Media Coordinator Update, 03/30/12

Dear C4SS Supporters,

This week I’ve submitted 11,846 Center op-eds to 2,762 newspapers worldwide. So far, I’ve caught five reprints/”pickups” of our op-eds, and one significant mention of C4SS by a mainstream institution.

The pickups:

The mention: Writing at the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, Janna Anderson and Lee Rainie quote Kevin Carson, and cite his C4SS affiliation, in “The Future of Apps and Web — Main Findings: Apps vs. Web: Winner?”

As I’ve mentioned more than once recently, we’re seeing these mentions pop up at an increasing rate. That’s an indicator that the Center’s market anarchist message is beginning to establish itself as a “player” on the field of ideas. Getting the chance to play is the first step toward winning!

This week’s pseudo-random reciprocal blogospheric link love goes to New World Notes, Fight the Power, and Reason and Jest.

Have a great weekend!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory