Tag: abolition
Advice for Surviving and Thriving in Lock Up
Since the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, a number of protesters and rioters of the dumpster-fire and ski-mask variety have found themselves detained for noble acts that change the world– like toppling statues of racists or torching cop cars or inflicting necessary violence. No good deed, it seems, goes unpunished. But, many of these…
The End Is the Beginning: Anarchist Abolitionism as Communicative Creation
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Thomas Malthus, in his infamous work An Essay on the Principle of Population, takes several sections to critique the ideas of arguably the first modern anarchist thinker William Godwin. In one, Malthus writes, The great error under which [Mr.]…
Contro la Giustizia Penale, IV: Liberi Tutti
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale pubblicato il 7 dicembre 2020 con il titolo Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. IV: Free All Prisoners. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente sul blog Students for Liberty il 6 febbraio 2015 Gli ultimi tre articoli di questa serie riguardavano l’ingiustizia della pena e del diritto penale, e la giustizia di…
Contra o Sistema Penal, Parte III: Por Uma Justiça Efetiva
De Jason Lee Byas. Original: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. III: For Actual Justice, 30 de novembro 2020. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Nas últimas duas partes desta série, eu defendi que a prática punitiva e a instituição do Direito Penal são inerentemente injustas. Como alternativa, propus que nós as substituíssemos por…
Contro la Giustizia Penale, III: Per una Giustizia Vera
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. III: For Actual Justice, pubblicato il 30 novembre 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente sul blog Students for Liberty il 30 gennaio 2015. Nei due precedenti articoli della serie, ho spiegato come la pratica punitiva e la giustizia penale siano inerentemente ingiuste. In…
Contro la Giustizia Penale, II: La Criminalità del Diritto Penale
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt II: The Criminality of Criminal Law, 23 novembre 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente sul blog Students for Liberty il 25 novembre 2015. Nel primo articolo di questa serie ho spiegato perché un libertario dovrebbe respingere la pratica penale. In alternativa, credo che…
Contro la Giustizia Penale, I: Niente Pena Mai
Di Jason Lee Byas. Pubblicato il 16 novembre 2020 con il titolo Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. I: No One Should Ever Be Punished. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente sul blog Students for Liberty il 25 agosto 2015. Mentre dolore, sofferenza, costi della giustizia penale statunitense vanno alle stelle, crescono le richieste di…
Contra o Sistema Penal, Parte II: O Direito Criminal É Um Crime
Jason Lee Byas. Título original: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. II: The Criminality of Criminal Law. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. ​Na primeira parte desta série, apresentei razões para os libertários rejeitarem as práticas punitivistas. Como alternativa, sugeri que o papel adequado do Direito é a busca pela resolução de conflitos, e…
Contra o Sistema Penal, Parte I: Ninguém Jamais Deveria Ser Punido
​Jason Lee Byas. Título original: Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. I: No One Should Ever Be Punished. Traduzido por Gabriel Serpa. Enquanto toda dor, todo o sofrimento e todos os custos elevados, ocasionados pela justiça criminal, se agravam e fogem do nosso controle, mais e mais pessoas se posicionam em favor de uma reforma…
Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. IV: Free All Prisoners
The last three posts of this series have been focused on the injustice of punishment and criminal law, and the justice of a tort-based pure restitution system. Even if punishment itself were legitimate, however, we would still have reason to reject the main form of punishment that exists today.Prisons– especially as they exist in the United States–…
Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. III: For Actual Justice
In the previous couple of posts of this series, I argued that the practice of punishment and the institution of criminal law are inherently unjust. As an alternative, I proposed that we replaced them with a purely civil system, with no law but tort law. All cases would then be cases of dispute resolution, where…
Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. II: The Criminality of Criminal Law
In the first post of this series, I gave some reasons why libertarians ought to reject the practice of punishment. As an alternative, I suggested that the only proper role of law is dispute resolution, and that law’s violence can only be used in either direct defense or the collection of restitution. In effect, this…
Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. I: No One Should Ever Be Punished
As the pain, suffering, and sheer cost incurred by the criminal justice system in America spirals further and further out of control, more and more people have come to push for reform. Even Texas Governor Rick Perry, who once proudly declared to have never struggled with issues like the death penalty, has begun to advocate…
Education: Guaranteeing Access Isn’t Enough
In a recent email, a professor of sociology expressed some skepticism about what she regarded as over-enthusiastic treatment of the possibilities for new education models in a stateless society. Among other things, she questioned the apparent claim that new media, online courses and free lectures would “save the education system” or provide access to education….
The Libertarian Struggle of the Black Movement on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Valdenor Júnior‘s “The Libertarian Struggle of the Black Movement” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. Murray Rothbard attempted to establish a conversation between libertarianism and the New Left through the periodical Left and Right: A Journal of Libertarian Thought. Among the articles published, one of the best certainly is Rothbard’s own…
La Lotta Libertaria del Movimento dei Neri
Nota: Questo articolo è stato scritto in occasione della Giornata della Consapevolezza dei Neri in Brasile. Negli anni sessanta, nomi famosi del movimento libertario americano entrarono in contatto con i movimenti di mobilizzazione della Nuova Sinistra che, al contrario della Vecchia Sinistra, era caratterizzata da diffidenza verso le strategie di uno stato centralizzato con ampi…
Come le Leggi Fondiarie Hanno Tenuto Soggiogati i Neri Brasiliani
Nota: Questo articolo è stato scritto in occasione della Giornata della Consapevolezza dei Neri in Brasile. La schiavitù in Brasile, l’ultimo paese americano indipendente che a quei tempi aveva ancora questa istituzione, fu abolita ufficialmente il 13 maggio 1888. Certo non fu una legge firmata dall’aristocrazia a risolvere i problemi della popolazione nera che, per…
The Libertarian Struggle of the Black Movement
Note: this was written for the occasion of Black Awareness Day in Brazil. In the 1960s, notable names from the American libertarian movement established contact with mobilizations of the New Left, which was characterized, as opposed to the Old Left, by a mistrust of centralized and big government strategies, and by their emphasis on the inclusion of segregated…
How the Law of Lands Kept Black People in Submission in Brazil
Note: This article was written for the occasion of Black Awareness Day in Brazil.  Officially, slavery in Brazil, the last independent American country which still had this institution at the time, was abolished on May 13, 1888. However, it wouldn’t be a law signed by the aristocracy that would solve the problems of the black people, who, for centuries, had their labor and…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Why Abolition Must Be Emphasized
For this week’s Weekly Abolitionist post, I’d like to emphasize the importance of holding a specifically abolitionist stance on prisons. Getting rid of prisons is not just one more reform to tack on after we’ve accomplished everything else. It’s the primary goal, and all other reforms should be judged with that in mind. The key…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory