Urgent: Call Emory University Campus Police to Protest!
Please call and email to protest the arrest of Joe Diaz, a PhD student at Emory University, who was brutally assaulted in the University Library by campus police, arrested, and held under degrading and punitive conditions.  In the library he saw his diminutive friend Alice, surrounded by hulking uniformed officers standing over her as she…
Media Coordinator Update, 12/09/11
Dear C4SS supporters, This week I’ve submitted 7,123 Center op-eds to 1,781 publications, all in North America (no international content, in other words). So far I’ve detected four “pickups” of Center op-eds: My own “Can the Occupy Movement Fail Forward?” appeared in the Santa Fe New Mexican — the oldest US newspaper west of the…
Media Coordinator Update, 12/02/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 9,084 Center op-eds to 2,762 publications on six continents. So far I’ve identified seven “pickups” of those op-eds: Darian Worden’s “Egypt in the Next Stage of Revolution” appeared in the Baltic Review (distributed in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Germany) on November 24; in Goa Province, India’s O Heraldo…
Media Coordinator Update, 11/26/11
Tom Knapp on the Center’s media exploits this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 11/18/11
Dear C4SS supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 8,129 Center op-eds to 2,772 publications on six continents, and have detected four pickups/citations: “‘Austerity’ in Practice,” by David D’Amato, ran in the Dhaka, Bangladesh New Age on November 13. The Deming, New Mexico Headlight published my piece, “Herman Cain: If He Did It …” on November 14….
Media Coordinator Update, 11/11/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 7.161 Center op-eds to 1,791 US publications. As is usual when we only submit in one country, pickups are down — in this case to two. David D’Amato’s “The Science of Anarchism” ran in the Deming, New Mexico Headlight on November 7, and my own “Cain: If He…
Praise for Market Anarchism from Italy
Domenico Letizia of biblioteca dell’egoista had some nice things about Larry Gambone, market anarchism and me in an article entitled “le Cooperative e la cultura americana.”  He earlier mentioned Roderick long, free market anticapitalism, and me in an article at Anarchismo Liberale. When I contacted him by email, Domenico had further positive comments about C4SS….
Media Coordinator Update, 11/04/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 6,381 Center op-eds to 2,786 publications on every continent except Antarctica (also excluding, as Center advisor Roderick Long points out, Atlantis; and I must say that my distributions thus far are in fact limited to continents on Earth). That’s fewer than usual — we had less content than…
Media Coordinator Update, 10/28/11
Tom Knapp on the Center’s media penetration this week.
Media Coordinator Update, 10/21/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 7,406 Center op-eds to 2,801 publications, and have identified seven “pickups” of those op-eds: David D’Amato’s “The Science of Anarchism” ran in Quebecois Libre on October 15 and in the Dhaka, Bangladesh New Age on October 16. “Alternative Currency: Coming to Stores Near You?” by Darian Worden, appeared…
Media Coordinator Update, 10/14/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 10,016 Center op-eds to 2,801 publications. At present, I’ve confirmed seven “pickups” of those op-eds: Sheldon Richman’s “Wall Street Couldn’t Have Done it Alone” appeared in Media With Conscience News on October 10; the Deming, New Mexico Headlight and the Carroll County, Maryland Standard on October 11; and…
Media Coordinator Update, 10/07/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, A welcome uptick in “pickups” this week — seven of them! Darian Worden’s “To Occupy and Rise” appeared in the Deming, New Mexico Headlight on October 3, and in La Tribuna Hispana USA (as “La ocupacion y el alzamiento popular en Wall Street”) on October 4. Kevin Carson’s “From Arab Spring to…
C4SS Media Coordinator Update, 09/30/11
After last week’s uptick, it’s been another slow week for Center Op-Eds…
Gary Chartier at Agora I/O
Chartier: “There’s War, and Then There’s Everything Else.”
Media Coordinator Update, 09/23/11
Dear C4SS supporters, This week I’ve submitted 10,014 Center op-eds to 2,802 publications, and have so far noted seven “pickups” of those op-eds: Kevin Carson’s “Reflections from Airstrip Two” ran in the Carroll County, Maryland Standard on September 16. Massachusetts’s South Coast Today published Carson’s “Another Stupid Remark from Mitt Romney — But Who’s Counting?”…
Media Coordinator Update, 09/16/11
Tom Knapp on this week’s instances of the Center in the media.
Media Coordinator Update, 09/09/11
I’m not going to pretend we had a good week this week . . .
Kevin Carson on Carson’s Corner 9/3/11
Kevin Carson will be on Carson’s Corner with Bob Carson (no relation, AFAIK) — a progressive radio show on Underground Progressive Radio, 530 AM Brick, New Jersey.  It will be streaming tonight and tomorrow at 9PM EST here:  http://s7.myradiostream.com/27564.htm The podcast should be archived early next week.
Media Coordinator Update, 09/02/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, The bad news: So far, I’ve only detected four “mainstream media pickups” of Center op-eds this week. The good news: Two of those four pickups are in papers we’ve never been picked up by before, in US states where we haven’t had a lot of exposure! On August 28, my recent piece,…
Media Coordinator Update, 08/26/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 8,210 Center op-eds to 2,801 publications on six continents. And hey, some of those op-eds are by David D’Amato, who hasn’t yet told me why he’s returned (for those who asked, he left because he graduated law school, got engaged, and just didn’t feel like he had time…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory