Markets Not Capitalism — Introduction
Ρу́сский: Рынки, не капитализм — Введение Türkçe: Kapitalizm Değil, Piyasalar – Bir Giriş Indonesia: Pasar Bukan Kapitalisme Español: Mercado, no capitalismo – Introducción Italiano: Mercato, non Capitalismo Português: Mercados não capitalismo — Introdução The individualist anarchist tendency is alive and well. Markets Not Capitalism offers a window onto this tendency’s history and highlights its potential…
Regulation Red Herring on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Regulation Red Herring” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Sheldon Richman, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. What’s overlooked—intentionally or not—is that the alternative to a government-regulated economy is not an unregulated one. As a matter of fact, “unregulated economy,” like square circle, is a contradiction in terms. If it’s…
Scratching By: How Government Creates Poverty as We Know It on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Scratching By: How Government Creates Poverty as We Know It” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Charles Johnson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The daily experience of the urban poor is shaped by geographical concentration in socially and culturally isolated ghetto neighborhoods within the larger city, which have their…
Healthcare and Radical Monopoly on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Healthcare and Radical Monopoly” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Kevin Carson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. In New York City, John Muney recently introduced an updated version of lodge practice: the AMG Medical Group, which for a monthly premium of $79 and a flat office fee of $10…
English Enclosures and Soviet Collectivization on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “English Enclosures and Soviet Collectivization” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Joseph R. Stromberg, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The English enclosures, standing as they do as a centerpiece in the ongoing Optimist/Pessimist debate over the industrial revolution, will be the first instance of agrarian “collectivization” or consolidation discussed…
The American Land Question on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “The American Land Question” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Joseph R. Stromberg, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. One key (but not the only one) to this much-sought-after independence was access to land, a theme taken up by Catholic writers Hilaire Belloc and G. K. Chesterton in early twentieth-century…
How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Kevin Carson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Since intellectual property is not necessary to encourage innovation, this means that its main practical effect is to cause economic inefficiency by levying a monopoly charge on the use of existing…
The Poverty of the Welfare State on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “The Poverty of the Welfare State [PDF]” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Joe Peacott, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. As the government, at various levels, attempts to cut back on welfare and other entitlement payments to poor people and/or require people to work in exchange for their welfare…
How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Roderick Long, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. “Lodge practice” refers to an arrangement, reminiscent of today’s HMOs, whereby a particular society or lodge would contract with a doctor to provide medical care to its members. The…
Individualism and Inequality on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Individualism and Inequality” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Joe Peacott, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The differences in wealth that arise in an individualist community would likely be relatively small. Without the ability to profit from the labor of others, generate interest from providing credit, or extort rent…
Let The Free Market Eat the Rich! on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Let The Free Market Eat the Rich!” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Jeremy Weiland, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. At the root of all these competing theories, the key question for anarchists remains: what does a stateless society look like? What exactly are we working towards? It is…
Confiscation and the Homestead Principle on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Confiscation and the Homestead Principle” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Murray Rothbard, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The homesteading principle means that the way that unowned property gets into private ownership is by the principle that this property justly belongs to the person who finds, occupies, and transforms…
Where are the Specifics? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Where are the Specifics?” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Karl Hess, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Libertarianism is a people’s movement and a liberation movement. It seeks the sort of open, non-coercive society in which the people, the living, free, distinct people may voluntarily associate, dis-associate, and, as…
Free Market Reforms and the Reduction of Statism on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Free Market Reforms and the Reduction of Statism” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Kevin Carson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The default tendency in mainstream libertarianism is a high degree of statocracy, to the point not only of (quite properly) emphasizing the necessary role of state coercion in…
Should Labor be Paid or Not? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Should Labor be Paid or Not?” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Benjamin Tucker, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. “Labor” should be paid! Horrible, isn’t it? Why, I thought that the fact that it is not paid was the whole grievance. Unpaid labor has been the chief complaint of…
Market Anarchism as Stigmergic Socialism on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Market Anarchism as Stigmergic Socialism” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Brad Spangler, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
Markets Freed from Capitalism on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Markets Freed from Capitalism” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by Charles Johnson, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB  
The Freed Market on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “The Freed Market” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, written by William Gillis, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. The Freed Market One of the tactics I’ve taken up in the anarchist economics wars is to refer to our modern corporatist/mercantilist/lovecraftian mix of economic systems as “Kapitalism” and when referencing Ancaps…
Markets Not Capitalism: Intro on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents “Markets Not Capitalism: Intro” from the book Markets Not Capitalism, read by Stephanie Murphy and edited by Nick Ford. Feed 44: Bitcoin tips welcome: 1N1pF6fLKAGg4nH7XuqYQbKYXNxCnHBWLB
Markets Not Capitalism On Stossel
C4SS Senior Fellow Gary Chartier talks to right libertarian John Stossel about Markets Not Capitalism and why advocates of freed markets should oppose capitalism.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory