Tag: trans
An Orientalist History of Transmisogyny
The latest success in trans publishing is Jules Gill-Peterson’s A Short History of Trans Misogyny. Released at a time of global backlash to trans rights in a coalition bringing together figures as varied as J.K. Rowling and Javier Milei, it purports to analyze the origins of a world in which hatred of transfemininity has become…
Nullification, State’s Rights, and the Sanctuary Movement
California, Minnesota, New York, Colorado, Connecticut, New Mexico, and at least 13 other states all recently declared themselves sanctuary states for trans youth, thus further building upon the pre-existing sanctuary movement which Trump attacked years ago for harboring undocumented immigrants. Despite the conservative backlash against the movement, many have pointed out that it is an exercise in state’s…
Permitiendo el abuso de niños en Florida
De Thomas J. Webb. Artículo original: Enabling Child Abuse in Florida, del 12 de mayo de 2022. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. “Los niños no son propiedad de nadie: no son propiedad de los padres, ni siquiera de la sociedad. Sólo pertenecen a su propia libertad futura”. -Bakunin Como parte de la reciente ola…
Enabling Child Abuse in Florida
“Children do not constitute anyone’s property: they are neither the property of the parents nor even the society. They belong only to their own future freedom.” -Bakunin As part of the recent wave of legislation targeting LGBTQIA people, especially trans minors, Florida passed a law advertised by its proponents as protection for parental rights, HB…
The Untenability of Libertarian Transphobia on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Meg Arnold and Alex McHugh’s “The Untenability of Libertarian Transphobia” read by Athena Roberts and edited by Tony Dreher. “Trans people are not calling for the feds to come sweeping in and arrest every person who’s had a transphobic thought. Rather, we have a truly classical liberal intention; we just want…
The Untenability of Libertarian Transphobia
Transgender people and issues are receiving more attention in media and policy spaces, but there seems to be some uncertainty from libertarians on how to go about approaching them in both personal and political contexts. This is odd from a group that boasted acceptance of same-sex unions long before the mainstream left or right and…
Queer Ultraviolence
Queer Ultraviolence: Abridged Bash Back! Anthology by Fray Baroque and Tegan Eanelli (Ardent Press) Little Black Cart. I didn’t know how I was going to begin my review of Fray Baroque’s and Tegan Eanelli’s anthology, Queer Ultraviolence. I’ve read dozens of books on anarchism, but I admit my understanding of insurrection is limited to a few…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory