Tag: Voluntary
Oleh: Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Might Doesn’t Determine Right…”, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. …Tetapi Kekuatan Menentukan Rezim Kepemilikan Kita “Kalian bodoh! Jika kalian mengambil kekuatan, kebebasan akan datang dengan sendirinya.” – Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own Pada 12 Desember 2023, halaman Facebook AFL-CIO memposting sebuah meme yang berbunyi: “Elon Musk tidak membuat mobil,…
…but It Did Determine Our Regime of Property “You fools! If you took might, freedom would come of itself.”- Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own On December 12th, 2023 the AFL-CIO Facebook page posted a meme that stated “Elon Musk doesn’t create cars, Jeff Bezos doesn’t deliver Amazon packages, Howard Shultz doesn’t make Starbucks…
On June 30th, New Zealand’s parliament passed a bill that attempts to outlaw cyber-bullying and other forms of inappropriate online behavior. The Harmful Digital Communications Bill’s maximum penalties include two years in jail or fines of up to $33,900 in American dollars. The law establishes a new agency to investigate damage caused by digital communications. Digital bullying is…