Tag: Thomas Hodgskin
Un Mito Libertario di Destra si Scontra con la Realtà
Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: A Right-Libertarian Myth Meets Reality, del 3 marzo 2025. Tradotto da Enrico Sanna. Un rapporto consegnato alla UE a settembre scorso solleva forti dubbi, nota Michael Roberts, sulla solita politica della destra riguardo gli investimenti. La tesi classica della destra libertaria è che il lavoro dipende dagli investimenti e che gli…
A Right-Libertarian Myth Meets Reality
A report submitted to the EU in September, as interpreted by Michael Roberts, casts considerable doubt on the standard right-libertarian party line regarding investment.  The standard right-libertarian talking point is that labor is dependent on investment, that investment — in the form either of credit or equity — comes from previous capital accumulation, and that…
Kekuatan Tidak Menentukan Kebenaran…
Oleh: Trevor Hauge. Teks aslinya berjudul “Might Doesn’t Determine Right…”, diterjemahkan oleh Sachadru. …Tetapi Kekuatan Menentukan Rezim Kepemilikan Kita “Kalian bodoh! Jika kalian mengambil kekuatan, kebebasan akan datang dengan sendirinya.” – Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own Pada 12 Desember 2023, halaman Facebook AFL-CIO memposting sebuah meme yang berbunyi: “Elon Musk tidak membuat mobil,…
Might Doesn’t Determine Right…
…but It Did Determine Our Regime of Property “You fools! If you took might, freedom would come of itself.”- Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own On December 12th, 2023 the AFL-CIO Facebook page posted a meme that stated “Elon Musk doesn’t create cars, Jeff Bezos doesn’t deliver Amazon packages, Howard Shultz doesn’t make Starbucks…
Apakah Pasar Bebas akan Menciptakan Kapitalisme Korporasi?
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?” Diterjemahkan oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Banyak anarkis dan sosialis berpendapat bahwa bahkan jika pasar secara teoritis dapat bersifat non-kapitalis, dan ekonomi pasar non-kapitalis dapat diciptakan, dinamika dari pasar akan menghasilkan kelahiran kembali kapitalisme. Argumentasi yang digunakan oleh kaum anarkis dan sosialis non-pasar adalah bahwa,…
Gerçek li̇berali̇zm ve tabi̇î hukuk
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale Sheldon Richman tarafından kaleme alınmış ve 10 Ağustos 2007 tarihinde The Freeman’da (Şimdi FEE oldu), 19 Temmuz 2014 tarihinde de C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. “Liderlerimiz bize yeni vergilerden başka bir şey getirmemektedirler ve tebaalarının ceplerinden başka fetheettikleri bir şey de bulunmamaktadır.” – Thomas Hodgskin Hükümet haklarımızın merkezi midir? Korkarım ki bugün pek çok…
Même merde, autre fête du travail
Kevin Carson. Article original : Same Shit Different Labor Day, 30 septembre 2021 Traduction Française par Guadalupe Lopes. Les apologistes de droite du capitalisme semblent avoir pour habitude d’utiliser les fêtes pour véhiculer leurs arguments. À chaque Thanksgiving, Reason ressort le buncombe ahistorique de John Stossel sur la façon dont le communisme a presque tué…
Altra Festa del Lavoro, Stesse Idiozie
Kevin Carson. Originale: Same Shit, Different Labor Day, del 13 settembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. I libertari di destra apologeti del capitalismo usano le festività come pretesto per promuovere le loro teorie. Ogni anno per la Festa del Ringraziamento Reason riesuma l’antistorica bufala di John Stossel sui padri pellegrini, prima costretti alla fame dal…
Same Shit, Different Labor Day
Right-libertarian apologists for capitalism seem to have a thing about using holidays as vehicles for their talking points. Every Thanksgiving, Reason trots out John Stossel’s ahistorical buncombe about how communism almost killed the Pilgrims before private property saved them from starvation (despite my debunking it every year). On Christmas, we get apologetics for Ebenezer Scrooge,…
Negara Bukanlah Sekutu bagi Kelas Pekerja
Oleh: Sheldon Richman. Teks aslinya berjudul The State is No Friend of the Worker. Diterbitkan di The Future of Freedom Foundation, pada September 12, 2014. Lalu diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo & Alvin Born to Burn. Musim pemilu telah dekat, dan kita mendengar janji politik yang membosankan tentang kenaikan upah. Demokrat berjanji untuk…
Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?” read and edited by Tony Dreher. And when I say “free markets,” I am not referring to a society in which the majority of economic functions are organized through money exchange (the “cash nexus”) or business firms. By “free market” I mean only…
If You Can’t Knock Down Left-Libertarianism, Knock Down Straw
Somehow left-libertarianism (or at least my article “What Is Left-Libertarianism?” Center for a Stateless Society, June 15, 2014) has come to the attention of Heather Johnson, a Libertarian candidate for Senate in Minnesota. And not in a good way. “Left-libertarianism,” she says on her Facebook page, “is as much bull***t as right-libertarianism,” because it “violates……
Will Free Markets Recreate Corporate Capitalism?
Some anarchists and socialists argue that, even if markets can theoretically be non-capitalist, and non-capitalist market economies can exist, the dynamics of the market will eventually lead to the restoration of capitalism. The argument used by non-market anarchists and socialists is that, in a competitive market — even a competitive market of widespread distribution of…
Individualism, Collectivism, and Other Murky Labels
Imagine the following person. He believes all individuals should be free to do anything that’s peaceful and therefore favors private property, free global markets, freedom of contract, civil liberties, and all the related ideas that come under the label libertarianism (or liberalism). Obviously he is not a statist. But is he an individualist and a…
The End of [Capitalism]
James R. Otteson. The End of Socialism (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014). Otteson’s book is an eloquent defense of an economic system which maximizes decentralism and autonomy; it’s just not, as he supposes, a defense of capitalism. Likewise, it’s a good critique of centralized planning and top-down authority — but not of “socialism.” Otteson…
A advertência de A Revolução dos Bichos: a desigualdade importa
Recentemente, em um comentário a meu artigo “O caminho libertário para o igualitarismo“, o filósofo libertário Tibor R. Machan citou o livro de George Orwell A Revolução dos Bichos como exemplo do que acontece quando tentamos combater a desigualdade. Para Machan, a desigualdade é um “problema fabricado” e a história de Orwell é um alerta…
The State is No Friend of the Worker
The election season is upon us, and we’re hearing the usual political promises about raising wages. Democrats pledge to raise the minimum wage and assure equal pay for equal work for men and women. Republicans usually oppose those things, but their explanations are typically lame. (“The burden on small business would be increased too much.”)…
The Natural Right of Property: Not to be Confused with Government-created Artificial Rights
Thomas Hodgskin (1787-1869), the English economics writer I discussed previously, is an enigma — until his philosophy is seen in its entirety. He was an editor at The Economist of London from 1846 to 1855, during the period author Scott Gordon called “the high tide of laissez faire, yet he is considered a Ricardian socialist,…
Real Liberalism and the Law of Nature
“Our leaders invent nothing but new taxes, and conquer nothing but the pockets of their subjects.” — Thomas Hodgskin Is government the source of our rights? I fear that today many people would say yes. Not infrequently it is said that the government or the Constitution grants us freedom of speech or press or the…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory