Tag: anarchism
Solarpunk is a somewhat newer subculture inspired by science fiction, most notably steampunk and cyberpunk, and environmentalism. It is a media genre that has produced amazing works in the fields of video games, animation, film, television, literature, and music. It also exists as a real life movement which has influenced areas of society such as…
Di Frank Miroslav. Originale pubblicato il 17 dicembre 2019 con il titolo Individualism Towards Abolition of the Self. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Nell’attuale discorso politico, individualismo è uno dei termini più distorti. Parlando di individualismo, si tende a confondere, a mettere assieme, due versioni dello stesso rappresentandole come inseparabili. La prima è “individualismo etico”, che…
One of the most twisted words in today’s political discourse is individualism. When people talk about individualism, they tend to conflate two types of individualism and present them as inseparable. The first is ethical individualism which sees the individual as the most important ethical consideration. The second is methodological individualism which sees the individual as…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. This month, we interrupt our scheduled episodes to bring you a special episode from the Please Try This at Home transhumanism conference. In this episode, podcast producer Alex McHugh interviews Jahed Momand on autonomous medicine. Jahed is a PNW-based anarchist interested in…
Мое собственное представление о политике состоит в том, что она следует по прямой линии, а не по кругу. Прямая линия [политического спектра] простирается от самого правого края, где (исторически) мы находим монархию, абсолютные диктатуры и другие формы абсолютно авторитарного правления. В крайнем правом углу закон и порядок означают закон господ и порядок, который служит интересам…
«Я хотел бы напомнить вам, что экстремизм в защиту свободы не является пороком! И позвольте мне также напомнить вам, что умеренность в стремлении к справедливости не является добродетелью!» — Карл Хесс, для Барри Голдуотера; отсылка к Цицерону. Существует только один вид анархистов. Не два. Только один. Анархист, единственный вид, который определяется давними традициями и литературой…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. This month, Nathan Goodman joined us on Mutual Exchange Radio to discuss the provision of public goods and welfare in a stateless society. Nathan is a PhD student in economics at George Mason University. Previously, he was the Lysander Spooner Research…
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato l’otto agosto 2019 con il titolo Anti-State Responses to Terrorism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un’altra settimana e un altro attacco terroristico misogino e/o del nazionalismo bianco. Si incitano a vicenda, formano vasti movimenti, ecosistemi, reti di cellule. The Base, Atomwaffen, The Rise Above Movement, American Identity Movement, Hammerskin Nation, Wolves…
Another week, another misogynist and/or white nationalist terrorist attack. They’re urging each other on, they’re forming broad movements, ecosystems, networks of cells. The Base. Atomwaffen. The Rise Above Movement. American Identity Movement. Hammerskin Nation. Wolves of Vinland. European Kindred. Proud Boys. The names and factions proliferate. Hordes congregate online to cheer the latest atrocity and…
You can now subscribe to Mutual Exchange Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify, and SoundCloud. Our guest this month was someone familiar to many in the audience, Will Gillis. Will is the director of the Center for a Stateless Society and is a second-generation anarchist who’s worked as an activist in countless projects since getting involved…
Di Gary Chartier. Originale pubblicato il 22 gennaio 2016 con il titolo What’s Wrong with Inequality? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. A credere ai cosiddetti esperti, sembra quasi che tutto quest’odio verso la disuguaglianza sia frutto dell’invidia e di una certa ignoranza sul funzionamento dell’economia. Una ragione in più per non credere ai cosiddetti esperti. Il…
Come ridare vita alla fiera del libro anarchica Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato il 21 marzo 2019 con il titolo The Mall or the Agora? Revitalizing the Anarchist Bookfair. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La fiera del libro rappresenta uno dei momenti migliori per un anarchico. Una fiera del libro ha una struttura gerarchica evidente. C’è…
Di Zachary Woodman. Originale pubblicato il 30 aprile 2019 con il titolo Avoiding the Excesses of Violence and Pacifism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Gli anarchici sono facilmente irritabili, anzi l’irritazione è forse ciò che spinge ad essere anarchici. Gli anarchici sono contro la politica convenzionale, come tutte le frange, e questo crea risonanza. Le due…
First off, I want to thank everyone who answered the call and submitted poems for our first ever May poetry feature! I’ll admit I was a little scared about going off the beaten path here, but you all delivered, and it’s been a real pleasure to review the poems we’ve received. I also want to…
We anarchists are usually very good at being edgy, and edginess is one of the personality traits that probably attracted many of us to anarchism. Anarchists, like any fringe movement, need to counter-signal against the political mainstream in order to remain relevant. These two things are not necessarily bad; an edgy predisposition enables you more…
Poetry has a long history in the anarchist tradition. It is often through poetry that we find ways to say the things we can’t say with prose, whether for fear or simply because they can’t be expressed properly that way. Fits of emotion are a part of radical politics, and for many it is these…
Politicamente morti Di Black Cat. Originale pubblicato il 22 marzo 2019 con il titolo Pacifism and the Pacifistic: a Tale of the Politically Dead. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Ci sono ancora, purtroppo, anche tra gli attivisti di sinistra, persone inerti, pacifisti ad oltranza. Ovvero, persone non solo intenzionalmente, esplicitamente pacifiste: tutti i pacifisti sono tali….
In Ursula K Le Guin’s classic short “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” she considers a prosperous and happy society whose success is somehow purchased through a dark bargain — the torture and abject immiseration of a single child. Despite the positive good won for the many, a few starry-eyed children of Omelas refuse…
Di Citizen Ilya. Originale pubblicato il 23 marzo 2019 con il titolo How Putin’s Government Deals With Russian Anarchists. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Se seguite ciò che sta accadendo in Russia, probabilmente sapete cosa stanno passando attivisti politici e persone dell’opposizione. La dittatura putiniana si basa sulla tortura e il carcere per chiunque non condivida…
If you follow the news about Russia, then you probably know what’s happening right now with opposition and political activists. Putin’s dictatorship focuses on torture and imprisonment of everyone who disagrees with authoritarian anti-social politics. If somebody is struggling against total poverty and unfairness, then they will face repression from government structures such as FSB…