Media Coordinator Update, 06/01/12
Tom Knapp on this week’s C4SS media action.
So that Our Reach Never Exceeds Our Grasp
Dear Supporter, C4SS functions on the enthusiasm of our writers, but it is the continued donations of our supporters that keeps us going and growing. We have big plans and even bigger dreams for the Center. Fundraising is not begging or charity. Fundraising is a barometer of success, support and professionalism. It is about offering…
Media Coordinator Update, 05/25/12
Tom Knapp on the Center’s media mojo this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 05/20/12
Tom Knapp on the Center’s media presence.
Kevin Carson Awarded C4SS’s Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory
The Center for a Stateless Society has named Kevin Carson the inaugural holder of its Karl Hess Chair in Social Theory. Carson, a C4SS senior fellow, is the author of three books — Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective, and The Homebrew Industrial Revolution — as well as C4SS research studies on topics including land ownership…
Media Coordinator Update, 05/11/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 12,649 Center op-eds to 2,762 publications worldwide, and have identified six media “pickpups” of our material: On May 5, Dimapur, India’s Morung Express published Kevin Carson’s “Free Trade? Free Your Mind!” Also in India, the Goa Herald published David D’Amato’s “‘Systemic Risk’ for Profit” on May 7. Kevin…
C4SS and Stacy Litz
Stacy Litz is no longer a member of the staff of, or otherwise involved with, the Center for a Stateless Society
Media Coordinator Update, 05/04/12
Tom Knapp on this week’s media successes.
C4SS is going on Strike!
Dear readers and supporters, The writers and volunteers of the Center for a Stateless Society will be going on strike for International Workers’ Day or May Day. May Day is the internationally recognized Labor Day, not the US “ministry of culture” equivalent. A salient difference between the two is that May Day is for all…
Media Coordinator Update, 04/27/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I was able to get C4SS op-ed submissions back up: 10,067 submissions to 2,763 publications worldwide. Only four op-eds, but three of them were submittable worldwide instead of being wholly US-centered (I prefer at least a 50-50 balance, the more global the better, and we’re getting back to that). So…
Media Coordinator Update, 04/20/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 6,323 Center op-eds to 2,762 publications worldwide, and have found four pickups of those op-eds: On April 13, published my piece on Syria (“Let’s You and Him Fight”) and the Zachary, Louisiana Plainsman-News ran “The State vs. George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin.” On April 16, my own “The Libertarian…
Media Coordinator Update, 04/13/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 7,307 Center op-eds to 2,761 publications worldwide, and have so far found three pickups of those pieces. Yes, those numbers are a little lower than usual — our content arrived toward the end of the week, meaning less time to submit (there are limits to my email capacity)…
Media Coordinator Update, 04/06/12
Knapp: A published market anarchist op-ed a day won’t make the state go away. But it’s a start.
Media Coordinator Update, 03/30/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 11,846 Center op-eds to 2,762 newspapers worldwide. So far, I’ve caught five reprints/”pickups” of our op-eds, and one significant mention of C4SS by a mainstream institution. The pickups: On March 25, David D’Amato’s “Getting Your Due in America” appeared in the Deming, New Mexico Headlight. The Goa, India…
Media Coordinator Update, 03/23/12
Tom Knapp reports on the Center’s media successes this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 03/17/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, I’m a day late with this week’s update. Sorry about that — I was waiting for a milestone that I wanted to be able to report this week. The Deming, New Mexico Headlight was responsible for all three C4SS pickups this week: My own “Syria: There are no ‘Good Guys,’” and “DC…
Media Coordinator Update, 03/09/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 7,306 Center op-eds to 2,763 publications around the world, and have so far found six media reprints of our material and one rebuttal piece: On March 6, the Nogales, Arizona International published a rebuttal, by Robert E. Kimball, to Kevin Carson’s “Nazi Exceptionism; or, how Godwin’s Law Gets…
Media Coordinator Update, 03/02/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, Well, I don’t know if March is coming in like a lion for us, but it’s definitely not lamb-like. We managed to get in a fight with Andrew Breitbart’s popular conservative web site, Big Government, this week and, well, you know what happened next. Ideological differences aside (although we’ll certainly be happy to…
Media Coordinator Update, 02/24/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, Content is picking back up at the Center. This week, I’ve submitted 7,125 op-eds to 1,783 publications (all in North America; in addition to amount of content, scope also affects submission numbers). With less content last week, and all US-centric content this week, it’s our pickup numbers that are down: Only two…
Media Coordinator Update, 02/17/12
Tom Knapp on the Center’s week in media.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory