Tag: anarchism
The Sun, March 04, 1894 – An Interview with Voltairine de Cleyre
VOLTAIRINE DE CLEYRE PHILADELPHIA’S WOMAN ANARCHIST; HER THEORIES AND VERSES Offspring of a French communist and a New England Puritan Woman, She Was Born to Enthusiasm and Hobbies-Rabid in her Anarchism, and Believes in Unhappiness as Part of the Highest Ideal Life Picture to yourself a tall woman – her age may be 26 years-with…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs, or people who are alert to profit opportunities and act in order to obtain profits for themselves, exist in all societies. But the profit opportunities they seek will vary. Some entrepreneurs may seek to profit by providing consumers with goods they value, such as pizza or beer. Others may attempt to profit by seeking…
Book on Confucian Libertarianism Published
I’m pleased to announce the publication of the second item from the Molinari Institute’s new POD publishing program. This one is my own Rituals of Freedom: Libertarian Themes in Early Confucianism, a book-length expansion of a much shorter article I wrote in 2003. Here’s the summary: When scholars look for anticipations of libertarian ideas in…
Harambe isn’t Your Excuse for Adult Supremacy
On May 28th a tragic incident happened at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden where a 3 year old boy managed to get into an enclosure with a gorilla named Harambe. Although the boy wasn’t seriously injured the zoo keepers felt it necessary to shoot and kill Harambe for the safety of the child. Some…
Authoritarianism Means Never Having to Apologize over Spilled Milk
In Virginia a middle school student named Ryan Turk was arrested and then suspended from school for allegedly stealing a $0.65 carton of milk. Officials claim that the student tried to conceal the carton of milk and are also charging him with larceny. This charge could impinge Turk’s record which could also lead to further…
Molinari Review 1.1: What Lies Within?
The Molinari Institute (the parent organization of the Center for a Stateless Society) is proud to announce the publication of the first issue of our new interdisciplinary, open-access, libertarian academic journal, the Molinari Review, edited by yours truly, and dedicated to publishing scholarship, sympathetic or critical, in and on the libertarian tradition, very broadly understood….
The Problem Doesn’t Stop With Amtrak
Amtrak is in legal trouble. The rail service provider has long enjoyed an anomalous legal status as a for-profit corporation created by the U.S. government. But in 2008, the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act, or PRIIA, heightened that anomaly by giving Amtrak a say in crafting and imposing the regulations that the entire U.S….
Transhumanism Implies Anarchism
The more means by which people can act the easier attack becomes and the harder defense becomes. It’s a simple matter of complexity. The attacker only needs to choose one line of attack, the defender needs to secure against all of them. This isn’t just true of small thermal exhaust ports, it’s true in our…
Kurdistan as an Anarchist Society
When looking at history for examples of the establishment of anarchist societies we often think of the Spanish anarchists in Catalonia or the efforts of the Zapatista army in Mexico. These are both examples of groups using tactics of revolutionary armed conflict against the state and capitalism in an attempt to establish an autonomous stateless…
In 2016, Keep Saying “No!”
People who want to live in a society organized on the basis of peaceful, voluntary cooperation don’t want to be ruled by monopolists — by states. State authority is illegitimate, unnecessary, and dangerous. But that obviously leaves open the question: what do we do now, while we’re still under the state’s rule, to make our…
Freed Market Anarchists: Meet Wendell Berry
For many years, I have encountered repeated references to Wendell Berry, the venerable farmer-sage of Kentucky: novelist, poet, essayist, philosopher and environmental activist. And I lazily assumed his writings to be in the category of things that are Good For You, but probably dull, like stodgy health food. But then I came across The Art…
Laws Won’t Keep Bathrooms Safe
(CW: Discussions of transphobia and sexual abuse) The Washington Post recently reported on a South Carolina bill introduced by Senator Lee Bright who claims, “I don’t believe transgender people are pedophiles,” but, “I think grown adult men would use this as protection to violate women in the restroom.” Like many others, Bright fails to understand that…
Panarchist Anthology Published
A new anthology titled Panarchy: Political Theories of Non-Territorial States, edited by Aviezer Tucker and Gian Piero de Bellis, has been released by Routledge. The concept of panarchy comes from an 1860 work of that title by the Belgian botanist and political economist Paul Émile de Puydt (1810-1891). The essence of his panarchist proposal is…
Prisons and Primitive Accumulation
One important point my colleague Kevin Carson has emphasized repeatedly is that the prevailing labor relations in our society are not just a natural outgrowth of voluntary exchanges in a free market. Instead, they have resulted from pervasive state intervention that constrains the options of workers, thus leaving them in a worse position to bargain…
Dyer Lum — Anarchists Without Adjectives
Download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study: Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 21 (Spring 2016) Anarchists Without Adjectives: The Origins of a Movement Introduction Errico Malatesta Joseph Labadie Dyer Lum Voltairine De Cleyre Max Nettlau The Question of Anarcho-Capitalism Conclusion About all of any substance that James J. Martin has to say…
Violence and Freedom in a Borderlands Trump Rally
The rally against Trump in Fountain Hills, Arizona, on the 19th of March, 2016, was met with great resistance and critique from both the Left and the Right largely using arguments about “freedom” and “violence.” As these are important and seemingly misunderstood themes, I’ve chosen to weave analyses of them through this report-back. Freedom is…
Joseph Labadie — Anarchists Without Adjectives
Download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study: Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 21 (Spring 2016) Anarchists Without Adjectives: The Origins of a Movement Introduction Errico Malatesta Joseph Labadie Dyer Lum Voltairine De Cleyre Max Nettlau The Question of Anarcho-Capitalism Conclusion In America “Anarchism Without Adjectives” arose against the background of a rancorous dispute…
North Carolina Codifies Transphobia
In just 12 hours, North Carolina’s state legislature passed a “special” session bill superseding local anti-discrimination laws which protect the rights of LBTQA+ folk. The anti-discrimination laws superseded regard matters ranging from private matters like housing to public restrooms. No session of this nature had occurred in North Carolina in 35 years. This upheaval reinforces that if marginalized communities are…
Errico Malatesta — Anarchists Without Adjectives
Download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s full C4SS Study: Center for a Stateless Society Paper No. 21 (Spring 2016) Anarchists Without Adjectives: The Origins of a Movement Introduction Errico Malatesta Joseph Labadie Dyer Lum Voltairine De Cleyre Max Nettlau The Question of Anarcho-Capitalism Conclusion Errico Malatesta, as recounted by Max Nettlau in A Short History of Anarchism,…
Anarchists Without Adjectives
The “anarchism without adjectives” designation (the phrase, at least — the concept, as we shall see below, may have originated with Malatesta) was originally the work of two Spanish anarchists, Ricardo Mella and Fernando Tarrida del Marmol. Mella and Tarrida del Marmol worked out their theory in response to doctrinal disputes within the European…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory