Tag: revolution
For every copy of Karl Hess’s “Property to the People!” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
For every copy of Herbert Spencer’s “The Right to Ignore the State” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Anonymous and the Modern Fight Against Fascism
“And now they’ve sold off all the splints, and contracted out the tourniquets, And if we jump through hoops, then we might just survive.”
If the privilege remains, statist “corrective” action will be the inevitable result.
Kevin Carson: A questão é, como chegaremos lá partindo de onde estamos hoje?
Making the existing system “work better” doesn’t weaken that system, it strengthens that system. … The path of least resistance always leads away from, not toward, freedom.
Gary Chartier: Libertarians ordinarily look at the idea of income and wealth redistribution very skeptically.
Essa exploração parasitária, o estatismo, não é solução para as enfermidades sociais.
Because in a free society, billionaires like Buffett might have to learn to work for a living.
An early debate between the left and right types.
We at C4SS stand in solidarity with Walmart workers, and fully support their Black Friday strike.
Anthony Gregory: They must make their decision: liberal means through liberal ends or conservative means through conservative ends. Dancing in the center divide is bound to get someone killed.
Presented at the Mises Circle in Chicago: “Strategies for Changing Minds Toward Liberty,” 9 April 2011.
In this episode of Speaking On Liberty we have an interview with C4SS Senior Fellow Charles W. Johnson, co-editor of “Markets not Capitalism.”
As pessoas tiveram sua revolução roubada de sob elas por Sachs e os de sua laia.
Carson: The human infrastructure of traditional reporting is a magnificent army. But as Lincoln said to McClellan, “if you’re not planning to do anything with that army, may I borrow it?”
Carson: Em suma a autoridade, longe de ser a solução para a guerra de todos contra todos, é a causa dela. E, ao sê-lo, destrói racionalidade, conhecimento, e cooperação.
Em outras palavras, a única revolução verdadeira é aquela visante a extinguir o Estado.
Knapp: O estado, dizemos, precisa ser destruído, quanto mais cedo melhor. Alguém pode passar o sal, por favor?