Markets Not Capitalism: An Interview with Charles W. Johnson and Gary Chartier
Bradley Coufal conducts an email interview with Charles Johnson and Gary Chartier regarding Market Not Capitalism. Sample: “For the sake of gaining some background on the both of you in order to contextualize your position, can you explain, briefly, where you see yourself politically, and where you see libertarianism proper (left-lib?) on the political spectrum? Along this same…
Media Coordinator Update, 03/02/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, Well, I don’t know if March is coming in like a lion for us, but it’s definitely not lamb-like. We managed to get in a fight with Andrew Breitbart’s popular conservative web site, Big Government, this week and, well, you know what happened next. Ideological differences aside (although we’ll certainly be happy to…
Gary Chartier on Mental Self-Defense Radio
On February 27, 2012, C4SS Board and Advisory Panel member Gary Chartier appeared on K-Talk Radio’s Mental Self-Defense Radio with Jake Shannon. The show, around an hour and four minutes into the program, features Chartier, Tom Garrison, and Jake Shannon discussing, in the limited time available, such topics as the possible differences between “capitalism” and…
Media Coordinator Update, 02/24/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, Content is picking back up at the Center. This week, I’ve submitted 7,125 op-eds to 1,783 publications (all in North America; in addition to amount of content, scope also affects submission numbers). With less content last week, and all US-centric content this week, it’s our pickup numbers that are down: Only two…
Media Coordinator Update, 02/17/12
Tom Knapp on the Center’s week in media.
Gary Chartier on
Chartier discusses Markets Not Capitalism with’s Zach Weissmueller.
Media Coordinator Update, 02/10/12
Dear C4SS supporters, This week I’ve submitted 9,069 Center op-eds to 2,764 publications worldwide. So far I’ve found five “pickups” of Center op-eds this week. Three of them are in the Dhaka, Bangladesh New Age (which we’re proud to see continuing its regular use of our content!): David D’Amato’s “The Plague of ‘Political Will’” on…
Italian Mutualist Domenico Letizia on Mutualism as Alternative to Welfare State
Italian mutualist Domenico Letizia, in “Un’ analisi storica del mutualism, possibile “sostituto libertario” del welfare moderno,” (Istituto de Politica, Oct. 23, 2011), considers historic European working class mutualist organization as a model for anti-state welfarism.
Media Coordinator Update, 02/03/12
Tom Knapp on this week’s op-ed submissions and pickups.
Media Coordinator Update, 01/27/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 9,083 Center op-eds to 2,763 publications on seven continents, and have so far discovered seven “pickups” of our content: My own “This Depressingly Vitriolic Presidential Campaign” appeared in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on January 24, and in the Carroll County, Maryland Standard on January 26. Kevin Carson’s “War…
Media Coordinator Update, 01/20/12
Tom Knapp on the Center’s week in media.
Media Coordinator Update, 01/13/12
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 10,068 Center op-eds to 2,764 publications located across all seven continents on Earth. We’ve had a dip in pickups, but it’s an expected dip due to not many submissions last week: “Year of Upheaval, Year of Upping the Stakes,” by Darian Worden, ran in the Deming, New Mexico…
Media Coordinator Update
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week I’ve submitted 3,561 Center op-eds to 1,781 publications. Yes, it’s a low number — it’s been a slow week for new content, and that content has been US-centric. Expect an increase next week. Pickups: Eight! Florida’s Hernando Today ran three C4SS pieces this week: My own “Mic Check: I See…
The C4SS TOR node needs your support
The C4SS TOR node needs a bit of funding to continue operations. Can you contribute?
Media Coordinator Update, 12/30/11
Hey, it’s my last media coordinator update of 2011 — and fortunately I have a pretty good week to share with you!
Gary Chartier and The Young Turks.
On December 26, 2011, C4SS Board and Advisory Panel member Gary Chartier appeared on Current TV’s The Young Turks with Cenk Uygur. The show featured two leftists — Chartier and AlterNet editor Adele Stan — discussing the merits of Ron Paul’s candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. As a passionate foe of militarism, aggression, and empire,…
Media Coordinator Update, 12/23/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, OK, yeah, it’s actually the 24th. What can I say? I forgot yesterday was Friday. I had all the information available to do the update, and then got caught up in holiday preparations just forgot to publish it. Soooo … This week I’ve submitted 10,067 Center op-eds to 2,763 publication on seven…
Media Coordinator Update, 12/16/11
Dear C4SS Supporters, This week, I’ve submitted 9,107 Center Op-Eds to 2,763 publications on six continents, and have identified five pickups or citations: Back on October 6 — I missed it in the search engines until just now! — Egyptian newspaper Al Taghieer published Kevin Carson’s “From Arab Spring to Fall Revolution?” Forbes blogger ED…
Gary Chartier on Antiwar Radio
Scott Horton interviews C4SS Advisory Board member Gary Chartier on the philosophy of left-libertarianism.
Alongside Night film project seeks production crew
From J. Neil Schulman: Alongside Night, LLC, is now seeking crew, interns, and volunteers for our principal photography of the agorist-themed movie Alongside Night in January and February 2012. Alongside Night is produced, written, and directed by J. Neil Schulman, close ally of Samuel Edward Konkin III, and considered one of the original founders of…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory