The Enragés: To Build a Better Future with Darian Worden
For the tenth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Darian Worden to discuss their article titled “Go Forward to Freedom” that was published as the Center for a Stateless Society on May 24th, 2021. Darian Worden is a News Analyst, libertarian mutualist, writer and historian whose website can be found at….
Green Market Agorist Episode 17: What is C4SS? (feat. C4SS)
Don’t let the title fool you. Even if you’ve been a C4SS supporter for years, Logan Marie Glitterbomb’s deep dive into the center’s history and mission is a good listen for fellow travelers of all stripes. You might be surprised to learn that not everything you read on Twitter is true… —————————————————————————————— Donate to Logan’s…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Gus diZerega on Democracy as a Spontaneous Order
In this episode of MER, Alex McHugh interview Gus diZerega on his work around democracy as a spontaneous order. Gus is a retired professor with a Ph.D in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley. He is now an independent scholar and has been involved in an ongoing back and forth on libertarianism with…
The Enragés: Libertarian Anticapitalism with Rad Geek
For the ninth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Rad Geek to discuss his left-libertarian classic article titled “Libertarian Anticapitalism.”  Rad Geek (Charles Johnson) is an individualist anarchist technologist and “sometimes writer”, living in the Deep South. He researches topics in the history and theory of radical individualism, left-libertarianism, and market anarchism,…
Green Market Agorist Episode 16: Pandemic Anarchy (feat. Jeffrey Novatore)
In this month’s episode, Logan Marie Glitterbomb and Jeffrey Novatore talk about anarchism during a pandemic and how to balance rights and safety. Jeffrey Novatore:
Mutual Exchange Radio: Evan Pierce on Universal Ecological Infrastructure
We’re back! A little late, but hopefully worth it, here’s our “August” episode of Mutual Exchange Radio. In this episode Alex McHugh stands in for host Zachary Woodman to interview C4SS editing coordinator Evan Pierce. Evan is a gardener, builder, and anarchist working on generating and regenerating universal ecological infrastructure. They’re into the cross-pollination of…
Green Market Agorist Episode 15: Economic Calculation in the Spooky Commonwealth (feat. James Weeks)
Do we still need bosses? What would a real free-market look like? Can egoists work a day job? Dig into these questions and more with the always-amusing James Weeks and your host Logan Marie Glitterbomb.  Running show notes for Green Market Agorist: Logan’s legal fund: LIMITED EDITION shirt to help fund with Logan’s legal…
The Enragés: Libertarians for Redistribution with Gary Chartier
For the eighth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Gary Chartier to discuss Gary’s left-libertarian classic, “Libertarians for Redistribution.“ Gary Chartier is Distinguished Professor of Law and Business Ethics at La Sierra University, a senior fellow of the Center for a Stateless Society, and is the author, editor, or co-editor of fourteen…
The Outgroup: Industry Baby, Climate Change, & The Space Race
We’ve released this episode of The Outgroup publicly both as a way to announce our new Patreon levels and as a sort of apology for the recent gap in MER episodes. Thanks for your patience while we sorted things out! Mutual Exchange Radio will be back at the end of the month. In the meantime, we…
The Enragés: The Pursuit of Abolition with Nathan Goodman
For the seventh installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Nathan Goodman to discuss their article titled Abolition: An Economist’s Perspective. This article is a contribution to an upcoming C4SS anthology called Total Abolition: Police, Prisons, Borders, Empire. Tune in to learn how economics can contribute to the pursuit of abolition, and how…
The Hadal Quadrants, Episode 2: Trans Youth Bills
In this episode of The Hadal Quadrants, host Leslee Petersen speaks to activists Ashley Shade and Logan Marie Glitterbomb about queer liberation, Pride, and the recent rash of trans youth bills. Intro music by Joel Williamson Be sure to follow The Hadal Quadrants on Facebook and Twitter. And if you want early access to C4SS podcasts, free swag, and…
The Enragés: The Monster That Exists with Jaimine
For the sixth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Jaimine to discuss his piece “Social Statism called Caste.“ Without fearing the consequences, Jaimine writes boldly on a variety of topics including culture, hindutva, and economics. Jaimine made a political splash after spray painting “Taxation is Theft” on public walls in Mumbai, India,…
Green Market Agorist Episode 13: Exploring the Hadal Quadrants (feat. Leslee Petersen)
In this episode of Green Market Agorist, Logan Glitterbomb interviews recent addition to the C4SS podcast team, Leslee Petersen. Leslee joined the team to host The Hadal Quadrants, a new show on the C4SS podcast network. You can find the first episode here. We’ll also soon be migrating Green Market Agorist to the same hosting…
The Hadal Quadrants, Episode 1: Sex Work is Work
In this episode of The Hadal Quadrants, host Leslee Petersen speaks to activists Kitty Stryker and Cathy Reisenwitz about sex work, decriminalization, and the bills FOSTA/SESTA and its impact on sex work and internet culture. Kitty Stryker has been working on defining and creating consent culture for over 10 years through her writing, workshops, and…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Jesse Spafford on the Libertarian Case Against Property Rights
In this episode of Mutual Exchange Radio, host Zachary Woodman interviews Jesse Spafford. Jesse is a Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin working on the project REAL – Rights and Egalitarianism. His research is focused on social and political philosophy with particular attention paid to debates between libertarians, socialists, and anarchists over the moral status…
Podcast Update: New Episodes, New Schedule, and a Brand New Show!
Hello podcast fans! I’m excited to share that our podcast network continues to grow. This is largely thanks to the loyalty and support of our listeners, supporters on Patreon, and friends of the Center. So thanks!! This support not only allows us to keep making great programs like Mutual Exchange Radio and The Enrages, but it…
Green Market Agorist Episode 13: Privatizing Investigative Services (feat. Ann Skelerton)
In this episode of Green Market Agorist, host Logan Marie Glitterbomb interviews private detective Ann Skelerton about what exactly a PD does and the potential role for private investigators and detectives in a stateless society. As Logan notes at the top, GMA is now part of the C4SS podcast lineup! That means that very soon,…
The Enragés: Embracing the Implications of Statelessness
For the fifth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with Spooky to discuss two of their articles that are a part of an ongoing series. The first is titled “Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: Pacifying Anti- Statism” and the second, “Vulgar Anarcho-Communism: What Left Unity Conceals.” Spooky is a queer anarchist without adjectives, an egoist, former…
The Enragés: Next Time the Pendulum Swings
For the fourth installment of The Enragés, host Joel Williamson met with the Tech Learning Collective to talk about their article “Imagining an Optimistic Cyber-Future,” which is a creative exploration of radical strategies for a liberatory techno future. They also explore the impetus behind Tech Learning Collective and even offer some practical advice for those…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Dispatches from Russia (C4SS Around the World)
In this special edition of Mutual Exchange Radio, Alex McHugh interviews Ilya, a Russian social anarchist and anti-fascist. Ilya has written for C4SS a couple of times as well as translating some English articles into Russian. In this interview, part of our “Around the World” mini-series with C4SS contributors across the world, we dig into the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory