Tag: anarchism
Autoridade: Se É Boa, Por Que Nos Faz Sentir Tão Mal?
Kevin Carson: Em suma, você fica reduzido a sentir-se como uma criança “malcomportada” diante de uma figura de autoridade adulta.
Authority: If It’s Good, Why Does It Make Us Feel So Bad?
Carson: Dealing with other human beings — all other human beings — as equals, confident and unafraid, is the right way to live. It’s the only right way to live.
Can Anybody Ever Consent to the State?
Consent is always compromised by force; the mere existence of effective force dedicated to some end constitutes coercion toward that end, whatever you may think or want.
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Can We Escape the Ruling Class?
Roderick T. Long: We tend to think of the “ruling class” as a Marxist concept, but the notion has a long history before Marx.
“a most attractive consummation”
–How Will a Free Society Come, and How Will It Operate? by Celia B. Whitehead and Ross Winn,
A “Political” Program for Anarchists
Kevin Carson: I’m not calling for “anarchist politicians” to run for office and exercise political power. Our involvement in politics should take the form of pressure groups and lobbying, to subject the state to as much pressure as possible from the outside.
Speaking On Liberty: William Gillis
Speaking On Liberty’s Jason Lee Byas and Grayson English interview C4SS Fellow and Human Iterations blogger William Gillis – the author of the opening essay, The Freed Market, in the left libertarian collection Markets Not Capitalism.
Nuestra Adaptación a la Conquista
David D’Amato: La guerra es por lo tanto inseparable en la práctica de lo que hemos llegado a identificar como “terrorismo”, ambos términos designan hostilidad injustificable e invasiva contra inocentes.
This machine kills intellectual monopolists.
Our Adjustment to Conquest
David D’Amato: War is thus inseparable in practice from what we have come to identify as “terrorism,” both designating unjustifiable, invasive hostility against innocents.
Statism and the Illusion of Choice
Sebastian A.B.: Voters place their hope in God-Kings called Presidents, expecting sociopaths to lift them out of servitude. An introductory buckshot critique of the most holy word, “democracy,” or Hans-Herman Hoppe’s “god that failed.”
“Our Present Attitude” by Voltairine de Cleyre on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Voltairine de Cleyre’s Our Present Attitude, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
El Problema de la Revolución Violenta
Cómo y cuándo es permitido usar la violencia es un tema fundamental en el anarquismo, tanto en términos prácticos como filosóficos.
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For every subscription or bundle of the “Anarchist Classics Series” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
¡Robots consumistas del mundo, uníos!
La preponderancia del consumismo en las sociedades contemporáneas es típicamente asociada con los “mercados libres”, debido al lavado cerebral que las corporaciones llevan a cabo a través de sus campañas publicitarias.
The New Fourth Estate: Anonymous, Wikileaks and –archy
Sebastian A.B.: The techno-libertarian culture has birthed the do-it-yourself Fourth Estate—usurping the illegitimate media and furnishing a viable alternative to the cartelized press. Two entities, Wikileaks and Anonymous, have emerged under this banner.
“Es complicado”, o la relación del anarquismo de mercado con los impuestos
Alan Furth: Para el anarquista de mercado es imposible reformar el estado debido a la naturaleza de su estructura de incentivos, de la cual los impuestos son parte fundamental.
C4SS, Lysander Spooner and The Shoulders of Giants.
Interview: Gary Chartier recently participated in an extensive interview with James Corbett of The Corbett Report.
Subsidiando el Apocalipsis
Cualquier libro de texto de Economía le enseña a uno que los monopolios son malos.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory