Media Coordinator Update, 11/05/10
Due to a publishing oversight, Tom Knapp’s Update from the end of last week is being published a few days late.
Tom Knapp on Freedom Rings Radio, 11/08/10
C4SS Media Coordinator Thomas L. Knapp joins host Kenneth John. 9-10am Central on WRMN 1410 AM, Elgin, IL or live on the web.
SFL Members: Write an Op-Ed, Get a Scholarship!
Are you a member of Students for Liberty? Would you like to take classes at Stateless U? If the answer to both is “yes,” here’s your chance to get the first class (ATP 101 — Introduction to Anarchism) out of the way tuition-free! We’re awarding ATP 101 scholarships to the first ten SFL members who:…
Tom Knapp on Thinking Liberty, 11/02/10
C4SS Media Coordinator Thomas L. Knapp joins host (and C4SS News Analyst!) Darian Worden, as the polls close on the 2010 midterm elections, to discuss his 2012-related project. 8pm Eastern at Thinking Liberty.
Media Coordinator Update, 10/30/10
Tom Knapp reports.
Op-Ed Boot Camp, November 19th-21st
Dear C4SS Supporters, Was our first “Op-Ed Boot Camp” successful? We had only two participants, but at least one op-ed was submitted for publication, so I consider it a success. I hope the participants do as well. I’m happy enough with the results to want to keep doing “Op-Ed Boot Camp” on a regular basis,…
Media Coordinator Update, 10/22/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this past week.
The C4SS News Widget, now in pure javascript
Announcing the release of a new, pure javascript version of the C4SS News Widget.
Media Coordinator Update, 10/15/10
Dear C4SS Supporters, I fell a little short of the recent standard on op-ed submissions this week due to two days of technical difficulties with email — 5,808 submissions to 2,578 newspapers. So far this week, I’m aware of three print media “pickups,” all of “IgNobel Again: In Liu of a Real Peacemaker” by yours…
Media Coordinator Update, 10/08/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 10/01/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this past week.
STUDY: The Market, Not Government, Is The Worker’s Friend
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30 – In the Center for a Stateless Society’s latest study, “Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model,” C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson examines the role of state labor regulation in halting the progress of unionism and explores the real source of pre-Wagner Act gains for labor: Direct action and worker solidarity in the face of combined state and corporate power.
Media Coordinator Update, 09/24/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports.
Op-Ed Boot Camp, October 1st-3rd
The Center will begin offering intensive seminars for new op-ed writers.
Media Coordinator Update, 09/17/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports.
Media Coordinator Update, 09/10/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 09/03/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 08/27/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.
Audio clip of the day, 8-24-2010: Net Neutrality
Mike Gogulski: Net Neutrality [mp3, 2:49] Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.
Media Coordinator Update, 08/20/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory