Tag: Reddit
Gamestop, Capitalismo y Libertad
David S. D’Amato. Artículo original: Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom. Traducido por Diego Avila. [Este artículo fue originalmente publicado en Febrero 12 del 2021 en Counterpunch.org] Estrategas de Wall Street lo han llamado uno de los más extremos “apretones cortos y bruscos” en recientes décadas: a finales de Enero, las acciones del minorista de videojuegos GameStop…
GameStop, Capitalismo e Liberdade
David S. D’Amato. Original: Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Os estrategistas de Wall Street definiram-no como um dos mais perigosos short-squeezes em décadas: no final de janeiro, as ações da varejista de videogames GameStop, alvo de praticantes das vendas a descoberto e de muitos hedge funds, dispararam como resultado de…
GameStop, Capitalisme i llibertat
Per David S. D’Amato. Font: GameStop, Capitalism and Freedom. 15 de Febrer 2021. Traduït per Manel Finestres. Els experts de Wall Street l’han qualificat com un dels “short squeeze” més extrems de les últimes dècades: A finals de gener, les accions de la botiga de videojocs GameStop es van disparar degut a que els usuaris…
Gamestop, Capitalismo e Libertà
Di David S. D’Amato. Originale: Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom, pubblicato il 15 febbraio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Articolo pubblicato originariamente il dodici febbraio 2021 su Counterpunch.org. Gli strateghi di Wall Street l’hanno definito uno degli “short squeeze” (ricopertura dello scoperto) più pericolosi degli ultimi decenni. Alla fine di gennaio le azioni del rivenditore di…
Gamestop, Capitalism, and Freedom
[This article was originally published February 12, 2021 at Counterpunch.org] Wall Street strategists have called it one of the most extreme of the “sharp short squeezes” in recent decades: at the end of January, shares of video game retailer GameStop skyrocketed, as users of Reddit’s WallStreetBets forum rallied around the stock, which had been a target of…
Killing 8chan: The Heart of Modern Nazi Terrorism [CW]
In addition to all kinds of scariness, it’s important also to mention exactly how mediocre 8ch is. It’s the human equivalent of the magazines in your dentist’s but– if it’s even possible– more tryhard. That they consider themselves to be an intellectual vanguard is on par with a grown adult self-identifying as Rick from Rick and Morty. It’s laughably pathetic and sad.
Good Riddance to Old News Outlets on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents James C. Wilson‘s “Good Riddance to Old News Outlets” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Rather than having a handful of sources owned by the elite, we have infinite options to choose from. While it is true that much of internet content is rubbish, much of it is also greatly…
New Zealand is Trolling with its Anti-Trolling Bill
On June 30th, New Zealand’s parliament passed a bill that attempts to outlaw cyber-bullying and other forms of inappropriate online behavior. The Harmful Digital Communications Bill’s maximum penalties include two years in jail or fines of up to $33,900 in American dollars. The law establishes a new agency to investigate damage caused by digital communications. Digital bullying is…
The Cruel Irony of Political Libertarianism
If you’re a libertarian, you want to be left in peace, but you must be political in some capacity to achieve that goal. Oh, the agony!
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory