February 27, 2017: Something Something Oscars
Welcome back to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to make you hate the state. As a quick refresher for new readers following our month-long leave of absence, the Daily Molotov is a roundup of the news and various views from anarchist and non-anarchist sources alike. Here’s today’s top news. RIP Bill Paxton. I wanted to…
Daily Molotov: January 27, 2017
Welcome back to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to make you hate the state. We took a couple days off because honestly, the news has been overwhelming for the last week and sometimes you just need to decompress. But we’re back now. Here’s today’s top news. From the New York Times After signing an…
Daily Molotov: January 24, 2017
Welcome back to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to make you hate the state. Here’s today’s headlines. From the New York Times Donald Trump told lawmakers that the reason he lost the popular vote was because of “illegal immigrants.” It’s not true. Also from the New York Times: Trump gathered the CEOs of…
Daily Molotov: January 23, 2017
Welcome back to the Daily Molotov! It’s been… an interesting weekend, but it’s time to get back to the daily grind. Here are today’s top headlines from across the media landscape. From the New York Times President Trump’s first weekend was… fairly goofy. And not in any sort of endearing way. Against a backdrop of protest demonstrations…
Daily Molotov: Places to find ongoing coverage of anti-Trump protests
Donald J. Trump has been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States amidst a backdrop of citywide protest actions from various groups. Check out Infoshop News and It’s Going Down for ongoing coverage of the action, and if you’re on Twitter, make sure you’re following #disruptJ20. Infoshop News It’s Going Down
Daily Molotov: January 18, 2017
Welcome to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to hate the state. We’re finally back on schedule and at our regular posting level again after a tumultuous – yet exciting – couple of days. Let’s check out some of our latest headlines from across the media. From the New York Times The biggest story right now is…
Daily Molotov: January 17, 2017
Welcome to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to hate the state with.  Chelsea Manning, the whistleblower who was arrested in 2010 for leaking documents about the Iraq and Afghan Wars to Wikileaks, will be released in May after outgoing president Barack Obama commuted the remainder of her sentence. Excuse us while we celebrate…
Daily Molotov: January 16, 2017
Welcome to the Daily Molotov, all the news that’s fit to hit the state with. Here are some of today’s important headlines. From the New York Times: Hey, listen, we’re all screwed. Also from the New York Times: One of the Samsung heirs might be going to jail. And Trump’s connections to Russia go back three decades. From the Washington Post: Some…
Daily Molotov Weekend Overview: January 13-15, 2017
Welcome to C4SS’s Daily Molotov, formerly News Bits, All The News That’s Fit to Hate the State With. This is a recap of the top news from this weekend as well as a look back at last week’s top stories. Podcast version here to come. From the New York Times: Scott Pruitt, outgoing Oklahoma Attorney General and buddy of the…
News Bits: January 12, 2017
Welcome back to News Bits, All the News That’s Fit to Hate the State With. This is going to be kind of a quick one! Here’s what’s happening.  From the New York Times: Donald Trump had his first press conference yesterday. It didn’t go too well. Also from the New York Times: Volkswagen pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy…
News Bits: January 11, 2017
Welcome to News Bits: All the News That’s Fit to Hate the State With. Here’s what’s been happening.  From the New York Times: Okay listen, before I get into this, I just wanna say that I’m going to refrain from making any horrible pee jokes. None. I promise. Intelligence officials apparently showered Donald Trump with a…
News Bits: January 10, 2017
Welcome back to News Bits, C4SS’s look at the day’s news. From the New York Times: Donald Trump has named his son-in-law Jared Kushner as his Senior Adviser, a move that will likely be challenged under federal anti-nepotism laws. But I mean let’s be honest this will probably stick. Nothing is true, everything is permitted…
News Bits: January 9, 2017
Welcome to News Bits, a look at today’s headlines from an anarchist perspective. From the New York Times: Congress is set to start confirming cabinet nominations this week. Two weeks out from the inauguration, it’s time to start really rubbing it in that the nightmare is, indeed, real and that there’s nothing to wake up from….
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory