyiz etti ve basının “savunma ve konu sensitizasyon sorumluluğu” anıldı. Ancak bu kampanya, “Ben Aitim” ismiyle, destekci ve yaraticiların Birleşmiş Milletler, siyasi hükümetler, ve yöneten…
Anarchism Without Hyphens & The Left/Right Spectrum
A new pamphlet featuring two classic short essays is now available for download thanks to the efforts of the Tulsa Alliance of the Libertarian Left — [PDF] Anarchism Without Hyphens & The Left/Right Spectrum (by Karl Hess). Please note that the format of the PDF file features a staggered page order layout intended to facilitate printing…
Three Tales of the DRM Curtain
These three short stories all come from the same Cory Doctorow collection, Overclocked: Stories of the Future Present (New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2007). Free download here. The three are all set against a background of what I call the “DRM Curtain,” a transnational corporate Empire based on artificial scarcities enforced through a maximalist version “intellectual…
Building a Movement with Less Hiding Space for Foulness
Two weeks ago we all learned that Brad Spangler, a professed libertarian and anarchist once of some prominence, is a child molester. There have always been hidden monsters and no movement, community or culture is entirely immune. But while we’ve spent the last two weeks recoiling in horror and crushed under the sadness of these…
Anarchism Without Adjectives
Schematic designs for a new society seem to be really popular among self-described anarchists of all stripes. On the Right, we have Rothbard’s model for an entire society modelled whole-cloth on a “libertarian law code” deduced from axioms like self-ownership and the non-aggression principle. Within the historic anarchist movement of the Left, we have uniform…
The Anarchism of Despair
The life of Laurance Labadie appears very much like his anarchism, a deliberate, often anachronistic struggle against the vogues and prevailing winds of his day, a hopeless attempt to revive an energy faded or extinguished entirely. His thought belonged to a libertarian strain regrettably anchored to those of the previous generation or two, to a…
Constitutional Law Under Anarchy
One of the biggest challenges to the complete decoupling of the provision of law from the state, with a free market of security and adjudication, is the possibility that these entities would collude against their customers. Economically, it is noted that consumers would lose some money while the collusion in the supply of goods and…
Libertarian Socialist Rants: My Thoughts on Feminism
Via the Association of Libertarian Feminists discussion group (natch) I found this video by up-and-coming YouTube star Cameron Watt (on Facebook anyway), from his channel Libertarian Socialist Rants (LSR). His title is “My Thoughts on Feminism”, but as my Tweet on it explains, it’s really about why the hierarchy analysis of anarchism necessitates feminism. The embed…
Violenza ed Eufemismi
Odio quei sostenitori della violenza che si spacciano per avvocati della nonviolenza. Ad esempio, quei liberal che condannano una protesta violenta ma poi invocano leggi che autorizzano un poliziotto armato ad arrestare una persona per possesso di un’arma da fuoco. O quel presidente che usa le bombe a grappolo contro i civili ma poi condanna…
The State as Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “The State as Stay Puft Marshmallow Man” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. Sometimes the capitalist state’s internal rules and procedures, created to serve an economic ruling class, in specific cases wind up sabotaging the very interests they were created to serve. Much like the Catholic doctrine of concupiscence…
Should Labor be Paid or Not? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Should Labor be Paid or Not?” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Benjamin Tucker, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. “Labor” should be paid! Horrible, isn’t it? Why, I thought that the fact that it is not paid was the whole grievance. Unpaid labor has been the chief complaint of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory