Audio clip of the day, 8-17-2010: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection
Mike Gogulski: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection [mp3, 1:37]. Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.
A Libertarian Tolerance Test
The core libertarian test of any human behavior is whether it forces itself upon any unwilling party. So, it would be a core libertarian position that doing anything by yourself in private on your own property — or privately between or among universally consenting sentient beings — should not be invaded to prevent it by…
Media Coordinator Update, 08/13/10
Tom Knapp reports on his work.
Media Coordinator Update, 08/06/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this past week.
Media Coordinator Update, 07/30/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work to promote the Center’s content.
Spangler, Knapp on Anarchy Time, 08/01/10
Brad Spangler and Tom Knapp join hosts James Cox, Tom Ender and Mandie Cunningham. Live stream at 9pm Eastern on BlogTalkRadio.
Mike Gogulski on Pacifica Radio, 07/30/10
C4SS web administrator Mike Gogulski appears on the Pacifica Radio Network to discuss the Help Bradley Manning web site. 5:35pm Pacific on KPFK 90.7FM Los Angeles, 98.7 Santa Barbara or listen live on the Web.
Tom Knapp on OverGround RailRoad, 07/28/10
Tom Knapp joins hosts Kimberly Brighton and Jason Barrick. Topic: “Why liberty-oriented organizations are largely ineffective in the political arena.” 9pm Eastern at
Mike Gogulski on Antiwar Radio, 07/27/10
“Mike Gogulski, [C4SS web administrator and] founder of the Help Bradley Manning website, discusses ‘Collateral Murder’ leaker Bradley Manning’s bravery and risk of an effective lifelong prison sentence, media smears and misrepresentations of Manning, the Obama administration’s record-setting whistleblower prosecutions and how you can donate to Manning’s legal defense fund.” Click here to listen or…
Media Coordinator Update, 07/23/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 07/18/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this past week.
Media Coordinator Update, 07/09/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.
Media Coordinator Update, 07/02/10
Tom Knapp reports.
Study: “Progressive” is the new “Reactionary”
A new study from the Center for a Stateless Society makes the case for progressives as the bitter-enders of a social project made obsolete by liberating technologies and the production and distribution methods those technologies make possible.
Media Coordinator Update, 06/25/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work.
News Analyst Alex R. Knight III to Attend Porcfest 2010 and Appear on the No-State Project
On Saturday, June 26, Alex R. Knight III will be attending the Free State Project’s annual Porcfest at Roger’s Campground in Lancaster, New Hampshire. He is simultaneously slated to appear on Marc Stevens’ show, the No-State Project.
Media Coordinator Update, 06/17/10
Dear C4SS supporters, As I’ve been doing, I’ll go into the details of how I’m approaching the position of C4SS media coordinator some more below, but first the week’s high points: – The Center has had two newspaper column “pickups” that I know of in the last week, both by the St. Joseph [Missouri] Telegraph,…
Brad Spangler on Freedom Rings Radio, 06/21/10
C4SS director Brad Spangler joins host Kenneth John. 9-10am Central on WRMN 1410 AM, Elgin, Illinois or live on the web.
Media Coordinator Update, 06/11/10
Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this week.
Brad Spangler on Standing For Liberty, 06/09/10
C4SS director Brad Spangler joins host Phil Wolf to discuss the Center’s purposes, projects and activities. 12:30pm – 1pm Eastern Time…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory