Media Coordinator Update, 09/24/10

Dear C4SS Supporters,

This week, I submitted 5,009 Center op-eds to 1,952 print publications. The US lists are shrinking slightly due to “bounces,” list removal requests, etc. The international lists are growing, but at the moment most C4SS content remains somewhat “US-centric,” meaning not as much stuff gets submitted outside the US. We’re working on that, though.

The Des Moines, Iowa Free Press published my “Electronic Cigarettes and the Fog of (Class War)” on the 21st, and the St. Joseph, Missouri Telegraph ran my “9/11’s (Jumped the) Shark Week” on the 23rd. Those are the only two newspaper pickups I’m aware of this week, but the submissions were loaded toward the last 48 hours so we may see more action over the weekend and early next week.

Advisory board member Gary Chartier represented the Center on The Authority Smashing! Hour, an anarcho-syndicalist Internet radio program, on Thursday evening.

The “Op-Ed Boot Camp” idea I mentioned in last week’s update is a go, starting the first weekend in October — see here for more information. If you write, or would like to write, anarchist op-eds and letters to the editor, join us for this weekend program!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Media Coordinator
Center for a Stateless Society

Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory