Tag: prison
Abolisionis Mingguan: Warisan Lysander Spooner untuk Abad 21
Oleh: Nathan Goodman. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Weekly Abolitionist: Lysander Spooner’s Legacy for the 21st Century.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Pada pekan lalu, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk menghadiri konferensi tahunan Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE). Saya mengikuti banyak presentasi menarik, termasuk pemaparan ed Stringham mengenai anarkisme, presentasi publikasi Abigail Hall…
Hapishanelerin Lağvedilmesi Uygulanabilir Bir Yöntemdir
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale, Nathan Goodman tarafından kaleme alınmış, 26 Temmuz 2013 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Efsa tarafından Türkçe ‘ye çevrilmiştir. Kaliforniya’da mahkumlar korkunç insan hakları ihlallerine karşı mücadele ediyor. Bu yazının yazıldığı zamanlar üçüncü haftasına giren açlık grevine yaklaşık 1,000 mahkum katılmaya devam ediyordu. Grev başladığında 30,000 mahkum yemek yemeyi reddetmişti. Mahkumlar, BM, John McCain…
The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisiones y empresarialidad
Nathan Goodman. Artículo original: The Weekly Abolitionist: Prisons and Entrepreneurship, del 9 de junio de 2016. Traducido al español por Luis Vera Suárez. Los emprendedores, o sea, las personas que están alerta a las oportunidades de obtener beneficios y que actúan para tal fin, existen en todas las sociedades. Pero las oportunidades que toman varían….
Civil Liberties Defense Center Defends Eric King
This week, attorneys with the CLDC successfully defended Eric King, a man whose heart is bigger than the walls it’s being kept in. A poet, yoga instructor, boxer, Nirvana fan, and anarchist, serving a 10-year sentence for a previous conviction, King was accused of allegedly assaulting a federal officer. The details of this case reveal…
Prison Labor: Capitalism Without Markets, Understanding the Economics of Totalitarian Institutions
 View or download a PDF copy of Joseph Parampathu’s C4SS Study here: Prison Labor: Capitalism Without Markets, Understanding the Economics of Totalitarian Institutions Abstract Prison labor remains a paradox in many ways. Simultaneously sparsely studied or recorded, and ubiquitous; derided by labor unions and free workers as unfair competition and lauded by businesses as…
Due Parole da un Detenuto Anarchico
Di Duane Fuller. Originale: Commentary from an Anarchist Prisoner, del 18 gennaio 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Sono un detenuto anarchico e posso confermare quello che si dice spesso, che si può capire molto di una società guardando le sue prigioni. Guardate i suoi dongioni e ci vedrete, in forma concentrata, come in un microcosmo,…
Commentary from An Anarchist Prisoner
As an anarchist prisoner, it has been said many times that one can learn a great deal about society by looking towards its prisons. Look towards its dungeons and there you will see in concentrated and microcosmic form the sickness of the entire system. And today there is something that is particularly revealing about the…
Grupos de Ameaça à Segurança: a Indústria do Crime Organizado
De Sean Swain. Artigo original: Security Threat Groups: The Industry of Gangs, 12 de abril de 2021. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Serpa. Nas prisões de Ohio, quase todo mundo faz parte de uma organização criminosa, quer sejam membros de uma ou não. Se você for um prisioneiro de Ohio e não fizer parte…
Grupos de amenazas a la seguridad: La industria de las pandillas
De Sean Swain. Artículo original: Security Threat Groups: The Industry Of Gangs de 12 de abril 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. En las prisiones de Ohio, casi todo el mundo está en una pandilla, esté o no en una pandilla. Si eres un prisionero de Ohio y no estás en una pandilla, los…
DJC x UMAW Instruments Into Prisons
Incarcerated people are still people. I am appalled that this is not common sense to everyone. Yet the opposite attitude constantly appears both implicitly and explicitly among a disturbing number of both members of the populace and U.S. government policies. From being denied certain kinds of reading materials all the way to being denied genuine…
Minacce alla Sicurezza: L’industria delle bande
Di Sean Swain. Originale: Security Threat Groups: The Industry of Gangs, del 12 aprile 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Dall’originale trasmesso sul Final Straw Radio Show e pubblicato su It’s Going Down. Sostenete Sean Swain contattando i membri del consiglio sulla libertà vigilata e chiedendo la clemenza — link — e/o donate tramite GoFundMe—link. Nelle…
Security Threat Groups: The Industry Of Gangs
In Ohio prisons, pretty much everyone is in a gang whether they’re in a gang or not. If you’re an Ohio prisoner and you’re not in a gang, prison administrators will put you in one. And if there’s no gang for you, they’ll just create a new one. The reason is, it’s a federal bloc…
Contro la Giustizia Penale, IV: Liberi Tutti
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale pubblicato il 7 dicembre 2020 con il titolo Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. IV: Free All Prisoners. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Pubblicato originariamente sul blog Students for Liberty il 6 febbraio 2015 Gli ultimi tre articoli di questa serie riguardavano l’ingiustizia della pena e del diritto penale, e la giustizia di…
Against the Criminal Justice System, Pt. IV: Free All Prisoners
The last three posts of this series have been focused on the injustice of punishment and criminal law, and the justice of a tort-based pure restitution system. Even if punishment itself were legitimate, however, we would still have reason to reject the main form of punishment that exists today.Prisons– especially as they exist in the United States–…
Defense in a Stateless Society
A week before the writing of this article, I wrote another that stated that we should privatize the police. When people hear that, they think of the anarcho-capitalist idea of the same name. The difference between that and mine is monumental. The AnCap idea is to have communities or, more likely, corporations hire a police…
Nessun Cittadino
Abbattere le frontiere, andare oltre lo stato nazione Di Leif J. Originale pubblicato il 12 agosto 2019 con il titolo No Citizens: Abolishing Borders Beyond the Nation-State. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La semplice esistenza delle frontiere rappresenta una delle fondamentali ingiustizie del mondo. Molti lo riconoscono implicitamente, inutile ripetere quello che è stato spiegato da…
No Citizens: Abolishing Borders Beyond the Nation-State
The very existence of borders is one of the founding injustices of this world. Most of us recognize this implicitly, and I won’t spend too much time here trying to argue what’s been clearly argued by generations of anarchists: Borders and citizenship are constitutive elements of the nation-state, and as such must be overturned and…
Don’t Extend Gang Classification, Abolish It
After antifa clashed with right-wing protesters in Berkeley, Mayor Jesse Arreguin argued that California “should classify [Antifa] as a gang.” Later this month, juggalos – fans of the rap group Insane Clown Posse (ICP) – will protest their own federal gang classification in Washington, DC. Gang classification is commonly misunderstood. ICP themselves were originally amused…
Carcere Facile: Vere Cause, Vere Riforme
Di Jason Lee Byas. Originale pubblicato il 4 agosto 2017 con il titolo Locked In: The True Causes of Mass Incarceration and How to Achieve Real Reform. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Tra tutte le funzioni dello stato, il carcere, soprattutto in grandi numeri, è probabilmente una della più brutali, distruttive e disumane. Tra tutte le…
Locked In: The True Causes of Mass Incarceration and How to Achieve Real Reform
Of all the State’s activities, incarceration – especially on a mass-scale – is probably one of the most brutal, disruptive, and inhumane. Of all the state’s activities, the census is probably one of the most… boring. But if we care about the former, we should care about the latter. As it stands, the census counts…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory